Mobius footage - close calls and accidents. Post your videos.

Equally important would be to secure the SD card so it can't fly out if the car were to have a hard impact. That would mean losing the last video clip. Maybe a piece of metal or similar solid material wedged under the tie would help. RC users just tape the card in place but dashcam users most likely need a more solid solution.

I had considered putting the zip-ties over the SD card. While that makes it a pain to remove the card, it would help keep the card in place. It might take a bit of padding to help hold it tight.
I can certainly understand why Bob would want to make sure his Mobius and/or card doesn't go flying off again in the event of another car accident but I've been scratching my head and thinking there must be another way to do this that is easier and faster to deploy and that would solve both the problem of securing the camera in the mounting cradle as well as securing the card in the camera in the event of an impact. Going through my desk this afternoon the answer presented itself. A larger metal binder clip! Basically, all I needed to add to the clip was a "pad" of thick butyl rubber gasket material of the kind that is available at any good plumbing supply house or hardware store. I used three layers of rubber to keep the front heat sink open but one could use just one layer as long as the clip has enough room to stay clear of the tripod mount on the bottom of the cradle when the binder clip is installed all the way forward. Although for the purpose of this photo I haven't yet done it yet, the final thing that would be required is to drill a hole through the back of the binder clip (and the rubber gasket material) to allow for the connection of the miniUSB plug. I suppose another hole might be drilled to make the rear red pilot light LED visible as well. One could "get fancy" and insert a small rod of clear plastic in the hole as "light pipe" for the LED. Of course, this idea could be a challenge because of Bob's large heat sink but I believe this could be worked around. In fact, the metal binder clip seems to act as an enhancement to the built-in heat sink all by itself but this would need some experimentation to see just how well it works. It does get somewhat hot though, so it's acting as a heat sink. Another option might be to attach an extra heat sink of some kind to the clip itself with some thermal compound. Anyway, this is merely a "proof of concept" at this point just to see what the possibilities might be but it adds a lot of of security for the camera in the cradle, won't let the card pop out and can be deployed and removed very quickly.

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After the minor accident, I've been troubled what would happen if I had had a really hard impact? The camera slipped out of the mount with just a minor hit, a major hit could cause the camera to really fly and not save the file. After a lot of thinking of how do I hold the camera in place with an improved mount I realized that the answer was just use Zip-Ties.

I found some 4 inch (100mm) Zip Ties at a local electronics store. The ties are about 1/8 inch wide (3mm) and don't block the USB connection or the memory card. If for some reason I have to take the camera off the mount, I'll have to replace the zip-ties, but given that the ties are so inexpensive, I really don't have to worry about the cost.

Just make up a reusable Velcro strap. Saves having to fiddle around snipping and clipping on cable ties.

:oops: Oops! On second thoughts there isn't much room on the camera to avoid the control buttons and the heat sinks. :eek:
I can certainly understand why Bob would want to make sure his Mobius and/or card doesn't go flying off again in the event of another car accident but I've been scratching my head and thinking there must be another way to do this that is easier and faster to deploy and that would solve both the problem of securing the camera in the mounting cradle as well as securing the card in the camera in the event of an impact. Going through my desk this afternoon the answer presented itself. A larger metal binder clip! Basically, all I needed to add to the clip was a "pad" of thick butyl rubber gasket material of the kind that is available at any good plumbing supply house or hardware store. I used three layers of rubber to keep the front heat sink open but one could use just one layer as long as the clip has enough room to stay clear of the tripod mount on the bottom of the cradle when the binder clip is installed all the way forward. Although for the purpose of this photo, I haven't yet done it yet, the final thing that would be required is to drill a hole through the back of the binder clip (and the rubber gasket material) to allow for the connection of the miniUSB plug. I suppose another hole might be drilled to make the rear red pilot light LED visible as well. Of course, this idea could be a challenge because of Bob's large heat sink but I believe this could be worked around. In fact, the metal binder clip seems to act as an enhancement to the built-in heat sink all by itself but this would need some experimentation to see just how well it works. It does get somewhat hot though, so it's acting as a heat sink. Another option might be to attach an extra heat sink of some kind to the clip itself with some thermal compound. Anyway, this is merely a "proof of concept" at this point just to see what the possibilities might be but it adds a lot of of security for the camera in the cradle, won't let the card pop out and can be deployed and removed very quickly.

