Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

After waiting so long for the Mobius "C" I ordered from Banggood to arrive that I thought it just might never show up it arrived on Saturday and I've been putting it through its paces.

I haven't been able to determine if it has any heat related focus issues as yet but compared to my other Mobi I was not happy with the apparent mechanical focus of the lens as delivered to me. I decided to do a standard manual focus adjust using the camera in web cam mode on my computer monitor so that I can be satisfied the focus is as sharp as possible before I do any further testing.

Immediately, I ran into the same problem others have reported here that once you loosen the hex set screw and try to turn the lens it just won't hardly budge. It takes quite a lot of force holding the lens between the thumb and the forefinger to twist the lens at all. The best I could determine was that the threads were not stripped or damaged and the set screw was not over-tightened, it's just a pretty tight fit. It seemed I could sort of twist to focus the lens this way but now my hand was in front of the lens so that I couldn't see anything on my monitor to focus on. Hmm, so what to do?

I know.....Pliers!....that's it! No wait, wait!.......that could really do a number on this thing. So after about 15 minutes of rummaging through various drawers, boxes and shelves in my studio, office, workshop, basement and kitchen I finally found exactly what I was looking for. It was the ribbed rubber insert from a handlebar type camera mount. It fit the mouth of the pliers perfectly without modification and it did an excellent job of securely, firmly and safely twisting the Mobius C lens for focusing. You know, it's a funny thing around here, if I dig deep enough I pretty much always come up with that obscure part I'm looking for to continue whatever harebrained scheme I'm into at the moment. This time I couldn't have found a more perfect part for the purpose if I had spent all day searching for the right thing online.

Anyway, the lens threads seem fine BTW and they loosened up a bit as I worked the focus back and forth. So far I am not a big fan of these composite FRP lens mounts but I can report that I am much happier now with the focus on my new Mobius C.

If you try anything like this just remember to be gentle and don't force anything......Well, maybe just a little. ;)

I previously tried a similar method except with some nitrile sheet and all that happened for me was that the lens ring came undone.

Once I get the replacement module installed and verify that the "swarf" isn't an issue I'll try removing the lens ring completely and having another go.
I previously tried a similar method except with some nitrile sheet and all that happened for me was that the lens ring came undone.

Once I get the replacement module installed and verify that the "swarf" isn't an issue I'll try removing the lens ring completely and having another go.

I was definitely worried that twisting the lens with a pair of pliers could damage it but as soon as I made the first gentle twist I could feel the threads turning so I knew I was OK.

My hunch is that swarfing is not the issue here. If it were, I think we would have heard reports by now about fine particles showing up in images after they end up getting deposited on the sensor. I can only speculate but I think the nature of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) causes a lot of friction on the thread surfaces that we don't see on metallic threads. I can only assume the logic for switching to FRP is to save weight compared to metal modules for RC applications but obviously we dashcamers would much prefer metal modules. Actually, weight savings aside, I can't imagine RC users are too pleased either about the difficulty many people are reporting when it comes to focusing the new FRP lenses.
I could verify this with my "Startup Engine" simulator but I would need to know your exact (within a few milliseconds) voltage timings. To obtain these figures you would have to connect a multimeter to your car's USB output, wired in parallel to the Mobius, and then video the display. I'm interested in the figures when the Mobius doesn't start as expected. Depending on the timing a firmware fix may be possible or may not be possible with the current hardware. It would be best to make a 'Y' USB junction taking one pair of wires to a mini USB plug to the Mobius and the other parallel pair of wires to the multimeter. If you have no experience in these types of measurements then don't attempt the mod. You risk destroying your camera if you short some pins or incorrectly connect the camera/multimeter.

Thanks for the in-depth explanation, Isoprop...unfortunately my skills won't translate into what I need to do with the wiring and the multimeter.
Your explanation is the most comprehensible I've seen, potentially help a lot of people. Tomorrow I'll get to buy a USB plug-in mini SD card slot for my MacBook Pro, then I can proceed.
Thanks much.

Just an update which might help you out, have just watched the TechMoan review of the Mobius on Youtube and interestingly, he goes through the whole settings and firmware update process at approx 13.40 mins into the video.

