Mini0801 custom firmwares

Thank you so much, but i have one problem.
My cam not recognize, I tried with all names.
I deleted all files, put .bin but when I call the update does not recognize
Tips ??
Thank you
Which version are you on at the moment?

Just curiously, Can I use on GPS+External model?

I saw file name it said 2 card. I don't have Internal memory.
Unfortunately this wont work. You'll get a misbehaving device.
Thank you very much.
it says "Invalid download token...." for Renault.
Also a problem with Honda logo. Switches to standby and stops recording a few minutes later. And does not turn off when stop the engine. My Mini has not internal memory. Reason is this?
Thats the reason, yeah. Have you tried this one?

If you want the latest Firmware for your model you could always try to get it from your reseller. And if you get it you can share it :D

Can i use 20131230 NoGPS+NoInternalcard on gps+external?
if i could, will GPS work functionally?
if GPS work. Could you mod with Ford logo + no start up & shutdown sound.

Thank you
GPS wont work on a GPS-disabled firmware. But you could try to contact your reseller to get the latest firmware for your model and share it with us :)
Which version are you on at the moment?

Unfortunately this wont work. You'll get a misbehaving device.

Now 20131230 (no custom firmware)

mini 0801 with internal 8Gb + GPS + External card

I can install over the current version (20131230) or no ?

Thank you
Yes you can, but you need a non-internal memory firmware
Yeah, thats the problem. You should request it from your reseller ;)
A short info after two days.
I have my cam from bought from Givoe - GPS + external and no internal with 20130926 sw.
I opened the cam and internal slot for SD was there. I added 8GB internal card and upgraded to 20131202. Worked fine for both int and ext card.
Now I used the custom version 20131230 (2cards with GPS) and as well everything is fine: gps works, both cards work, no stucking.
A short info after two days.
I have my cam from bought from Givoe - GPS + external and no internal with 20130926 sw.
I opened the cam and internal slot for SD was there. I added 8GB internal card and upgraded to 20131202. Worked fine for both int and ext card.
Now I used the custom version 20131230 (2cards with GPS) and as well everything is fine: gps works, both cards work, no stucking.
Interesting. Can you try to put bigger sd card than 8 GB as internal? For example 32.
Can confirm that, worked for me with 32GB internal, too (tried it using an older firmware)
Yeah, thats the problem. You should request it from your reseller ;)

Thank you @Tobi@s

I'll wait for a new firmware
Going forward will install only firmware custom.

That startup sound continue, patience =(