View attachment 4814

I like the extra capability it could give to the heat sink but I also love the security of seeing that flashing red light showing it is recording and that my fat fingers pushed the right button.

Also you would have to put a hole in the other side of the rear of the clip to allow the USB power connection.

There must be a simpler way!

Although I still have a firm enough connection to my mounting cradle and can't wait for it to wear in an loosen up a bit. Annoying having to get it out while it is still so firm. (Pun not intended)
I like the extra capability it could give to the heat sink but I also love the security of seeing that flashing red light showing it is recording and that my fat fingers pushed the right button.

Also you would have to put a hole in the other side of the rear of the clip to allow the USB power connection.

There must be a simpler way!

Although I still have a firm enough connection to my mounting cradle and can't wait for it to wear in an loosen up a bit. Annoying having to get it out while it is still so firm. (Pun not intended)

If you had taken the time to actually read my post before commenting you would have seen that I addressed both of the questions you raised in detail. Drilling some holes isn't really a big deal nor is making the red LED visible.
If you had taken the time to actually read my post before commenting you would have seen that I addressed both of the questions you raised in detail. Drilling some holes isn't really a big deal nor is making the red LED visible.

Had you taken the time to have used some paragraphs then maybe I wouldn't have missed it!

Sorry but old eyes on a 14" reflective screen make it a pain to read such long posts without any spacing.

You are right drilling some holes is no big deal but I still think seeing the LED flashing through the thickness of the rubber gasket material may be difficult. More importantly is the clip going to be enough extra support in a major collision? I would say NO.
Had you taken the time to have used some paragraphs then maybe I wouldn't have missed it!

Sorry but old eyes on a 14" reflective screen make it a pain to read such long posts without any spacing.

You are right drilling some holes is no big deal but I still think seeing the LED flashing through the thickness of the rubber gasket material may be difficult. More importantly is the clip going to be enough extra support in a major collision? I would say NO.

So, it's my fault you didn't read the post thoroughly. That's a good one my friend! It sounds from your comments like you still haven't adsorbed and don't quite get everything I said. You apparently don't know what a "light pipe" is.

Nonetheless, sorry you don't like the concept. Maybe go with that reusable Velcro strap idea of yours. For what it's worth no matter how much force I use to try to pull the Mobius out of the binder clip and mounting cradle it will not budge a single millimeter.
So, it's my fault you didn't read the post thoroughly. That's a good one my friend! It sounds from your comments like you still haven't adsorbed and don't quite get everything I said. You apparently don't know what a "light pipe" is.

Nonetheless, sorry you don't like the concept. Maybe go with that reusable Velcro strap idea of yours. For what it's worth no matter how much force I use to try to pull the Mobius out of the binder clip and mounting cradle it will not budge a single millimeter.

I will repeat it again in case you missed the point, "Had you taken the time to have used some paragraphs then maybe I wouldn't have missed it! "

...and no I didn't know what a "Light Pipe" was. Thanks for informing me. Although it seems an overkill. IMO

Read my post again about why the Velcro is not viable.

The whole concept of retaining the camera in position during a major collision is an overkill considering the whole bloody windscreen can pop out taking the suction mount with it.

If you are just worried about loosing the camera itself in a major collision? Then simply thread some nylon fishing line through the camera (Front bottom left) and have the other end looped to say go over the screw (Hangman's noose style) on the suction mount. Thus find the mount or windscreen and you find the darn camera.
This is a ridiculous discussion. If I comment honestly on what I think of your remarks and logic it would just deteriorate further and that's not a place I wish to go. Good luck to you in your endeavors.
This is a ridiculous discussion. If I comment honestly on what I think of your remarks and logic it would just deteriorate further and that's not a place I wish to go. Good luck to you in your endeavors.

So it is bad logic to keep things simple is it? Guess your paper clip enters that realm then!

Sorry you cannot take a mild criticism regarding using some paragraphs in large posts to help make the reading easier for some of us.

Good luck to you also.
I guess it's a forum etiquette thing for the most part, I took the time to read it but can appreciate that paragraphs do make it easier to read, particularly on smaller devices where it ends up looking like a wall of text
The crux of the problem here is hardly the lack of some paragraph spacing.

