Next version of Mobius?

Some things on your wish list have already existed on the current Mobius for quite some time such as infinitely adjustable times lapse options and a wide choice of frame rates. (1080p x 60fps will be forthcoming in the Mobius 2)

jokiin, ah ok.

Yeah that would be nice, I guess my only concern at this moment, if you go down to the bare minimum upgrade
is a new chip and doing 1080p 60fps plus digital image stabilization. Even the better cheap chipsets can do that
now, and the cheap price of the mobius is so nice, this makes it a perfect permanent installed dashcam.

I feel it is about time the mobius gets a upgrade, even if it is just minor things to keep the price down, a little
bit of tweaking here and there. No need to change a winning concept, if it is not broken do not fix it.
Great would be a one button mode switch, e.g. for turning motion detection on and off with one button press.
Based on what I have seen on product updates over the years , Mobius II would most probably be worse. Sure, I hope otherwise. Changing the winning team is a hysterical mistake which characterizes contemporary consumer culture. The stupid notion that new is a synonym for better have led to many disasterous product updates. It ultimately and certainly is going to lead to a total disaster which we for now call ecological collapse. Why not invest on longevity? I'm not an action cam user. Nor anyone on this forum. I want longevity. I'd like a sturdy, fire and forget device over any feature upgrades. What the hell am I going to do with 60fps? A better resolution might be useful, why waste valuable resources on 60fps? Why not an improvement on low light? Why not better SD card compatibility? Why not a brighter LED with the same plastic case? Why not an even smaller suction mount with better suction material? Why not honing the old model to perfection instead of a new venture? Why not Mobius D or E model instead of Mobius II? It's just like cars. Once in a while a manufacturer approaches perfection, keeps it like 6 years, throws it away and does a redesign from ground up to meet "demand", goes over all new-model bugs and illnesses over again, does minor overhauls and facelifts here and there, yet restarts again in a few years! Just update the emissions and move on for God's sake, what's wrong with you? Why are everyone so hungry for "new"? What is wrong with with people to not get satisfied with anything, ever? I once dreamt of being an industrial designer. Well, thank God I didn't become one. I realized it's one of the stupidest professions on the face of the planet. Just my two cents. :)
Well the world works by ppl buying stuff, so to make sure they are motivated to buy somthing new before what they allready have break down they come up with new stuff.
For TV this is a multitude of things like UHD - 4 K - HDR - shear size and what not, myself i pass and is pretty happy with my 5 year old 42" 1080p LG television.
I am allso pretty happy with my several years old and cheap HTC phone, only bother i once in a while have is its a windows phone, så things like app support is lacking.
I do look forward to the day when i dont have to carry a phone around, but for mow i have to due to my old parents, but as soon as they are gone so is my need for carrying a phone in the pocket.

I am stunned about the prices they sell a B&O television for, and i am stunned over the ppl that buy fancy sports cars in Denmark fully knowing in most other countries they could get 2 simmilar cars for the same ammount of money the pay for one car here.

If i am not mistaking and we humans do keep on thisrock i am sure the ppl of the future will course our generations and what we have done for so little gain.
I am pretty happy myself i have not put any kids into this world and not least country.
civic, yes and no.

I do want a new and better mobius, but for me, it is more of minor tweaks, and not new product. And having 60fps and higher
resolution are nice things, but for me, they can skip that. The thing is technology is moving forward and consumerism keeps
the world turning, I do not like it that much but it is what it is.

The nice thing with a new version of mobius is that we would get more options, and better technology for free, as a new
chip will bring lots of new features for the same price they once had to pay for using the (now) old chips. There is no
big need to change a lot of things, the old product was nice and worked fine, at least according to others.
But they will have to move over to a new product in the end, reason is the old chips will reach "end of life" and they
will not be able to get the any more. That is how products, research, development works. I would like to keep listening
to FM radio, but I bet that in 40 years time that will be a thing of the past. Just as black and white television is no more.


I am hoping at least we will get 1080p 60fps but that is almost a given, any modern chip can do that. 4k is not something
we need and I think it will be to expensive for the product the mobius is. We can hope for 2k 30fps, or something like
that, but it all depends on what chip they will use, as this is out of the hands of the manufacturers of the mobius as
they do not make the chips them selves.

In the end, it comes down to price, at the very least, we will get the same product with 1080p 60fps and new chips
should need less power, so perhaps better battery life. We will have to wait for the announcement and then we will
know what the specifications are etc.
... What the hell am I going to do with 60fps? A better resolution might be useful, why waste valuable resources on 60fps? Why not an improvement on low light? Why not better SD card compatibility? Why not a brighter LED with the same plastic case? Why not an even smaller suction mount with better suction material? Why not honing the old model to perfection instead of a new venture? ...

I hope you won't mind, but it's been something I've been thinking about for some time, so I generated a new thread with a poll. Others, please vote and add your comments.
Has there been even any guesses as to when the new Mobius 2 might be coming out? Just looking for ball park here not specific dates but wondered if they were far enough along to say this year even.

