Next version of Mobius?

I'd say they need formatting every 5 cycles or so. For some, 5 cycles might be in a couple of days. There should be a sticky on this formatting issue......
i'm formatting my cards only every several months, last time i formatted the card was more than 6 months ago.
you don't need to format daily of weekly.
Formatting involves another read/write cycle of the card, and a card's lifespan is measured in these cycles. Not formatting can lead to recording errors so it's a trade-off but I think the balance tips toward formatting to maintain reliability. My Mobius is so reliable that I've not been formatting much- every 6-8 weeks seems to be enough. However I've been leaving it on 24/7 a lot lately so I'm going to buy a new card to compensate for the extra wear and tear, then save the old card for a spare if something goes bad with the new one. Nothing is truly "set and forget"; everything needs to be checked for proper operation occasionally.

Any further information on the next version of the Mobius?

Good question. I've been wondering about this as well. Considering past history, the Mobius developer plays his cards pretty close to the vest. Guess they won't be taking any "pre-orders" either. :D
Next will come the "Accepting package from delivery person" review. I'm already getting nauseous thinking about that :confused: Who could give a rat's behind what the box does? It's what is inside of it and how it's used that counts :p

Next will come the "Accepting package from delivery person" review. I'm already getting nauseous thinking about that :confused: Who could give a rat's behind what the box does? It's what is inside of it and how it's used that counts :p


half the Mobius sellers don't even include a box, must be frustrating for the lame unboxing review crowd
Next will come the "Accepting package from delivery person" review. I'm already getting nauseous thinking about that :confused: Who could give a rat's behind what the box does? It's what is inside of it and how it's used that counts :p


Sorry buddy they've even gone past that!
The Mobius has its merits........ The JooVoo X steps up a few levels for sure.

Stand still long enough.........
Next will come the "Accepting package from delivery person" review. I'm already getting nauseous thinking about that :confused: Who could give a rat's behind what the box does? It's what is inside of it and how it's used that counts :p

Such a big deal is made of how nice the box is! Strangely, there is never a mount included for the box to hang the damn thing from the window. Unboxing reviews are simply lame, and you are right, we will be filming the delivery guy next :(
Any updates for the new Mobius? I know there probably aren't but I can still ask. ;)
I'm at the point of finally replacing my Mini0803. I really like the Mobius cameras and want to wait for the new Mobius but might jump to the JooVoo X if it's not here soon.
I make "door stops" if you need a fancy one :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

All said "In the best possible taste":D:D
Any updates for the new Mobius? I know there probably aren't but I can still ask. ;)
I'm at the point of finally replacing my Mini0803. I really like the Mobius cameras and want to wait for the new Mobius but might jump to the JooVoo X if it's not here soon.

I've been thinking the same thing, sort of. I guess we just have to be patient and wait.

Waiting for a new camera that you're really interested in can be like watching a big pot of water boil. Somehow though, I like the way Mobius goes about doing their thing when compared with any other developer. So using the JooVuu-X as but one example, the X may or may not prove to be an amazing camera but the fact of the matter is that we will all just have to wait and see how that goes over the next few months. Time will tell. In the meantime, we've all been subjected to an enormous amount of promotional hype, performance and operational claims, pre-sales, delays, last minute price raises, a future "road map" and what amounts to a lot of as yet unproven promises that we've been hearing for months. I hope it's all true!.....yet somehow, the whole thing has the feel of a Kickstarter project but without any of the early adopter incentives. Me? I've decided to wait and see how it all pans out before plunking down my money.

Mobius takes a different approach. They released their original camera and all their subsequent improvements, new lens modules and firmware updates, etc., when they deemed them to be ready, saying nothing in advance, letting the camera speak for and promote itself on its merits after it hit the marketplace. No hype, no advertising, no elaborate web site, no fancy packaging; just the camera and a few key accessories. Obviously, that is also their approach with the forthcoming Mobius 2. Maybe that is why the Mobius has what amounts to a cult following and I for one look forward to continuing as a disciple. Anticipation can be a sweet thing.
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Tom Frank's post @ RC Groups as of Jan 14, 2016 with minor updates in red.

With 1080p-60fps action cameras starting to show up in the marketplace, the developer has agreed to a brief status update on the M2 development here. So here's what I can tell you:

1. The M2 will obviously be capable of 1080p-60 fps as well as 720p-120 fps. Other resolutions have not been determined yet, but the M2 is NOT chasing the 2K/4K market, so don't expect it. The goal is superior image quality at the resolutions and frame rates mentioned above.

2. Other goals are improved low light ability and better dynamic range. The imaging hardware in the M2 will be different from the Mobius of necessity, but no details on specs are being released other than it will NOT use an Ambarella DSP chip for many reasons I won't go into. I expect improvements will be more incremental than earth shattering. Improved sound capture hardware has also been incorporated.

3. The M2 design has been refined for about a 30% decrease in power consumption compared to other 1080p-60fps action cameras on the market. This means the battery size can be smaller and still give good recording times with diminished heat problems. The result is a form factor that is similar to and very close in size/weight to the Mobius, with three buttons controlling functions moved to one side of the case.

4. Needless to say excellent image quality in the Mobius tradition can be expected. Some functions will be added in stages via FW updates as they did with the original Mobius, but from what I've seen in the prototype cameras, the initial FW at release time looks like it will have a rich set of the more important basic user functions.

5. No release date or cost information is being given. If I have any further information on this, I will post it here, so asking for an update before then won't yield any new information

6. The M2 will give the user a choice of using h.264 (a.k.a. AVC) or the new h.265 (a.k.a. HEVC) video codec. So what, some may ask? This new codec will be the de facto standard for HD content in short order, replacing h.264, because it has the ability to produce video with a similar quality to h.264 compression with nominally 1/2 the data rate. For M2 users, the main benefits from this I see are:
  • Files can be 1/2 as large, essentially doubling the recording time you can save on a given memory card, or cutting in half the capacity of the memory card you may need.
  • The camera will be able to write the streaming video output to the memory card faster with less power consumption.
  • Files for a given recording can be read off the memory card and transferred to external storage about twice as fast.

Of course, your video player and editing software will need to be able to decode the h.265 content (and also encode with that codec if you want to do heavy editing while keeping the small file size). Already the latest WMP and MPC-HC (free and recommended) players can play most h.265 (a.k.a. HEVC) videos. The popular VLC player can play some HEVC content, but stutters badly with the M2 videos. And there are downloadable filters for earlier Window video software that allow processing of HEVC content. Video editors (even some commercial ones) have some catching up to do to support HEVC editing. The latest WMM handles HEVC input files nicely. The latest AviDemux free open source editor has incorporated an HEVC codec for encoding output, but it does not currently decode HEVC input filse for editing for some strange reason. This is leading edge stuff, and will take a little time to be widely incorporated, but the M2 will be ready for it.

If you want to see what the HEVC codec can do with one of your h.264 encoded Mobius videos, download the free Handbrake video converter and re-encode your original with h.265 output codec set for an average data rate 1/2 of it's native data rate! I cannot tell any visual difference when I did this, other than the file size dropped from 366 MB down to 180MB! Rather amazing if you ask me!