Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Welcome to DCT. Is your Mobius plugged into the 12v accessory socket or into a USB socket in the glovebox? If the latter, then insufficient power to the Mobius may be the problem.

I suggest that you disconnect Mobius from external power, & record some video using it's internal battery. If it successfully records clips, then suspect the external power supply.

Thank you for the swift reply! It is plugged into usb in the glovebox. I'll test using the 12v accessory and the internal battery and get back to you hopefully tonight and if not then tomorrow!
Welcome to DCT. Is your Mobius plugged into the 12v accessory socket (via 12v to 5v adapter) or into a USB socket in the glovebox? If the latter, then insufficient power to the Mobius may be the problem. Mobius requires 5v 1A & is intolerent of inadequate supply.

I suggest that you disconnect Mobius from external power, & record some video using it's internal battery. If it successfully records clips, then suspect the external power supply.

Just tried recording by itself with the internal battery and after about 4-5 minutes it just shut off and when I went to view the recorded file nothing is there. Just an empty folder.

Edit: I should also note, it's at full battery as indicated by three blinks of the red light when I power it on.

Edit2: Almost right at 5 minutes it went solid yellow light and didnt respond to any button presses. I'm guessing if I left it a little longer it would have shut off completely? Not sure on that part.

Forced it off by holding the power button and pressing the power button again after that turned it on with a solid blue light, still unresponsive to any button press after that, had to hold the power to turn it off. Which now made it unresponsive to even the power button so it just sits there bricked. And plugging it into my computer at this point gives a reading "The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it". The green LED is on at least though.

With it unplugged right now none of the buttons do anything, but as soon as I stuck a needle into the reset it operates normally. Also since this time I caught it during the solid yellow phase the recording actually saved and works. (It's 5:01 in length)

All of that happens every time I try to record something ^ Tried to be as thorough as possible explaining what happens and what I do during it.

Edit3!: Changed the loop duration from 5 to 3 minutes just to test some more and it got through three recordings, all 3:01 in duration before stopping and getting stuck on a solid yellow light like before.

All of the tests above are with internal battery to be clear, and it was doing the same thing with the external car usb as well.
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Just tried recording by itself with the internal battery and after about 4-5 minutes it just shut off and when I went to view the recorded file nothing is there. Just an empty folder.

I wouldn't trust the triple blinking LED as evidence of a charged battery. To fully charge the battery, connect one end of the supplied standard USB cable to the camera. Connect the other end to a USB, 5V DC power source (wall charger, phone or tablet charger or external power bank). When the yellow LED turns on, briefly press the Power button to turn the camera OFF. When charging, the green LED will be on, and it will turn off when the battery is fully charged. May take several hours.

I know you tested the card with h2wtest. I assume it was the full test, which takes many hours to complete. Even so, I would try other cards in the camera, as many as you have, to eliminate the card from the suspect list.
Hi everybody
I just bought a Mobius C2 for use as a dashcam and have been testing it using the battery before wiring it into my car.
It's set to loop in 5-minute segments and appears to have recorded the video files OK when I download them to my laptop or desktop computer.
However, when I try to view the videos, some are completely corrupt (hex editor shows data that looks like a FAT table), while others have 3 seconds of scrambled & frozen screen at the start, followed by 5 seconds of perfectly normal video, followed by the rest of the video frozen and scrambled. None of the videos have been viewable in their entirety.
I'm using a Kingston 32GB class 10 card that I purchased online. Is this the source of the problem? Or am I getting interference from GPS and/or DAB radio in the car?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out - and my apologies if this question has already been asked and answered - I did search the forum before posting and could not find anything relevant.

