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@MANswers : I am also considering not to buy a Mobius C Lens camera.
I am very happy with the B Lens Mobius running in my car's rear windshield and since I can not longer find a B Lens Camera and the C Lens Camera is having focus problems, I will have to save money for the second camera on my short-list: the Street Guardian X1 camera.
What, there is a small leak and you're abandoning ship? Contact the seller and relax, I'm sure if there is a problem it will be fixed. The Mobius team is the best and fixes come quickly.
Seller is putting up good defensive techniques, wants Chinese postage proof, and video of dashcam lens problem. Since the bag wrapped around the camera had to be ripped and I threw it away.
If its still winter and lens has issues I am afraid to think what will happen when it will be middle of a summer.
What, there is a small leak and you're abandoning ship? Contact the seller and relax, I'm sure if there is a problem it will be fixed. The Mobius team is the best and fixes come quickly.

the team is great, I think it's the seller that's his issue
the team is great, I think it's the seller that's his issue
Why is the seller an issue?
This issue was seen in previous versions aswell. The seller has not designed the Mobius housing or any components of the cam. Why is out of focus due to heating an issue with the cam. It's not just one customers complains. Many more are complaing. Have seen ppl complain on the rcgroup forum aswell.
The software is awesome Isoprop did a fantastic job. But lets face it... The cam is a hack half ass job.
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What, there is a small leak and you're abandoning ship? Contact the seller and relax, I'm sure if there is a problem it will be fixed. The Mobius team is the best and fixes come quickly.

I really don't want to but whats the point? Why be a Guinea pig for a beta test version of cam that's not tested to withstand heat or light? Where did they test it, in Siberia?
The software is awesome Isoprop did a fantastic job. But lets face it... The cam is a hack half ass job.
Are you serious? If you change your tone that easily over one problem that will be fixed, then in all due respect avoid dashcams all together. I have used a bunch and been here a long time and none have been more reliable and more updated than the Mobius. Every company faces issues, including a ton of problems from big companies such as Apple. What you can be confident about is it will be fixed soon. After almost two years on the market, they have proven that.
the devs responsible will surely sort things out, a recent change that maybe hasn't gone as intended (or hoped), a decent seller will work with you, I'm not sure you're dealing with the best seller of the product though
Searching the RC Group, I don't see any mention of the focus changing with heat. Can someone post a link?
Just so everything is clear, I'm not claiming heat focus issues. I haven't run my C lens for more than 20 minutes at a time yet, so don't know if they exist.

My focus issues are that the top half of the image is out of focus compared to the bottom half, and that the sensor is too tight to focus.
Searching the RC Group, I don't see any mention of the focus changing with heat. Can someone post a link?

I don't recall any temperature-related focus issues being posted at RCGroups. Only issues that can usually be resolved by using the supplied tool or by shimming.
I am considering moving out of Mobius. Was a big blunder. This is not acceptable, why would the lens become out of focus due to heating issues? and this is a recurring thing? lol.. truly, u get what you pay for.

You made the right decision in choosing Mobius. But the wrong decision in choosing Mobius C. Not your fault, the C lens problem is only now becoming apparent.

Mobius A & B have never suffered temperature-related focus issues. If I were in your position, I would contact the seller to exchange your C cams for A or B, preferably B.

The developer monitors this thread, & will undoubtedly take action to fix the C lens issue. They've dropped the ball with this lens, however, they have a proven track record of putting things right, unlike some manufacturers of expensive DashCams, e.g. BlackVue.
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I'm also a little disappointed of the C lens, but that's an risk that I assumed and afford. Until now, I never bought novelties (not only regarding Mobius or chinese stuff), I always waited few months for all the bugs to come out. The same principle for updating FW, drivers, MS patches, but there the waiting time is not that big.
Regarding the focus problem I will properly test it this weekend by this scenario:
- park the car in shopping center with close and far scenery
- turn on the AC towards windscreen
- record for few minutes
- turn on the heat towards windscreen
- record for few minutes

The results I think should prove if there are any problems.
not sure your heater is going to have enough impact to make a difference in a short amount of time, parking the car out in the sun for a few hours is a good way to warm things up and consistent with what happens in reality anyway
From my recent experience, all the lens' currently supplied (to me) are the new body.
From Bang Good I ordered a new complete unit with C lens, along with a replacement B lens for a another failed unit. Seperately in UK I also ordered 2 A lens' replacements, they are all the new body. When this change by the developer happened I don't know:(
The current case design (with the light pipe) I have has larger mounting bosses. With this the later lens fits obviously, but the metal body version is not held securely. I have tried using an old lens (B) body in a new style case & find it rattles around so would need packing to stabilise it.

I think you will find all the models use the same body, with different lens' screwed in the front to make them an A,B, or C. The body is now FRP (fibre reinforced plastic?) rather than metal according to this (see the pics near the bottom of page).
I ordered some replacement A's & found they used the newer body..

This sounds like the A and B lens now also have the composite lens body. If the composite body is the problem then all lens types in all new mobius cams will have problems. As the C lens is glass the lens itself can not be the problem.
The current case design (with the light pipe) I have has larger mounting bosses. With this the later lens fits obviously, but the metal body version is not held securely. I have tried using an old lens (B) body in a new style case & find it rattles around so would need packing to stabilise it.
I also put my old B lens in the v3 case that came with a C lens but it's fix in place, doesn't rattle at all. I mentioned this in a post few days ago.

LE: this post was meant for the support thread, i don't know how it end up here...
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is this the new v3 version with B lens holder made from metal that doesnt loose focus?
That is the B lens as it has 116 degrees instead of 131 for the C lens. As to what it is made of metal or plastic????