The only thing that has changed since his review is that the Mac version of the MobiusManager software has been released so makes it slightly more user friendly than editing the txt file. Is well worth watching the video whether you are a Windows or Mac user.

Thanks for the in-depth explanation, Isoprop...unfortunately my skills won't translate into what I need to do with the wiring and the multimeter.

Haha, my thoughts exactly, I still have fond memories from many years ago of using a multimeter for the first time on a live light bulb holder to see what would happen, and remember a great big flash of light, picking myself off the floor, and examining the melted the end of the probe... NOT RECOMMENDED :eek:
Haha, my thoughts exactly, I still have fond memories from many years ago of using a multimeter for the first time on a live light bulb holder to see what would happen, and remember a great big flash of light, picking myself off the floor, and examining the melted the end of the probe... NOT RECOMMENDED :eek:

No, No, that's just a normal part of the learning curve. It's called a "flash of insight"! :D
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Haha, my thoughts exactly, I still have fond memories from many years ago of using a multimeter for the first time on a live light bulb holder to see what would happen, and remember a great big flash of light, picking myself off the floor, and examining the melted the end of the probe... NOT RECOMMENDED :eek:

You're not alone. Did the same. 220-240, 50 Hz, VAC gives quite a kick. Learn to respect since.
Guys, I have a strange noise issue with my Mobius. Please see the attached U-tube video which is my first u-tube, so bare with me please. I ran an errand today which took 8- 5 min. clips. Only one clip has noises in the audio which appear to be road surface enhanced. However, all other clips are free of this noise even thought the roads in my town are pretty bad, and full of pot holes, etc. All the roads are like this one or much worse, but only this clip has the noises??

I believe I read that the audio noises can be from the buttons jumping around when going over bumps, but this only has happened a few times to me. I heard this about a month ago on one clip, but not again until today on this one clip. Any thoughts??

Guys, I have a strange noise issue with my Mobius. Please see the attached U-tube video which is my first u-tube, so bare with me please. I ran an errand today which took 8- 5 min. clips. Only one clip has noises in the audio which appear to be road surface enhanced. However, all other clips are free of this noise even thought the roads in my town are pretty bad, and full of pot holes, etc. All the roads are like this one or much worse, but only this clip has the noises??

I believe I read that the audio noises can be from the buttons jumping around when going over bumps, but this only has happened a few times to me. I heard this about a month ago on one clip, but not again until today on this one clip. Any thoughts??

This is definitely a vibration noise. You just need to track down where it's coming from. Usually, such noises are in the mount or the cable. It's a good idea to do a close inspection while tapping on the camera to see if you can elicit the sound. Having owned 4 Mobius cameras I have doubts that the noise is coming from the buttons but it could be something else inside the case such as a loose battery or even a loose PCB.
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Mobius have very good mic. and will pick any sound. I'd check mount and maybe shake unit to see if there's something internal is loose. Maybe eg. battery etc.
I was definitely worried that twisting the lens with a pair of pliers could damage it but as soon as I made the first gentle twist I could feel the threads turning so I knew I was OK.

My hunch is that swarfing is not the issue here. If it were, I think we would have heard reports by now about fine particles showing up in images after they end up getting deposited on the sensor. I can only speculate but I think the nature of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) causes a lot of friction on the thread surfaces that we don't see on metallic threads. I can only assume the logic for switching to FRP is to save weight compared to metal modules for RC applications but obviously we dashcamers would much prefer metal modules. Actually, weight savings aside, I can't imagine RC users are too pleased either about the difficulty many people are reporting when it comes to focusing the new FRP lenses.
Sorry, i wasnt being very clear, the swarf that I'm referring to is in the replacement lens I received, as mentioned in this post
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Sorry, i wasnt being very clear, the swarf that I'm referring to is in the replacement lens I received, as mentioned in this post

