Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Last edited: seel the C2 lens.

Like most other vendors Banggood sells the complete C2 lens module assembly but not the lens by itself. Unfortunately, Banggood often offers Mobius cameras and parts and will sell them to you knowing they don't have the items in stock and may not for weeks or months.
Thanks for all the assistance :) The lens-swap idea was just to test for a lens defect- I know what that G1Wc lens can do when the rest of the world is right. I'll check "BuyMobius", I haven't looked there in ages. I'm aware of the issues with Banggood- I have a few things on order with them right now and no expectations regards when they will arrive. That was a budget decision for me, I have been spending like I was rich lately and that simply had to be gotten back under control.

I had planned the "C2" CMOS/lens upgrade in the future anyway so maybe I'll just move it ahead on my schedule as a way to cover all my bases- no need to mess with the G1Wc this way and the Mobius is still usable in the meantime. That will leave my the old CMOS/lens to play with without worrying about the loss of the cam if I break something. I have some more 'madmax' ideas to try with the Mobius; I am quite impressed with this cam's crazy versatility :cool:

Unfortunately, Banggood often offers Mobius cameras and parts and will sell them to you knowing they don't have the items in stock and may not for weeks or months.

my experience as well, to make things worse they'll even take express shipping payment when they don't have stock
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Has the c2 mobius lens solved the heat related going out of focus problems or is is still to early to tell?
I recently bought a Mobius with the C2 lens from SpyTec and am trying to get it set up. I have a Mac running OS X 10.10.4 and downloaded MobiusManager from the link provided in the initial posts in this thread. I am trying to update the firmware to the latest (which appears to be 2.37 according to the links provided here, which I got from the first few posts). I have done the following steps:

  • Download the file to my desktop
  • Un-zip the file and move the .bin file to the SD card root directory
  • Transfer SD card to Mobius
  • Hold Power button until blue light begins flashing, then let go of Power button
  • Blue light flashes for awhile then turns off
  • Plug Mobius into computer
After these steps the syscfg.txt file still says version 1.2 and I am unable to use MobiusManagerV2 because the firmware is too old.

Can anyone assist on what I'm doing wrong?
I recently bought a Mobius with the C2 lens from SpyTec and am trying to get it set up. I have a Mac running OS X 10.10.4 and downloaded MobiusManager from the link provided in the initial posts in this thread. I am trying to update the firmware to the latest (which appears to be 2.37 according to the links provided here, which I got from the first few posts). I have done the following steps:
  • Download the file to my desktop
  • Un-zip the file and move the .bin file to the SD card root directory
  • Transfer SD card to Mobius
  • Hold Power button until blue light begins flashing, then let go of Power button
  • Blue light flashes for awhile then turns off
  • Plug Mobius into computer
After these steps the syscfg.txt file still says version 1.2 and I am unable to use MobiusManagerV2 because the firmware is too old.

Can anyone assist on what I'm doing wrong?

Delete the SYSCFG.TXT file, it is most likely an old version which shouldn't be on the card anyway, and generate a new one.

  • With the camera disconnected, press and hold the Mode button.
  • Now, press and hold the Power button.
  • Wait a few seconds until the red LED blinks three times and the camera turns off.
  • Release the Mode and Power button.
After you've set the parameters on your Mac use the same button presses as above to read the settings back into the camera. The SYSCFG.TXT file should then be automatically deleted. If it isn't, then you did something wrong and the parameters won't be set. Repeat the process.
On other notes,
- i have a mobius lens A camera, and since i upgraded the firmware to the latest (previously was v 1.3 if i'm not mistaken), the video it records look like it comes from very cheap video camera. was not as sharp as previous firmware, got some noise too..
any clue?

- i recorded the same video from my mobius lens A and lens C with the exact same setting. How is the lens A output file size is significantly bigger than the lens C?


I have to assume the setting between the cameras are different. Check and compare the settings on each and their default start up modes.
On other notes,
- i have a mobius lens A camera, and since i upgraded the firmware to the latest (previously was v 1.3 if i'm not mistaken), the video it records look like it comes from very cheap video camera. was not as sharp as previous firmware, got some noise too..
any clue?

