Mobius Varifocal Zoom IR

Did you use motion detection, or record continuously? Was the flying blue jay a still photo or a video frame?

Recording was continuous. All the stills are video frame captures. There would be no practical way to take still photos as I would have to stand there with the camera to do so and the birds wouldn't come near the feeder. I also doubt very much that I could time the shutter manually to capture birds in flight like that.
Recording was continuous. All the stills are video frame captures. There would be no practical way to take still photos as I would have to stand there with the camera to do so and the birds wouldn't come near the feeder. I also doubt very much that I could time the shutter manually to capture birds in flight like that.
I assumed that was the case. You started by saying "Recently, I've been doing some experiments with close-up video and still photography" which made me wonder if you were taking still photos of the birds.
I assumed that was the case. You started by saying "Recently, I've been doing some experiments with close-up video and still photography" which made me wonder if you were taking still photos of the birds.

Thirty still photos per second I guess. My thinking is that a video frame is a single image not unlike shooting in burst mode or high speed continuous mode with a DSLR.
wow. even a light reflector...Great Job~
If you record it continuously, how come image doesn't deteriorate like mine...
I recall your issue is related to continuous recording in the dark, and the IQ changing as the camera gets hot?

This is a completely different situation, recording outside with good light, and in fresh air so it's never going to overheat. With a suitable power supply, the Mobius can record like this for hours with no problems.
I recall your issue is related to continuous recording in the dark, and the IQ changing as the camera gets hot?

This is a completely different situation, recording outside with good light, and in fresh air so it's never going to overheat. With a suitable power supply, the Mobius can record like this for hours with no problems.

This wasn't even just "fresh air", it was generally 0º Celsius or below, so the camera was literally operating in freezing conditions. And yes, the Mobius can record all day continuously with no issues even in warm and even fairly hot environments.
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Found the 'Visbella" UV Cement mentioned in post #172 also on sale for those outside USA at bangood
Only 6$
Found the 'Visbella" UV Cement mentioned in post #172 also on sale for those outside USA at bangood
Only 6$

That's an excellent price! When I provided the Amazon link the Visbella UV cement was 12 dollars but it has since gone up to $14 USD.
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@Dashmellow That is amazing photography with the Varifocal lens. I like your shots with it so much I ordered another one from Treeye a while back and received it yesterday with a cut IR filter installed. Their are definitely different companies making this lens, from the outside it is way better then the first one I got from Banggood, thought you might want to know:):cool:.

By the way, I hope you aren't going to get the storm that is coming into the east right now (March 20, 11:57am) calling for 12" snow, (70*F here yesterday), very strange wintero_O:eek:!
@Dashmellow That is amazing photography with the Varifocal lens. I like your shots with it so much I ordered another one from Treeye a while back and received it yesterday with a cut IR filter installed. Their are definitely different companies making this lens, from the outside it is way better then the first one I got from Banggood, thought you might want to know:):cool:.

By the way, I hope you aren't going to get the storm that is coming into the east right now (March 20, 11:57am) calling for 12" snow, (70*F here yesterday), very strange wintero_O:eek:!

Thanks Lola!

Yeah, you raise a good question about these Varifocal lenses. There seem to be many on the market that look nearly identical so it's hard to know if they are from different manufacturers or are of different qualities. This one I bought from Banggood last July has been superb. If I bought another one I think I would buy from Treeye as they seem to be a good, reliable vendor to deal with offering quality merchandise. Treeye has two different lisitings for two different looking 2.8-12mm ƒ/1.4 varifocal lenses and I don't know if there is any difference between them. If you do order from them it might be a good idea to ask.

I've considered purchasing their 5 Megapixel 6-22mm ƒ/1.6 varifocal lens to experiment with. I'll certainly report my results if I do. For shooting wildlife videos a longer telephoto like that could be very useful.

Thankfully, that storm you mention looks like it's going to miss northern New England, thank God! Three Nor'easters in two weeks was already more than enough. In the meantime we are back in the deep freeze even though Spring has just arrived. It was down around 7º Fahrenheit last night! :eek: But maple sugaring season is underway here and it's supposed to get up to the mid 30's today so a lot of guys are thrilled to have such cold nighttime temperatures because it makes for a good sap run. :)
@Lola, I just re-read your post again and see you already ordered from Treeye. Sorry about that. I think whichever lens you received should be fine. They may even be the same lens with different labels since they are the same price with the same specs.
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Thanks Lola!

Yeah, you raise a good question about these Varifocal lenses. There seem to be many on the market that look nearly identical so it's hard to know if they are from different manufacturers or are of different qualities. This one I bought from Banggood last July has been superb. If I bought another one I think I would buy from Treeye as they seem to be a good, reliable vendor to deal with offering quality merchandise. Treeye has two different lisitings for two different looking 2.8-12mm ƒ/1.4 varifocal lenses and I don't know if there is any difference between them. If you do order from them it might be a good idea to ask.