Oh, I see. I had forgotten about your lens troubles. The swarf in that case is between the lens elements so it would have to have happened during manufacture. Obviously, I thought you meant that swarf particles from the composite material in the FRP threaded module were the reason for the threads being so tight. Hope you're lens replacement is OK. It should be I think as that sort of thing seems pretty rare in Mobius lenses.
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Oh, I see. I had forgotten about your lens troubles. The swarf in that case is between the lens elements so it would have to have happened during manufacture. Obviously, I thought you meant that swarf particles from the composite material in the FRP threaded module were the reason for the threads being so tight. Hope you're lens replacement is OK. It should be I think as that sort of thing seems pretty rare in Mobius lenses.
The preliminary test looked ok, but I won't know for sure until I get the updated case in a week or two.
You first need to copy the firmware from the Mobius onto the SD card, you do this by holding down the 'Mode' and 'Power' buttons at the same time till you see the LED flash red 3 times which will occur in approx 10 seconds.

View attachment 12987

Switch off the Mobius and eject the card, then place the card in your Mac till the folder is displayed on the desktop. Now open the folder and look for the file FWTLCAM.BIN

Open up the Mobius Manager for the Mac and either drag the file FWTLCAM.BIN across from the open folder to the top of the Mobius Manager screen or select 'Load Config' and select the file from the same folder. At this point it will load the file from your Mobius rather than the default settings as shown below.

View attachment 12988

Make your changes to the settings in the Mobius ActionCam app to suit your country and choices, then click on 'Save Config' and the changes will be saved to the SD card.

Now eject the SD card from your Mac and place back into the Mobius camera. Now whilst the Mobius camera is still switched off press both the 'Mode' button and the 'Power' button till you see the LED flash red three times which lets you know that the updated config file has been uploaded onto the camera. This should take approx 10 seconds.

That's it...

Want to update the firmware on your Mobius to the latest version is much the same as above.

If you want to update the firmware then download the latest version from (as of 19 April 2015) then unzip it on the Desktop by double-clicking on the zip folder to reveal a folder named 'Mobius FW v2.33', opened the folder which revealed two files, one is the release notes in a .txt
You first need to copy the firmware from the Mobius onto the SD card, you do this by holding down the 'Mode' and 'Power' buttons at the same time till you see the LED flash red 3 times which will occur in approx 10 seconds.

I formatted the card, put it in camea, pressed mode and on/off to download camera settings to card (I think), got a FWTLCAM.BIN file, tried to drag it onto MobiusManager v.2 window, it wouldn't take, there is no SYSCFG.TXT file, I put card back into camera, tried to drag FWTLCAM.BIN into MMv.2 again, wouldn't take, the manual tells how to generate a SYSCFG.TXT file, maybe I'll try to do that and drag it into MMv.2 again. Camera now is attached to computer, card in it, rear LED is steady red, I don't know what that means. At one point I had a SYSCFG.TXT file and tried to drag it into MMv.2 window but message said that firmware isn't supported, so I switched to an earlier version of v.2, which is what I am working on now.. If that gives you any clues as to what I need to do or am doing wrong, I'd much appreciate you advic. Thanks again.
View attachment 12987

Switch off the Mobius and eject the card, then place the card in your Mac till the folder is displayed on the desktop. Now open the folder and look for the file FWTLCAM.BIN

Open up the Mobius Manager for the Mac and either drag the file FWTLCAM.BIN across from the open folder to the top of the Mobius Manager screen or select 'Load Config' and select the file from the same folder. At this point it will load the file from your Mobius rather than the default settings as shown below.

View attachment 12988

Make your changes to the settings in the Mobius ActionCam app to suit your country and choices, then click on 'Save Config' and the changes will be saved to the SD card.

Now eject the SD card from your Mac and place back into the Mobius camera. Now whilst the Mobius camera is still switched off press both the 'Mode' button and the 'Power' button till you see the LED flash red three times which lets you know that the updated config file has been uploaded onto the camera. This should take approx 10 seconds.

That's it...

Want to update the firmware on your Mobius to the latest version is much the same as above.

If you want to update the firmware then download the latest version from (as of 19 April 2015) then unzip it on the Desktop by double-clicking on the zip folder to reveal a folder named 'Mobius FW v2.33', opened the folder which revealed two files, one is the release notes in a .txt format which provide instruction on use, and the other file is the important one, namely the FWTLCAM.BIN - leave this folder open on the desktop so that you can drag the FWTLCAM.BIN file out later on.

