Mobius Telephoto Dashcam

Definitely not the same product.

Don't know the quality of any of these products but yes, some very cheap filters can indeed be pretty bad and can destroy the performance of the high quality lens they are mounted to.
That's looking good, but I notice that the parked cars you're passing do not appear as clear as the cars following you at a more-or-less steady distance. Not motion blur at least as I have seen that, but perhaps the focusing needs a tiny adjustment? It's still a winner regardless.
Could be the weather, was focused carefully and I rechecked after tightening the locking ring. Image quality looks similar to the 8mm, 8 IMO looks better, mostly due to the additional zoom.
I was surprised to see a calf in the middle of the road and a cow right next to several parked cars.
I was surprised to see a calf in the middle of the road and a cow right next to several parked cars.

They're everywhere and have been seeing a lot more of them lately. A nuisance to say the least, honking has no effect, they just stand there in the middle of the road.

Had one blocking my way a few days back and almost 30 seconds of honking didn't make any difference whatsoever. As the traffic was piling up a biker squeezed through and shooed the animal to one side. I see one sitting and grazing in our back lane everyday, come evening the owner arrives on a scooter and ties the leash to the scooter and the poor thing can be seen trying to keep up to speed. Pity those who pay for milk from such cows, they eat trash all day.
I agree with Sawmaster the DOF looks quite shallow. When you look at the vehicles in the picture, it's sharp close up it drops off very rapidly. Mabe time for a re-tune using Dashmallows DOF tutorial?

As for the cars at the side of the road (1 min 13 secs - Overcast), it's probably the shutter speed / frame rate. Even close in the plates are unreadable. The only difference between the plates of the cars behind and the plates at the side of the road is the curve of the road relative to the static parked vehicles is causing more lateral movement across the sensor frame to frame, so higher risk of blur. The cars directly behind following have very little lateral movement - hence why their sharpness is maintained better.

You can see something similar when the car turns the corner just before this section around a tight bend. It's really quite blurry to the side despite the slow speed, and not just car plates, but people and the picture overall. My guess would be the overcast conditions have forced a slow shutter speed.
Maybe the shutter speed curve could be adjusted through firmware hacking? Most everything else can be adjusted with Mobius.

Swapped the 5° angled wedge with a 10° wedge and refocused the 6mm

Still looks the same. DOF as pointed out is much shallower than the 8mm I had on before this. The 12mm is on a different level.
Just wondering if this might be a lens quality issue? Still pretty good though.

Just wondering if this might be a lens quality issue? Still pretty good though.


I tried the 8mm in the front, 12 performs way better. And the 8mm looks better than the 6 (though only tested in the rear), I think it's down to the zoom. Probably gotten used to seeing a much more zoomed version than what the 6mm provides.
The 12mm looks very good! And it seems to offer greater depth of field than the 8mm or the 6mm. (Might need to revisit the 8 & the 6 but that's my impression watching this last video.)
The 12mm looks very good! And it seems to offer greater depth of field than the 8mm or the 6mm. (Might need to revisit the 8 & the 6 but that's my impression watching this last video.)

You nailed it in one sentence:cool:! The 12mm has been the way to go since these conversations started, from the way I see it. I hope the 12mm that Harsh ordered is not just a good example because I ordered one from the same company 2 weeks ago. When I queried one of the sellers some time ago on who made good lenses she came back with the name of Fulekan, she didn't sell lenses by the way, so maybe the company seller is a good company.

This in no way means I have given up on the varifocal 6-22, the 12mm Fulekan is just to see for myself. Good grief I'm turning into a camera nut!
I tried the 8mm in the front, 12 performs way better. And the 8mm looks better than the 6 (though only tested in the rear), I think it's down to the zoom. Probably gotten used to seeing a much more zoomed version than what the 6mm provides.

I forget exactly where or when I said it, but not too long ago I mentioned that I thought 12mm was the optimal focal length for an ancillary telephoto dash cam. You seem to be confirming that.....and while I was composing this post, @Lola seems to agree too!
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