I've considered purchasing their 5 Megapixel 6-22mm ƒ/1.6 varifocal lens to experiment with. I'll certainly report my results if I do. For shooting wildlife videos a longer telephoto like that could be very useful.

Thankfully, that storm you mention looks like it's going to miss northern New England, thank God! Three Nor'easters in two weeks was already more than enough. In the meantime we are back in the deep freeze even though Spring has just arrived. It was down around 7º Fahrenheit last night! :eek: But maple sugaring season is underway here and it's supposed to get up to the mid 30's today so a lot of guys are thrilled to have such cold nighttime temperatures because it makes for a good sap run. :)

Hi Dashmellow, yes I know about Treeye offering 2 models of the same 3MP 2.8 to 12mm IR HD, one with a red lettering the other with a white label, both having the same specs. I got the one with the red lettering, only because it was the one used with electric filter changer on those models, my logic being it must be the best since it was in the upgraded model, stupid I know but the only difference that made possible reasoning. Bottom line is that they are probably all the same, LOL!
The one you referred to 5MP 6-22 is a new release model for more then it should be, I expect/think the price will drop on that in a couple months if you can wait.

I'm glad the storm missed you, it's still snowing here, I've got about 12 inches (20*F) and it's really coming down currently (March 21, 10:55am).
Hi Dashmellow, yes I know about Treeye offering 2 models of the same 3MP 2.8 to 12mm IR HD, one with a red lettering the other with a white label, both having the same specs. I got the one with the red lettering, only because it was the one used with electric filter changer on those models, my logic being it must be the best since it was in the upgraded model, stupid I know but the only difference that made possible reasoning. Bottom line is that they are probably all the same, LOL!
The one you referred to 5MP 6-22 is a new release model for more then it should be, I expect/think the price will drop on that in a couple months if you can wait.

I'm glad the storm missed you, it's still snowing here, I've got about 12 inches (20*F) and it's really coming down currently (March 21, 10:55am).

It's funny, the logic we all use sometimes when making purchase decisions like this, especially from vendors in China, but I'll bet both lenses are the same. As far as the solenoid operated filter switch or electric focus or zooming, the lenses are still the same too. I've mentioned previously that over the last year I've torn down some older CCTV cameras and what I found inside was very interesting. The lenses look almost exactly like the Varifocal featured in this thread or the ones we see on Treeye and even have the same kind of labels on them which nobody buying a CCTV camera would ever see. They are just very securely mounted inside the cameras and controled by geared mechanisms that attach where the silver focus and zoom shafts would be on the manual lenses.

I probably will wait to order the 6-22mm zoom anyway, so hopefully the price will come down. I'm also considering their fixed focal length 35mm and 50mm Starlight lenses as an alternative. Those lenses may be better for the kind of wildlife observations we have in mind.

Yeah, I'm glad the storm missed us too! I just got the bill from my my plow guy! We've all had just about enough of winter at this point! :arghh:
from someone that has no idea about what that would cost, what does it cost and how many times per year might you need it done on average?

It all depends on various factors such as the length of your driveway, the size and characteristics of your parking area and your particular requirements. For example, my house is fairly close to the road whereas a friend of mine has a driveway that is a quarter of a mile long. I have a four wheel drive truck with beefy tires so I don't necessarily always need my snow plow guy to show up unless there is more than three or four inches of snow and I have a good understanding with him about when to show up and when not to bother. Depends on the conditions. Having said all this it costs me 45 dollars for a plowing job every time it snows enough to do it, so we're talking several hundred dollars or more per season, maybe 400 bucks give or take with maybe ten major storms per season of up to a foot or more of snow.

Sometimes there's no need to plow. In mid February we got whacked with a foot of snow just before an odd warm spell when it went all the way up to 63 degrees Fahenheit a few days later. I got a 7 AM text from my plow guy on a Sunday morning that said, "I say, let it melt!". He obviously didn't want to get out of bed either :smuggrin:....and most of it melted away until we got hit again with 16 inches of snow a week later and then again....and then again a week after that!. I just heard we're expecting about 2 inches of new snow by morning. No big deal, thankfully.
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that adds up pretty quickly

That it does. As lovely as it can be here in New England, the elements here can be quite a challenge. Much of this winter my driveway and everywhere else around my house was sheer ice and I had to wear crampons just to get out to my truck or go out for the morning paper or make a trip to the mailbox. I also spend a lot of time and energy spreading sand. Then I spent a lot of time and energy shoveling snow off the roof of my house, barn and out buildings with a special snow rake that has a 32 foot reach. If you don't do this regularly and it keeps on snowing you risk damage to your house and buildings if the snow gets too deep. This has been one of the coldest winters in recent memory and a lot of time and energy was spent carrying firewood and tending the woodstove. In fact, I just got back to my computer after start a fire for the evening. I let the oil heat keep the house warm while I was away for the day.
That it does. .

not just the personal cost which is not cheap, I take it the government keeping the roads clear must have significant cost that would have to end up as a shared cost to everyone out of the state budget from the taxes you pay