- i recorded the same video from my mobius lens A and lens C with the exact same setting. How is the lens A output file size is significantly bigger than the lens C?


This is very interesting to read about because I'm also using the Mobius A with the latest firmware and though the video quality is very good, is still a little bit soft compared to the razor sharp video footage recorded using a Mini 0806.

I believe that you can reinstall the older Mobius firmware if you wish, link to previous firmware versions is shown below, you will need to scroll down to near the bottom of the page to view the list:

Looks like I might be giving this a try to see if it improves the video quality.
Hi, thanks!
i did the rice thingy for two days, basically buried there :).
but it still doesnt want to be turned on.
the battery still seems to respond to charging and can get full as well. and the power button works for charging too (to turn the yellow led to green)
but the power button (or any button) doesnt seem to work.
how else should i check whether its the motherboard, the battery or the lens that is malfunctioned.
should i be hopeless and get a C2?


That's not good news at all, and I wouldn't hold out too much hope with the bag of rice trick, I had an accident a few years ago involving an iPhone and a glass of water, and though I put the phone in a bag of rice and left it on the radiator for over a week to dry out, when I eventually pulled it out and switched it on it was well and truly dead. I put it on charge and polished it, and have to say it did look very nice and shiny, but the damn thing still wouldn't work! I fixed it by taking it into my local Apple store who replaced it for a new one after hearing my tale of woe ;)
Delete the SYSCFG.TXT file, it is most likely an old version which shouldn't be on the card anyway, and generate a new one.
  • With the camera disconnected, press and hold the Mode button.
  • Now, press and hold the Power button.
  • Wait a few seconds until the red LED blinks three times and the camera turns off.
  • Release the Mode and Power button.
After you've set the parameters on your Mac use the same button presses as above to read the settings back into the camera. The SYSCFG.TXT file should then be automatically deleted. If it isn't, then you did something wrong and the parameters won't be set. Repeat the process.

That's exactly what it was, just didn't download the config back to the card after I updated the firmware. Thanks a ton!!!
yours still 'a little bit soft'. mine is like.. way to soft, bad detail.. i use it mostly for indoor monitoring though, but i dont thinks its an issue because the prev firmware worked just fine (although prev firmware result in ridiculous filesize and it get the mobius heated very quickly)

Sounds like the bit rate was higher in the earlier firmware version than the current version, which is making the processor work harder, and just out of interest, what are the file-sizes for your video files, and what video data rate did you have the mobius set to?

For info the Mobius with A lens I am using with v2.37 (current version) and with video data rate set to HIGH, a 3 minute video file is 415.4MB at a bit rate of 18,204.

The Mini 0806 I am using with Nigel's firmware, a 3 minute video file is 545.5MB at a bit rate of 24,116.

It would be very interesting to know how your figures for the earlier version you were running compare?
Hi all,

I'm trying to find a solution to this problem:

I want to use the camera and hide it in our living room for nanny surveillance.
However, I want to avoid that she spots the USB cable coming out of the flowers :)

So I was thinking to use the camera together with a 6600 mAH external battery pack (used to charge phones etc).

2 questions:
1) Is it correct to say that this would allow the camera to record for 9 ((6600+820)/820) times 120 minutes or 18 hours (more or less of course)? Or is my little knowledge about batteries up for refreshment?
2) Is there a way to set the recording time intervals? e.g. only record between 1 and 3 PM and between 5 and 7 PM? Outside of these intervals, the camera will shut down to save battery.
I know there exist timers for regular power units like these (, but then you'll see the cable going out. Is anyone more creative to find a solution for this? :)

I would be inclined to place it in the gap between the video recorder and the TV, that way you could run the USB cable to the mains supply. If you attach a timer to the plug then when the power is switched on the Mobius would switch on, and when the power goes off the Mobius will power down. I doubt very much that the nanny would notice one more cable coming out of the back of the TV stand. In our house we have the TV, DVD, satellite, video and all manner of new and old power cables round the back of the stand.