Have to say it's a pretty easy process but if you've never done it before it can see quite daunting, I'm intending to upload a video onto Youtube to guide new users through this process.

Am a newbie with the Mobius so probably appreciate more how daunting these tasks can seem when actually they are pretty easy.

I'm actually very pleased with the Mobius, it's well built, reliable and the video quality is excellent, plus most of the more knowledgeable guys on here have been fantastic with answering my questions.

format which provide instruction on use, and the other file is the important one, namely the FWTLCAM.BIN - leave this folder open on the desktop so that you can drag the FWTLCAM.BIN file out later on.

I fofmatted the card, tried o drag FWTLCAM.BIN to MobiusManagerv.2 firmware window but it wouldn't take, put he ard back into the camera, tried to drag FWTLCAM.BIN to MMv2 but again it wouldn't take, I have no
Have to say it's a pretty easy process but if you've never done it before it can see quite daunting, I'm intending to upload a video onto Youtube to guide new users through this process.

Am a newbie with the Mobius so probably appreciate more how daunting these tasks can seem when actually they are pretty easy.

I'm actually very pleased with the Mobius, it's well built, reliable and the video quality is excellent, plus most of the more knowledgeable guys on here have been fantastic with answering my questions.

You first need to copy the firmware from the Mobius onto the SD card, you do this by holding down the 'Mode' and 'Power' buttons at the same time till you see the LED flash red 3 times which will occur in approx 10 seconds.

View attachment 12987

Switch off the Mobius and eject the card, then place the card in your Mac till the folder is displayed on the desktop. Now open the folder and look for the file FWTLCAM.BIN

Open up the Mobius Manager for the Mac and either drag the file FWTLCAM.BIN across from the open folder to the top of the Mobius Manager screen or select 'Load Config' and select the file from the same folder. At this point it will load the file from your Mobius rather than the default settings as shown below.

View attachment 12988

Make your changes to the settings in the Mobius ActionCam app to suit your country and choices, then click on 'Save Config' and the changes will be saved to the SD card.

Now eject the SD card from your Mac and place back into the Mobius camera. Now whilst the Mobius camera is still switched off press both the 'Mode' button and the 'Power' button till you see the LED flash red three times which lets you know that the updated config file has been uploaded onto the camera. This should take approx 10 seconds.

That's it...

Want to update the firmware on your Mobius to the latest version is much the same as above.

If you want to update the firmware then download the latest version from (as of 19 April 2015) then unzip it on the Desktop by double-clicking on the zip folder to reveal a folder named 'Mobius FW v2.33', opened the folder which revealed two files, one is the release notes in a .txt format which provide instruction on use, and the other file is the important one, namely the FWTLCAM.BIN - leave this folder open on the desktop so that you can drag the FWTLCAM.BIN file out later on.

Have to say it's a pretty easy process but if you've never done it before it can see quite daunting, I'm intending to upload a video onto Youtube to guide new users through this process.

Am a newbie with the Mobius so probably appreciate more how daunting these tasks can seem when actually they are pretty easy.

I'm actually very pleased with the Mobius, it's well built, reliable and the video quality is excellent, plus most of the more knowledgeable guys on here have been fantastic with answering my questions.

I formatted the card, tried to drag FWTLCAM.BIN to MobiusManagerv.2 bnut it wouldn't take,
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but it does say its a 'help thread' :-)

I have looked at many of the options out there and decided I want to go for the Mobius 'C' as my front facing DashCam so the only question is where to order from. I am based in NW England but I am happy to order from the world wide interweb if a site is recommended.

Many thanks in advance..
This is definitely a vibration noise. You just need to track down where it's coming from. Usually, such noises are in the mount or the cable. It's a good idea to do a close inspection while tapping on the camera to see if you can elicit the sound. Having owned 4 Mobius cameras I have doubts that the noise is coming from the buttons but it could be something else inside the case such as a loose battery or even a loose PCB.

