Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first


I have successfully used the original [smaller battery] möbius in my vehicle for nearly a year, but suffered problems in my wife's car.
Welcome to DCT. Solid red LED may indicate a faulty or fake or incompatible or incorrectly formatted MicroSD card. Always worth trying another card, as they're possibly the single most troublesome part of any dashcam of any brand.

I have successfully used the original [smaller battery] möbius in my vehicle for nearly a year, but suffered problems in my wife's car.

Lately, her camera will flash three times to say it's recording then stay solid red.

I've connected to the PC and updated firmware and nothing seems to be a miss.

Similarly, on the drive in this morning and having added a further camera to the rear of my vehicle, mine is now doing the same thing.

Could anyone kindly assist?

Does your current card happen to be a SanDisk? These tend to fail in this manner.
Lately, her camera will flash three times to say it's recording then stay solid red.

Just to clarify, the 3 quick red flashes when starting up are meant to show you the camera's battery level (3 flashes = full charge, 2 flashes = medium charge, 1 flash = low charge), they do not signal that the camera started recording. At least that was my understanding from when I read the owner's manual a while back...
Hello, many thanks for the replies.

After further investigation the rear camera in my vehicle is fine, I'd bent the cable as a result of the positioning and after a little adjustment it's now working fine.

Yes, it is a scandisk memory card.

Oddly though, it appears on my PC and formats fine, but after this resorts to the three flashes [yes, battery, quite right!] and then a solid red.

The scandisk cards in the other two fully functioning cameras show a solid red in the third device.
Hello, many thanks for the replies.

After further investigation the rear camera in my vehicle is fine, I'd bent the cable as a result of the positioning and after a little adjustment it's now working fine.

Yes, it is a scandisk memory card.

Oddly though, it appears on my PC and formats fine, but after this resorts to the three flashes [yes, battery, quite right!] and then a solid red.

The scandisk cards in the other two fully functioning cameras show a solid red in the third device.

SanDisk microSD cards are generally a fine product but they have a history of failing when used in dash cams due the controller in the card. SanDisk has altered their warranty to specifically deny coverage if the card is used in dash cams or similar devices. They can work fine for long periods of time but eventually they will fail. When that happens in the Mobius it will manifest exactly as you describe your issue. That happened for me with a SanDisk card I purchased before I became aware of this problem.
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Sandisk microSD cards are generally a fine product but they have a history of failing when used in dash cams due the controller in the card. SanDisk has altered their warranty to specifically deny coverage if the card is used in dash cams or similar devices. They can work fine for long periods of time but eventually they will fail. When that happens in the Mobius it will manifest exactly as you describe your issue. That happened for me with a SanDisk card I purchased before I became aware of this problem.

Appreciated, but where I'm struggling is the premise that two cards working in two other devices both won't work in the third.
Appreciated, but where I'm struggling is the premise that two cards working in two other devices both won't work in the third.

I understand. I merely suggested this explanation as a possible reason for the problem you were asking about. In any event, as the owner of multiple Sandisk cards, this issue is something you will probably want to be aware of.
I think I'll try another brand.

What do you use, out of interest?
I think I'll try another brand.

What do you use, out of interest?

I can recommend Transcend, Kingston and Samsung. The best prices are on Amazon. Look for the phrase, "Ships from and sold by" to be assured of receiving the genuine article rather than a counterfeit. (Edit: Might be different on Amazon in the UK.)
Unfortunately the Class 4 Kingston 32GB memory card that arrived today still produces the same three flashes, followed by a solid red [back] and blue [top] light.
Another update.

I've tried a couple of older firmware updates and at 1.17 it creates the DCIM folder but doesn't record.

There must be something I'm missing here because the camera is responding to the PC perfectly, and has now had four different memory cards through it, all Class 4, two different brands.
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Good news.

Firmware version 2.33 has resulted in a fully functioning device.

10min edit.

HAHA I spoke too soon, I have three still images on the device and following this it is again showing a solid red.
Good news.

Firmware version 2.33 has resulted in a fully functioning device.

