Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Well, I only have I camera and it takes only a couple of seconds to remove the card, so why not? :D
Besides, I'm a very curious person. ;)

When I was new to dash cams I used to compulsively check the cards all the time. Now, five years later, with four cameras in my vehicle I check footage on a random rotating schedule when there's an urge or a reason. After all, dash cams are really supposed to be "black box" devices.....silent sentinels, there until you need them. Then again, if you feel like checking all the time there's no reason not to.
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Before I knew better I bought a couple of Sandisk 32GB cards. For the most part they've performed quite well but one of them suddenly died, yet I knew right away because the rear red LED pilot light on the Mobius it was in alerted me to the problem.

I no longer use Sandisk cards for any mission critical dash cam purposes.

@Dashmellow, Thanks. That's exactly the confirmation I needed. I look at the blinking red led everytime I look at the rear view mirror. (that's how mine is installed.) Wasn't sure if card failed, red led blinks as normal and nothing is recorded. Now I know. One up on the Mobius.:D
@Dashmellow, Thanks. That's exactly the confirmation I needed. I look at the blinking red led everytime I look at the rear view mirror. (that's how mine is installed.) Wasn't sure if card failed, red led blinks as normal and nothing is recorded. Now I know. One up on the Mobius.:D

Here is the first trouble shooting item from the Mobius manual which matches my experience. When the Sandisk card failed the blinking red LED became solid red and alerted me as soon as I started my vehicle.

Edit: In all fairness to Sandisk, the cards have always worked for me in the Mobius since early firmware versions. The card that failed had many, many hours of use in more than one camera and might have simply failed from old age. Once it failed I was unable to format or repair it. All of my Mobius cameras have worked well with every brand of card I have fed them.
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@Dashmellow, I remember reading that. Thought that refers to a non compatible card. Not one that suddenly fails. While on this subject I'll have to have a spare card in car just in case. Ha ha.
@Dashmellow, I remember reading that. Thought that refers to a non compatible card. Not one that suddenly fails. While on this subject I'll have to have a spare card in car just in case. Ha ha.

I guess once the card failed it was no longer "compatible". :)

I always keep a spare card in my vehicle, either to secure and preserve important footage if the need may arise or in the event of a card failure while out and about.
has anyone ever had weird locked file behaviour? Such as, after a month (I know, long time) I go check my videos, and the ones that I locked are really weird, ones I never locked. And the ones I wanted locked, are not. For example, I locked a video today, when I reviewed it at home, the lock was on the wrong file. Waaaaay off. I have my mobius on 3 minute recordings, so I know it is not an issue with locking the wrong file due to timing (1 video too soon or too late).

anyone else have similar behaviour?
Mobius ActionCam Android app now with direct USB communication
For those people not following the RC Groups there is a new Android app, written by Tomas Chladek, available on Play Store. The latest version uses direct USB communication, is very intuitive and extremely well designed.
Although the program costs a few $ it should work forever so there will be no nasty surprises like there were with the app from a previous author. The program can be used for free for up to an hour after installation for evaluation purposes.
Many more features have been promised, but even in it's current state I would classify it as one of the far better designed Android apps. Definitely worth looking into if you don't have a PC at hand.
Latest information can be found on Tomas' RC Group thread here.
Using mSetup I've just updated my Mobius v2 from firmware version 2.37 to 2.41. Everything seemed to go fine until it got to the final stage where it says it will exit when it finds the camera, but it just stopped there and didn't exit. I waited for some time but in the end decided to restart. Now my cam isn't recognized by mSetup.

Is there any way I can restore v2.37?
Using mSetup I've just updated my Mobius v2 from firmware version 2.37 to 2.41. Everything seemed to go fine until it got to the final stage where it says it will exit when it finds the camera, but it just stopped there and didn't exit. I waited for some time but in the end decided to restart. Now my cam isn't recognized by mSetup.

Is there any way I can restore v2.37?
For some reason the camera couldn't complete the firmware update correctly, maybe a dying/not fully charged battery, problems reading the card, corrupted file, etc.
You'll now have to update the firmware manually. You'll need a card reader, unless your PC has one built in.

  1. Make sure your camera is turned off.
  2. Remove the card from the camera and put it into the card reader.
  3. Connect the card reader to your PC.
  4. When the card is recognized by Windows use SDFormatter to format the card.
  5. Copy the file FWTLCAM.BIN to the empty card.
  6. "Safely Remove" the card/card reader.
  7. Place the card back into the camera.
  8. Connect your camera to your PC or external power - DO NOT press any buttons.
  9. You should see some LED activity for about 30 seconds, but wait 60 seconds to be on the safe side.
  10. The firmware should now be updated.
If your camera is connected to your PC it should now be recognized as an external drive and also by mSetup. If it isn't, then the firmware file may be corrupted. Download a fresh copy from here (bottom of page).
You can update your camera this way to ANY firmware version, but remember that all parameter values will be set to their default values. The date and time will not be lost.

Note: This method is slightly different to the method described in the manual. It should work even if your battery is not fully charged.
Hi guys, I had another instance today of the wrong video being locked.