I've not yet owned a Mobius but I want one and figure I might as well wait on the new hotness if we are even remotely close.
Someday I'd love to see a 4K dashcam. I know it won't be the next version of the Mobius, but I can always dream that the version AFTER the next version would be it. The only problem with the higher resolution is that the image sensor has to be a bit larger to make up for the extra sharpness required and smaller pixels. The 1920x108 is equal to a 2MP camera, which is good, but unless the other car is very close, you have trouble reading the license plate. The 4K cameras are 4x the resolution, 8MP, allowing the distance to be doubled.
Someday I'd love to see a 4K dashcam. I know it won't be the next version of the Mobius, but I can always dream that the version AFTER the next version would be it. The only problem with the higher resolution is that the image sensor has to be a bit larger to make up for the extra sharpness required and smaller pixels. The 1920x108 is equal to a 2MP camera, which is good, but unless the other car is very close, you have trouble reading the license plate. The 4K cameras are 4x the resolution, 8MP, allowing the distance to be doubled.

I'm rather surprised Bob, that as someone who doesn't believe 60fps has any value in capturing vital dash cam footage detail, you now express a desire for a 4K camera.
As someone who deals with lots of cameras, in the security camera world, 4k that works at night will be difficult at best. I normally install and run 3mp cameras, 2mp cameras are better at night and the newer 4 and 5mp cameras from the same vendor are actually horrible at night. They barely work sitting still, with great lighting. They are great during the day but night time they fall apart. I have tested a 10mp camera and it was useless really and totally disappointing.

When my shutter speed is set to 1/30th and the camera is sitting still and card moving by at 10mph are hard to see, streaky and grainy then there is really no chance at all mounted to my dash driving down the road. Another thing would be stream size and actually recording it for hours on end. Stream size is HUGE for 4k video, I would say were are several years off from affordable dashcam 4k but I would be fine if I was totally wrong!

I'm glad to see the Mobius 2 is getting close, I personally can't wait for 60fps recording and will be happy to get one of these once they are available. Thanks for the info and updates here on this cam.
Look forward to see how it performs on an action camera, before the chipset is mainly used for security camera.
I'm rather surprised Bob, that as someone who doesn't believe 60fps has any value in capturing vital dash cam footage detail, you now express a desire for a 4K camera.

30P vs 60P is a resolution of time. If I look at the footage of accident videos posted on YouTube, you can drop the frame rate down to 15P and still get a clear idea of what happened. Now if a car flipped over, 60P or better yet 120P would give a really cool slow motion of it happening. However the bottom line is that as far as a video for the insurance company or courts, I just don't see 60P as that critical. I want to point out that in full sunlight, the shutter speed of the CMOS sensor is very short, maybe around 1/1000 of a second (give or take), so the sharpness of each frame is still there. At night, longer exposures are required to capture the light, so night video isn't as good.

Now as for 4K vs 1080P, most of the time the accident videos don't matter as to the resolution. Even lowly standard definition shows exactly what happened. It's only a hit and run where having the detail of the license plate pays off OR I capture an event in the distance that the extra detail pays off.
BobDiaz, yeah, 60 fps is not that big of deal really, 30 fps will do fine, but still nice to have the 60fps option, and having the ability to switch over to that
if or when you need it. But for normal every day recording of video, 30fps is fine. One thing that will make a difference is if the image sensor and
megapixel count goes up, that will improve the 30fps video a lot more than the 60fps option, it mostly just make the video more smooth but it will
not bring the picture any more sharpness.

It would be so nice if the mobius2 had a 1 inch sensor and was a bit larger, would make a huge difference to picture quality and low light performance
plus the cost of these larger sensors should have gone down a lot by now, same thing with the chips that to 1080p 60fps. More or less standard
now for most products.

But the mobius2 or M2 will probably not have that much new stuff or design, it is probably more or a hardware update, some fixes here and there, but for the most part unchanged. That is my guess, but it would have been nice to get some minor tweaks and mostly the option for addon connectors on the IC-board it self. So if you needed to feed external sound you could do that. Or grab a clean HDMI signal and so on. Having these options there is nice, even if you have to customize or get extra cables etc for it. Without the connectors on the IC-board it self that will not be possible.

Or they could have two versions, one that is standard, and one that is a more custom version where you have all the extras there, so you can customize is for whatever you need.

Who knows, we will have to wait, I do hope it gets releases before 2017
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I also dream of a dashcam with the larger sensors like M4/3 or even APS-C. (If I'm going to dream, dream big!!!) I'm sure the cost will be high, but the low light performance should be amazing.
well a RTR Dslr with APS-C is cheaper here than a gopro 4 black, so in the grand scheme of things i dont think that sensor is that expensive on its own.
The problen seem to be support in chipsets as usioal.
I wouldent mind a dashcam with a Dslr style lens on it as i have plenty of room in front of my RVM, and i wouldent mind a action camera with a larger than 12 mm lens on it, C-mount or somthing like that.