10min edit.

HAHA I spoke too soon, I have three still images on the device and following this it is again showing a solid red.

Try a different cable (and perhaps power source as well) just to see if you get any different results. You did say that, "I'd bent the cable as a result of the positioning and after a little adjustment it's now working fine". Maybe it's not fine?

(If the data wire or certain pins within the cable are shorted or damaged it could be confusing the camera even if it powers up properly.)
I will, but the rear dashcam I'm using that cable with records fine.

The front dashcam in the same car works fine, this 'defective' device is the front camera of the second car.

Most of the tests with this problematic device has been tested using the un-damaged cable in the front of my car, I'm afraid.

I'll play around as you suggest and report back, thanks.
It was just a thought to further your troubleshooting since you mentioned a damaged cable.

Does your camera use a super-capacitor or the original battery? Does it work on battery alone?
It was just a thought to further your troubleshooting since you mentioned a damaged cable.

Does your camera use a super-capacitor or the original battery? Does it work on battery alone?

It is the original battery, and I believe the hardware prior to the release of the larger battery.

Unlike my car, the car this device is used in has a permanently live 12v feed.

I have a cable running to the socket and a 12v adapter which my wife plugs in after she starts the car.

This way, the camera is not constantly on.

We noticed initially that if we fed the unit power prior to starting the car it would stop recording.

I am beginning to think it is either coincidence or just bad luck that this is the second device that has failed in the same car in the last year, although the last failure was not the same as this.

I wonder if trying a working device from my car will give the same results, but in doing so I don't wish to ruin a perfectly good working unit.

My car, obviously, only has a live feed when the ignition is switch on.
It is the original battery, and I believe the hardware prior to the release of the larger battery.

Unlike my car, the car this device is used in has a permanently live 12v feed.

I have a cable running to the socket and a 12v adapter which my wife plugs in after she starts the car.

This way, the camera is not constantly on.

We noticed initially that if we fed the unit power prior to starting the car it would stop recording.

I am beginning to think it is either coincidence or just bad luck that this is the second device that has failed in the same car in the last year, although the last failure was not the same as this.

I wonder if trying a working device from my car will give the same results, but in doing so I don't wish to ruin a perfectly good working unit.

My car, obviously, only has a live feed when the ignition is switch on.

You didn't answer my question, "Does it work on battery alone?" Perhaps you misunderstood what I was saying?

Since the camera has an internal battery rather than the super-capacitor what happens if you try to use the camera when it is not connected in your vehicle with a cable?

Also, to add to @Gabacho's comments, see THIS post from yesterday elsewhere in the Mobius forum.
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The device produces the same results when working from battery power only, specifically...

1. Press and hold power button to start.

2. Blue light briefly flashes.

3. Red light flashes three times [to indicate battery power], then both blue and red flash once [to indicate recording has begun] then both red and blue stay solid.

The process is the same when powered by 12v or powered by battery alone.

I initially had a similar problem with my Mobius. I set the power on delay from immediate to delay in the GUI and it has worked flawlessly since. I found the delay is a couple of seconds, but just enough to work.

I've tried this, thanks, but the effects are still the same.
Small development, not sure if it's relevant but I'll report it all the same.

CAM001 - Front of my vehicle
CAM002 - Rear of my vehicle
CAM003 - Front of my wife's vehicle - this is the camera I'm struggling with.

Earlier today I went to check CA001; all fine.
CAM002 displaying the same problems as cam003, i.e.

Blue light briefly flashes.
Red light flashes three times [to indicate battery power], then both blue and red flash once [to indicate recording has begun] then both red and blue stay solid.

I checked cable and has reported before it had been slightly damaged by poor placement and the movement of the boot.

I adjusted slightly and CAM002 began working fine.

I tested CAM003 in the original position of cam001; no change, solid red/blue.

I tested CAM003 in the original position of cam002; no change, solid red/blue.

It is interesting the CAM002 displayed the same fault as CAM003 until I adjusted the power cable, yet once adjusted, CAM003 would not works whereas CAM002 did.
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