You will need to get a fairly large capacity micro SD card (probably 128GB) to be able to record for 18 hours, there is a calculator on this site which can provide you with recording times, link is:

If you intend to go down the external power pack route you will probably need a 20,000 mAH to power it for 18 hours, I don't think 6600 mAH would last long enough. Take a look at the Batteries and Capacitors forum for more info, link is:
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If you attach a timer to the plug then when the power is switched on the Mobius would switch on, and when the power goes off the Mobius will power down.
I am trying my older lens A Mobius in the house. Never thought of that timer solution duh. Thanks for the tip :)
Thanks for your reply.

I agree with your TV area arguments, but that's not where I intend to use the camera unfortunately (I have an IP camera there already, so she knows she's in sight ;-)
Idealy, I want to set it up in the opposite side where there are no power plugs (all glass) and covers the area where the IP camera can't see.

In terms of storage, I wanted to use motion detection so it won't record all the time. As I read that standby time (looking for motion) is almost the same as recording in terms of battery drain, I didn't mention this before. Then it should look for motion between e.g. 1 and 3 PM only.

So there's no possibility to have the power plug timer functionalities, but wireless?

I'll have a read in the batteries topic as well, thanks.
If you only want to record for two hours then you are in luck because if you have recently purchased a Mobius it will be fitted with a larger capacity battery (820 mAH) capable of recording for over two hours. You can also switch off the LED so it doesn't look like it is recording, but then you start to wonder whether it actually is!

I’m not sure how you would be able to set it to record between the hours of 1pm and 3pm if you’re not in the room. Certainly an external power pack would allow you to leave it running in the morning to record on motion detect in the afternoon, though bear in mind that 'motion detect' isn't perfect. And be aware that if the camera is set to loop round it will overwrite the oldest video files, so make sure the SD card is big enough so that this doesn't happen.

Dashmellow might have a few ideas because he's certainly far more knowledgeable in this department.
Hi all,

I'm trying to find a solution to this problem:

I want to use the camera and hide it in our living room for nanny surveillance.
However, I want to avoid that she spots the USB cable coming out of the flowers :)

So I was thinking to use the camera together with a 6600 mAH external battery pack (used to charge phones etc).

2 questions:
1) Is it correct to say that this would allow the camera to record for 9 ((6600+820)/820) times 120 minutes or 18 hours (more or less of course)? Or is my little knowledge about batteries up for refreshment?
2) Is there a way to set the recording time intervals? e.g. only record between 1 and 3 PM and between 5 and 7 PM? Outside of these intervals, the camera will shut down to save battery.
I know there exist timers for regular power units like these (, but then you'll see the cable going out. Is anyone more creative to find a solution for this? :)


You might want to take a look at a thread from member @soundesciple last October who was trying to catch a caregiver who was stealing from his elderly mother. He considered using a covert "Nanny Camera" but wanted to use a Mobius yet had no way to hide it. I suggested placing a Mobius inside another object rather than buy a highly overpriced ready-made stealth camera and with further feedback from a number of members he ended up removing the guts from an old DVD player and hiding a Mobius inside with a battery bank to great effect. He caught the culprit on video!

Using essentially the same battery bank in soundesciple's photos in the thread I've run a Mobius for approximately 20 hours but it could easily have gone longer. (camera has a super-capacitor) Of course, you could just as easily run the Mobius with a timer on an AC powered USB charger connected to a timer but of course, you'd have to deal with the wire.

In any event, check out the thread and the photos and perhaps it will provide some inspiration and a solution to your problem.

Thread can be found HERE.

@soundesciple's solution and photos HERE.
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Thanks for the feedback!

I will probably end up using the tips above (hide it into a common object), but just for my own curiosity: is there really no technical solution for my original issue (timing when to record video)?
Unfortunately I don't have a very technical background, so I can't figure it out myself, but I mean we live in 2015 and there's no possibility to do this? :)

Just curious if there is a solution ;-)