Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

@wayne- the ribbon cable to the CMOS cannot take abuse and with what you describe, I think that is where your problem is. You can get a new C2 lens/CMOS module from Gearbest for ~$30US. Plug (carefully!) and play, it drops right in.
@RedRise- the above may apply to you too. There were some units where the ribbon cable was kinked and failed; that manufacturing problem has been dealt with but some made it to market.
@Arvydas- try reflashing the firmware, and check that the CMOS plug is properly seated. A hard impact may jostle it loose.

@ ALL of you- be sure to read the top posts of this forum; they walk you through the process and clearly explain how to work with this part without damage, which you will likely do if you don't read those posts!

Hello. Firstly, appologies if this has been covered but I have read through the posts 1-8 and have tried searching the thread for answers but have had no luck. I have been using my mobius as a dashcam without problem for a year or so. Have just taken it down for regular firmware update etc but have found all the latest video files have only recorded audio, no image. Have tried to take still images to see if its a problem with the video mode but again no luck, just a black image. Everything else is spot on and Mobius behaves perfectly. Have updated to latest firmware, formatted the SD card (SanDisk 32GB Class 4), and pressed the reset button but still no joy. Would really appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on the issue. Thanks
[QUOTE="CoFlax, post: 183652, member: 19264] Have just taken it down for regular firmware update etc but have found all the latest video files have only recorded audio, no image. Have tried to take still images to see if its a problem with the video mode but again no luck, just a black image. Everything else is spot on and Mobius behaves perfectly. Have updated to latest firmware, formatted the SD card (SanDisk 32GB Class 4), and pressed the reset button but still no joy. Would really appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on the issue. Thanks[/QUOTE]

After FW update, did you go thru your settings and click "set parameter" when you're done? I think the FW update have changed your settings as "russ331" stated earlier.
Give it a try.
[QUOTE="CoFlax, post: 183652, member: 19264 Have just taken it down for regular firmware update etc but have found all the latest video files have only recorded audio, no image. Have tried to take still images to see if its a problem with the video mode but again no luck, just a black image. Everything else is spot on and Mobius behaves perfectly. Have updated to latest firmware, formatted the SD card (SanDisk 32GB Class 4), and pressed the reset button but still no joy. Would really appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on the issue. Thanks

After FW update, did you go thru your settings and click "set parameter" when you're done? I think the FW update have changed your settings as "russ331" stated earlier.
Give it a try.[/QUOTE]

Thanks russ331 and Bungus. Thanks also for the kind welcome. I noticed the issue before doing the firmware update, as I had initally wanted to save a particular video to my PC and then thought to update. I did the firmware update with the hope of resolving the problem. I did "set parameter" after but there was no suspect change in any of the advanced settings. I removed the CMOS/lens module and re-seated it in case the ribbon cable had slipped but it made no change.
I just got my Mobius sent back to me after warranty repair. There was something wrong with the motherboard so it was replaced and/or fixed.

I then paid to have my B lens replaced with the C2 lens and to purchase the capacitor and keep my original battery as a backup.

However, I've run into the following problems:

1. This is during night driving, but is the video quality supposed to be this poor? I compared it to the video linked in the C2 review thread, and mine seems worse. All settings are stock. Firmware version is latest (2.73, IIRC). I have periods of music and silence in this clip. Lots of pops at the 1min mark before the song starts.
2. Using the same night clip as above, what are the pops that seem to play intermittently? Is it capturing the bass in the songs? Do I have the lens placed too close to the windshield and it's hitting the windshield? Something else? I'm using the Mobius authorized hardwire kit to the car.
3. This is a daytime recording. How can I improve visibility of the actual surroundings and not have the edges warp? What about reducing the amount of car dash that I see on the bottom? Settings are 1080p, 30fps, wide.
First off I want to say that the Mobius is an amazing camera. I'm currently using two Mobius cams and they're simply fantastic.

Anyhow I have a little problem. Since a few month one of my Mobius (V1, standard lens) which I'm using as a dashcam is recording unsharp and it gets worse from month to month.
I think the problem is that my windshields are not very clean, but I haven't had this problems one or two years ago. I had the same ****ty windshield with tons of little dirt and scratches on it but the mobius was filming through and was giving me always good looking videos. Not so now, is there anything I can do? I haven't found something in the settings were I can change the distance or the focusing range.
try adjusting the focus with the little key tool that you received with the mobius.
Thanks for the video, that's a very good explaination how to fix the problem.

Too bad I kind of hard wired the mobius it's hard to move the lense but it's possible. I have to make it blind, that means adjust the lense drive for a while, copy the recorded files from the SD card to the computer and check if it is better :-(
you can do it with your smartphone!
attached the mobius via OTG cable and watch the live webcam mode on your smartphone screen.
after you connect the mobius to the smartphone you need to press the shutter button and then the mobius will go to webcam mode.
Or configure it as a webcam and use your tablet/laptop for a real-time view. Even without a screen, this is a very versatile little cam!

Or configure it as a webcam and use your tablet/laptop for a real-time view. Even without a screen, this is a very versatile little cam!

Thanks but I kind of hard wired my Mobius in a case, so I can't access any of the buttons.

The only possible way now is start recording and watch on the microSD card for the result. But it's kind of stressful to run to my car and start the engine for five minutes that the mobius safes the last clip.

I solved the problem because I could record with a Battery bank and then remove the card, check the footage and so on.
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My mobius is dead.There are no lights.I completely removed the battery and it reads zero volts.If i connect to laptop with no battery there are still no lights.Anything i can do to bring it back to life?
Do you have another way to power the cam? It really needs at least 1A and the industry standard for USB is only 1/2A. If the battery is charged then it works with laptops but if it's dead then often it won't. Put the battery back in, plug it into a known good charger, and leave it for an hour then try to turn it on. It's possible your laptop just can't provide enough amperage to charge the battery; I know mine won't, but my phone charger will.

Thanks Phil i will check that out in the next few days.
Not sure if this is the right place but I'll give it a go - have a question related to a remote starter in my SUV.

Mobius arrived today - it's on charge at the moment & I'll get to playing with it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I was looking at the mounting location in my SUV. This is the one that I plan to use a
suction cup mount to the windshield. I had forgotten about the remote starter in the SUV. It has a receiver
mounted to the windshield directly behind the RVM and just touching the bottom of it. I can very easily
attach the suction cup mount right next to it without any physical problems.

However, I'm wondering if the remote starter receiver would create any problems for the Mobius AND
vice versa - would the Mobius create any problems for the remote starter ??

The remote starter in the SUV is a kind of stand alone in that it has it's own key fob & the receiver.
We have a remote starter in the car as well but it is integrated into the vehicles key fob & there is
no visible receiver. Might that also be problematic ??

Guess I should have thought of these things before-the-fact - - any advice or comment appreciated.

Cheers = Roger