Mobius have very good mic. and will pick any sound. I'd check mount and maybe shake unit to see if there's something internal is loose. Maybe eg. battery etc.

Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think it is my mount as it's very secure, and I don't yet have a cable attached. What I don't understand is there were 8 clips, but only clip #3 has the noises, none before or after? I have had the case open a couple of times, the board is tight, and the battery is secured with double sided foam tape. If I shake the camera next to my ear I hear the clicking noise. With my finger on the buttons, it goes away. The buttons on mine are floating loosely. However, there is still something else moving inside after I stop the buttons from floating. It is probably the battery. I will check it out.

Is there a fix for the floating buttons? What I really don't understand is why the noises are on only on one of 8 clips?
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think it is my mount as it's very secure, and I don't yet have a cable attached. What I don't understand is there were 8 clips, but only clip #3 has the noises, none before or after? I have had the case open a couple of times, the board is tight, and the battery is secured with double sided foam tape. If I shake the camera next to my ear I hear the clicking noise. With my finger on the buttons, it goes away. The buttons on mine are floating loosely. However, there is still something else moving inside after I stop the buttons from floating. It is probably the battery. I will check it out.

Is there a fix for the floating buttons? What I really don't understand is why the noises are on only on one of 8 clips?

I've never heard of loose buttons on a Mobius but anything is possible. The buttons are micro switches that are soldered onto the PCB so they can't "float" and the button covers themselves are rubber. I guess you could try putting a piece of tape over the buttons and see if that helps? It wouldn't be a bad idea to remove the PCB from the case and inspect it to see if there is something on or near the buttons that may be causing the rattle.
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think it is my mount as it's very secure, and I don't yet have a cable attached. What I don't understand is there were 8 clips, but only clip #3 has the noises, none before or after? I have had the case open a couple of times, the board is tight, and the battery is secured with double sided foam tape. If I shake the camera next to my ear I hear the clicking noise. With my finger on the buttons, it goes away. The buttons on mine are floating loosely. However, there is still something else moving inside after I stop the buttons from floating. It is probably the battery. I will check it out.

Is there a fix for the floating buttons? What I really don't understand is why the noises are on only on one of 8 clips?

The buttons and battery wire were vibrating on my camera, but only at certain engine frequencies.

At first I bent the button pad so it was under tension in the case, and it worked for a while, but I ended up using a dab of silastic to hold it in place.

The battery wire was repositioned and will be taped down when I finally install the super cap.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but it does say its a 'help thread' :-)

I have looked at many of the options out there and decided I want to go for the Mobius 'C' as my front facing DashCam so the only question is where to order from. I am based in NW England but I am happy to order from the world wide interweb if a site is recommended.

Many thanks in advance..

Look at page 1 of this thread. Post #2 shows verified vendors for the mobius. with the code "newus" is the cheapest USA price I have found. However, if you have any problems they may not do anything to help after 3 days. Ask about their warranty before ordering. One forum member said they offer none past 3 days. Verify that the mobius is in stock and they will ship it the next day. Sometimes they say they have items in stock but are out of them and weeks pass before they have shipped. is in Massachusetts.

is in New York.

The other USA based sites should be considered also. Who you choose to buy from is up to you.
No worries, am pleased I can help :)

As for your comment about buying a USB plug-in for the SD card slot on your MacBook, you might not have to bother with that purchase because all the micro SD cards that I've purchased have come with a micro SD card adapter which you plug the micro SD card into, then insert that into the SD slot on your Mac as shown below:

And please note I'm using a 128GB card in the Mobius and not the 32GB card that I had to hand when I took the pics, and apologies for the poor quality, my camera battery packed up as I went to take the pics so had to use an old iPhone!

View attachment 13015
View attachment 13016
View attachment 13017

Can you tell me what a steady red light in rear LED means? Does it mean Mini SD is ruined? Mini SD has been erased, formatted with DOS(Fat) (Fat32 wasn't an option). Nothing works, can't load config to card. FYI I don't have SD slot, I have Expansion card slot, so I bought a mini SD USB plug-in. Thanks.