Next version of Mobius?

I know a guy who will just have to look from the sidelines ;) its not cuz he want to, but thats just the way things is for him.

Anyways if it is jawdropping then i am sure he can find ways to acquire one.
I know another one! :)

Five and a half years after purchasing my first dash cam I've concluded over the last 6 - 8 months that I would not buy another camera unless it can do 1080p/60 fps, minimum. As a hard core Mobius guy who believes the brand offers the absolute best value for money/image quality/reliability/stealth/versatility and firmware development support compared with anything else on the market, it comes as no surprise that that next camera will also be a Mobius.

All dash cams should be able to operate at 60 fps, full HD resolution!
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I think 1080p60 is preferable to the 2k, 4k etc for general dashcam use, low light will still drop down to 1080p30 but the improved daytime results are still worth it

I agree. One day 2k/4k will become practical and commonplace but for now properly executed 1080p/60fps should be all anyone needs. In my book 60 fps will be a great leap forward.
I agree. One day 2k/4k will become practical and commonplace but for now properly executed 1080p/60fps should be all anyone needs. In my book 60 fps will be a great leap forward.

for our purposes I think we need to see a bigger improvement in low light performance for 4k to be worthwhile, it will still get trumped by 1080p due to pixel size, technology is ever changing so just a matter of time I guess
for our purposes I think we need to see a bigger improvement in low light performance for 4k to be worthwhile, it will still get trumped by 1080p due to pixel size, technology is ever changing so just a matter of time I guess

Only a few short years ago who could imagine that we might have diminutive dash cams and actions cams like a Mobius or Street Guardian that would have the resolutions and performance that they can achieve. A few short years from now they will seem obsolete.

I remember when I first became aware of dash cams and 720p was a big deal.
Something I was thinking about the other day which might be useful on the new Mobius...a simple remote on/off function, press a button on a little device the Mobius switches on and starts recording press again it stops recording and switches off.

This of course would all be configured within the set-up program.
Five and a half years after purchasing my first dash cam I've concluded over the last 6 - 8 months that I would not buy another camera unless it can do 1080p/60 fps, minimum.
For me the next step should be bigger CMOS.

For me the next step should be bigger CMOS.


Yes, that would be good too! Anything that improves image quality without adding any unnecessary bells and whistles or increases the size of the camera too much would be welcome.
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If they made it so the sensor bord could be rotated 90 degrees i think even more ppl would be happy, this of course necessitate that they stick to the flexible connection between sensor bord and the main PCB
Hi guys, i plan to buy a dashcam/action cam for this summer for my motorbike, i heavily consider Mobius. Should i wait for Mobius 2 or just buy Mobius C2?
Hi guys, i plan to buy a dashcam/action cam for this summer for my motorbike, i heavily consider Mobius. Should i wait for Mobius 2 or just buy Mobius C2?

It's always tough to decide on buying now vs waiting for the next thing.

If it's for your motorbike, also check out the BulletHD Biker Mate / Biker Pro options
Hi guys, i plan to buy a dashcam/action cam for this summer for my motorbike, i heavily consider Mobius. Should i wait for Mobius 2 or just buy Mobius C2?

The Mobius C2 is an excellent camera for a modest price and nobody knows when the Mobius 2 will come to market.

If you can afford it, why not buy a Mobius C2 now and then a Mobius 2 when it comes out? Mount the Mobius 2 on the front of your bike and move the C2 to the rear.
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I can probably put it in my car then as a dashcam, or dad's. I won't wait then, thanks for suggestions :)
I too am wondering what is going on with the next mobius. Why not start a post here so that the people working on a new mobius could ask us what we want.
I have been thinking about getting one but have not done so due to some features that are lacking and is a must for me now, so I am looking at other options.

Forget 4k and everything else people are wanting, it would make the device to complicated, expensive and deviate from what the mobius is
Cheap, reliable, small size and great picture quality

My thoughts on some upgrades that could make it into the Mobius2 without to much problems or increase in price:

1. Upgrade to a newer chip, that can do 1080p 60,50,30,25 fps and with fixed bitrates to choose from, 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 and
the reason is that in the past it was not possible to record with variable bitrate, but when you edit and re-encode a file you can
do it with variable bitrate. I have seen new chips that supports this variable birate recording or I might be wrong. Great if it
could do h256 (HEVC) to have that as a option but I thing these chips are probably to expensive and h264 is working just fine.

3. Support for up to 128Mb micro-SD cards. Larger cards lasts longer as it takes a longer time to continuously overwriting the
data that is stored on the card.

4. Groves in the casing and lens housing so you can move it to fixed 90, 180 and 270 degree position, this is use full for
people wanting to side mount the mobius, for whatever reason or if you are using it upside down. Not all sensors (or chip)
have the option to flip the image you get from it. Besides rotating a image 90 degrees is something you have to do by moving
the lens housing, not supported by any chip. At least not to my knowledge.

5. In order to get that function to rotate the lens the connector should be moved back and there should be a 2inch (or something
like that) cable loop inside the unit. There is a lens with extension cable for the mobius you can buy if you want to mount the
lens outside the case or some custom thing, that is the thing I am thinking about as being standard in the this revised version.

6. Add connectors to the IC-board so you can customize and hookup (if needed) connectors for HDMI-out, microphone input, headphone
output. Or at least in some smart way get access to that and buying adapter cables or something that gets you these options if you need them
for whatever your use is. Not expensive to have these options, just like you can remove the current image sensor from the board with that little
connector that is used in the mobius, or battery for that matter.

7. More LED light colors to give more indication of what is going on.

8. Two built in microphones instead of one for stereo sound, they should be high quality to. Option to select external audio instead
of using internal microphones.

9. Digital image stabilization, this is something in use by the SJ5000, M10 and Gitup2, this is a must now in any camera. It
improves the video quality a lot and in real time. Removes some shaking and so on.

10. Fixed selection of bitrates for encoding of the sound.

11. More selections of timelaps photografy, all the way up to every 10min 30min 60min

12. I think there is but not sure but I hate fisheye lens, or the ones who have wide FOV, I like the regular standard one, of course with image stabilization there will be some cropping of the image.

I think that is all.

As of now, I am looking at getting the Gitup2 it is more expensive but it has the things I am looking for.


In short.

The only real things the current mobius needs in a updated version, or revisions are

1. New better chip, that supports 1080p 60fps, maximum bitrate of about 40-50 (novatek chip or something)
2. High quality built in microphone and a larger hole to let in more sound.
3. Digital image stabilization
4. Support 128Gb Micro-SD (FAT32 works fine)
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jokiin, ok.

Well I guess some of the changes can be made to the current product, a new chip probably needs the most work, but
that is the only way you will get digital image stabilization. I say that if my "short list" is possible without to much increase
in the price it would sell well and most would be happy with that.