Here was the scenario:

My cam turns off and on with my car.
I parked somewhere s, turned off my car therefore my recordings stopped. This was recording REC_3139 for example.

I later, got in my car and drove. I locked a video with the middle button, this was recording REC_3140.

Now when I look at the files on my computer, the wrong video is locked. REC_3139 is locked and REC_3140 is not locked at all.

It is my understanding that the mobius locks the current file, plus the one before or after depending on when in the recording you push the button. In any case, the wrong files are sometimes being locked and this is causing me to lose recordings if I do not sync them for awhile.

Any ideas?
Hi guys, I had another instance today of the wrong video being locked.

Here was the scenario:

My cam turns off and on with my car.
I parked somewhere s, turned off my car therefore my recordings stopped. This was recording REC_3139 for example.

I later, got in my car and drove. I locked a video with the middle button, this was recording REC_3140.

Now when I look at the files on my computer, the wrong video is locked. REC_3139 is locked and REC_3140 is not locked at all.

It is my understanding that the mobius locks the current file, plus the one before or after depending on when in the recording you push the button. In any case, the wrong files are sometimes being locked and this is causing me to lose recordings if I do not sync them for awhile.

Any ideas?

not sure who does bug reports, @Isoprop would know, as long as it's something they can replicate they'd be able to look into it and sort it out if the problem can be confirmed
not sure who does bug reports, @Isoprop would know, as long as it's something they can replicate they'd be able to look into it and sort it out if the problem can be confirmed
I usually try and replicate the problem and then report my findings to the developer. However, I would require a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents. It's also a bad time of year and I'm clogged down with work but hopefully will have more time about mid January. I also believe the developer monitors this thread but I know he's very, very busy (Mobius2, among other things), so very much doubt he'll have time to test either.
But, like I said, without a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents there will be no testing whatsoever - the malfunction may be due to a specific parameter setting.
I usually try and replicate the problem and then report my findings to the developer. However, I would require a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents. It's also a bad time of year and I'm clogged down with work but hopefully will have more time about mid January. I also believe the developer monitors this thread but I know he's very, very busy (Mobius2, among other things), so very much doubt he'll have time to test either.
But, like I said, without a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents there will be no testing whatsoever - the malfunction may be due to a specific parameter setting.

I will get the SYSCFG.TXT file. Won't be until after the new year as with the way I installed my cam, I don't plug it in often (it is a PITA to do).
I usually try and replicate the problem and then report my findings to the developer. However, I would require a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents. It's also a bad time of year and I'm clogged down with work but hopefully will have more time about mid January. I also believe the developer monitors this thread but I know he's very, very busy (Mobius2, among other things), so very much doubt he'll have time to test either.
But, like I said, without a copy of the SYSCFG.TXT file or it's contents there will be no testing whatsoever - the malfunction may be due to a specific parameter setting.
Thanks, Isoprop, for replying to my problem of being able to view file numbers of videos on my Mac El Capitan OSX 10.11.2 but not the videos themselves. But I plugged in the video-out cable to the Mobius, then plugged in the cable that I use from the cig-lighter power source to the Mobius, and when I opened the folder the videos appeared on a list. Opened one, then searched for the one I wanted to view, and by then they had disappeared, to be replaced by unopenable file numbers. So as of now I know they are on the camera, don't know whether I have a problem, maybe just have to be quick. And found out inability to eject is a problem with El Capitan. Corrective software is available, m1xed reviews, maybe Apple will fix in an update.
I have technical question. I can't change the mode on the camera. When i press mode button, nothing happens, if i hold it the LED light is steady, and as soon as i let go it goes on flashing. It stays in default mode (Mode 1).
I'm okay with this, but i would like to know why / or how to change the mode.
Thanks, Isoprop, for replying to my problem of being able to view file numbers of videos on my Mac El Capitan OSX 10.11.2 but not the videos themselves. But I plugged in the video-out cable to the Mobius, then plugged in the cable that I use from the cig-lighter power source to the Mobius, and when I opened the folder the videos appeared on a list. Opened one, then searched for the one I wanted to view, and by then they had disappeared, to be replaced by unopenable file numbers. So as of now I know they are on the camera, don't know whether I have a problem, maybe just have to be quick. And found out inability to eject is a problem with El Capitan. Corrective software is available, m1xed reviews, maybe Apple will fix in an update.

Update: Probably did something wrong, can view videos now. Can one edit videos down to allow to emailing only a small portion of the video loop (29 MB is max on my ISP)? And can one digitally zoom on the part of the video you want to send? Does anyone have experience doing that, or software suggestions? Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
Can one edit videos down to allow to emailing only a small portion of the video loop (29 MB is max on my ISP)? And can one digitally zoom on the part of the video you want to send? Does anyone have experience doing that, or software suggestions? Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
As for cutting the videos you can use Registrator Viewer. It's the best there is. (PS: choose Mirror 3 because it's the one that works.)
As for digitally zooming parts of the video, I'm sure someone else will pitch in.