Or your attitude I presume! You are the one that perceives there is a problem. Get over it and move on. Please.

Oh! Sorry I do have a problem and that is the damn wall of words is a pain to read :p but I will move on. ;)
Indeed, I could probably have been more concientious about structuring the post but it is unfortunate when an attempted discussion of an interesting idea gets waylaid by petty compliants and insulting remarks of a personal nature that do nothing more than generate conflict and destroy the otherwise friendly atmosphere we've enjoyed around here. Fortunately, this sort of behavior has been rare on DCT up until now.
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Indeed, I could probably have been more concientious (CONSCIENTIOUS) about structuring the post but it is unfortunate when an attempted discussion of an interesting idea gets waylaid by petty compliants (COMPLAINTS) and insulting remarks of a personal nature that do nothing more than generate conflict and destroy the otherwise friendly atmosphere we've enjoyed around here. Fortunately, this sort of behavior has been rare on DCT up until now.

Petty complaints! LOL So that is how you see a simple suggestion to make a post easier to read is it? Plus offer some SUGGESTIONS. One that comes to mind is try using a Spell Checker or is that just due to you getting hot under the collar and not checking. Oh so sorry for being a spelling and grammar Nazi! (Again)

I appreciate that you have been around here much longer and assisted many others but get over your self importance when others disagree with you and offers alternatives.

The beers on me if you ever get Down Under.
Petty complaints! LOL So that is how you see a simple suggestion to make a post easier to read is it? Plus offer some SUGGESTIONS. One that comes to mind is try using a Spell Checker or is that just due to you getting hot under the collar and not checking. Oh so sorry for being a spelling and grammar Nazi! (Again)

I appreciate that you have been around here much longer and assisted many others but get over your self importance when others disagree with you and offers alternatives.

The beers on me if you ever get Down Under.

What started out as a lapse of reading comprehension on your part turned into a litany of repetitive petty complaints about paragraphs, misinformed comments and various other slights after I merely pointed out that my initial post had already addressed the questions you raised. And speaking of petty complaints, all of a sudden you now decide to bring up spelling errors. Really? This irrelevant issue is rather unfortunate for a number of obvious reasons, not the least of which are the large number of non-native English speakers on this forum who struggle to master the language and how well we all manage to communicate with one another and get along.

You know, I've debated whether to respond to this latest inappropriate missive here at all because it has become rather apparent that you are an internet troll who would rather engage in self indulgent baiting and taunts that serve only to selfishly destroy what was a very pleasant and congenial atmosphere here at DCT before you showed up. Of course, feeding the trolls is always a mistake and I have no doubt you'll now find reason to make further provocative remarks but ultimately you need to cut this behavior out.
Whoa! Gentlemen, can I very politely suggest that some apologies are made, posts edited and/or deleted, where appropriate, to get this Thread back on track!
Thanking you in anticipation.;)
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After reading Bob's post about the camera coming out of the cradle, my own inquiry to Isoprop about the crash worthiness of the Mobius ( and the ideas posted here. I was thinking of a way to help that would be invisible, unlike a clip or strap.

I am wondering if a simple solution would be a spot of glue/rubber cement to each lug on the top front of the cradle.
This way on the rare occasion that you did have to remove it, you could just slice the joint. This way the outward appearance of the camera would be unchanged.

I still like the tape idea; over time though the tape may mar or remove the finish if removed often. It may also yellow and dry up from the heat. The finish on my cradle is starting to come off from what, I'm not sure. I suspect from dropping it in the car.

Just a thought
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I agree re. using tape. Black electrical tape might be ideal, to hold the Mobius to the cradle and to keep the Micro SD card in place during such an event. Not that I'm planning any practical crash/impact testing!
Looking at some Russian car crash footage on YouTube it is clear that cameras coming off their mounts during an impact is a regular occurrence.
You are a wank sail.

At the risk of a certain person emphasising their outrageous claim of me being an internet troll fuk wit (Read half wit) like you Fatpanda I feel it is not trolling to reply to your stupid comment in the style that you give me!

I came here to get advice on my new Mobious and received great advice but low and behold if one tries to add anything, misses something in a post, disagrees or make a simple suggestion in posting style.

So sorry!


As I don my flameproof suit
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