[edit] Interestingly when I tested the camera at home I did not get the frozen video problem - but I did get some of the video files completely corrupt. So I may be looking at two different problems here.
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Could be card problem. Suggest to format card in- camera first. Assume you've done settings with MSetup already and have clicked "Set Perimeters" after configuring.
Could be card problem. Suggest to format card in- camera first. Assume you've done settings with MSetup already and have clicked "Set Perimeters" after configuring.
Yes indeed - formatted in-camera, formatted using sdformatter, set parameters etc. etc. I'm tech minded and don't see anything in particular that I'm doing wrong.
Will probably buy another card over the weekend and see if that works better.
Hi everybody
I just bought a Mobius C2 for use as a dashcam and have been testing it using the battery before wiring it into my car.
It's set to loop in 5-minute segments and appears to have recorded the video files OK when I download them to my laptop or desktop computer.
However, when I try to view the videos, some are completely corrupt (hex editor shows data that looks like a FAT table), while others have 3 seconds of scrambled & frozen screen at the start, followed by 5 seconds of perfectly normal video, followed by the rest of the video frozen and scrambled. None of the videos have been viewable in their entirety.
I'm using a Kingston 32GB class 10 card that I purchased online. Is this the source of the problem? Or am I getting interference from GPS and/or DAB radio in the car?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out - and my apologies if this question has already been asked and answered - I did search the forum before posting and could not find anything relevant.

[edit] Interestingly when I tested the camera at home I did not get the frozen video problem - but I did get some of the video files completely corrupt. So I may be looking at two different problems here.

Read your post carefully and I have suffered this with all of my 5 differing cameras and cards from time to time all on the same day.

my guess is you leave your computer on standby or on and don't shut it down as the cure for mine is always to rap the computer off and boot it up and everything plays great..
Another quick way of checking is to try using it as a normal handheld camera. If everything records fine, then you know it's something about the car's setup that is causing all the trouble.

These are the usual steps I do when I diagnose (order or difficulty)
- Change setup/environment to eliminate some factors
- If using a capacitor, try other cables and/or power source
- Test memory card (h2testw software) and format (mSetup software); use another one of needed
- Check camera configuraton (mSetup);
- Consider swapping power bank, battery and/or capacitor
- Check manual and/or forum for info; ask if necessary

I might have overlooked some items here or the order might not be applicable to you but you get my point. As a lazy person, I do the easiest and quickest way before I go to the more calorie-demanding steps. It's nothing more annoying to find out in the end that you have overlooked an easy fix after all the trouble and stress. I know it's easier said than done as it's different when you're the one having the issues. As I've learned before, when diagnosing, never assume and go through all the steps that the community have offered. Enjoy!
h2testw seems to say the card is OK
Warning: Only 29651 of 29652 MByte tested.
Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verify them again.
Writing speed: 13.2 MByte/s
Reading speed: 21.4 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4
Going to run some videos now at home and see if they record & playback OK
[edit - Everything appears to work normally when recording video in the house, and I can playback full videos from the card whether it's in my laptop or in the Mobius. Now I need to see if it works properly in the car - and if I get the same problems as before then it has to be something about the car environment - GPS, DAB radio, Bluetooth...]
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h2testw seems to say the card is OK

Going to run some videos now at home and see if they record & playback OK
[edit - Everything appears to work normally when recording video in the house, and I can playback full videos from the card whether it's in my laptop or in the Mobius. Now I need to see if it works properly in the car - and if I get the same problems as before then it has to be something about the car environment - GPS, DAB radio, Bluetooth...]

next I'd say look at the power supply in the car
For the moment I'm running off battery - no in-car power.
Zapped card with sdformatter. Tested videos at home, all OK. Tested this evening in car, also all OK - recording and playback both OK.

The only thing I'm doing differently from before is that I'm taking the micro-SD card out of the Mobius, sticking it into the SD card holder, then viewing videos on my laptop. Based on this I have to think my earlier issues were related to how the SD card is read from within the Mobius.

Thanks everyone for your help!
That'll rule out all your anticipated problems you thought you had.:D
I download all new files to my PC and view from it. Not straight from Mobius. Now you can safely play with settings to get your best recording. Have fun.
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Hi @clow I recently bought the same camera as you, I'm getting far better quality than what you posted. Might be something in your settings but I'm not knowledgeable enough to point you to anything specific.
You should definitely try increasing the data rate to maximum.