
when referring to all glass they are referring to the lens elements (not the sensor), some lenses use a combination of glass and plastic lens elements
when referring to all glass they are referring to the lens elements (not the sensor), some lenses use a combination of glass and plastic lens elements

OK, thanks for the info!
There is also a big difference that most don’t seem to consider. Most if not all of this cameras.. automatically turn off when they get to hot. But as far as I know. Only the BV900 is sending the notification to users. So while the others are probably turning off too. The users are unaware of this. Unless they go through the footage to check for missing footage time.
I realized this when I was using the F800.. and sometimes my only parking option was facing the full 90 degree sun. And when I went to the truck and started driving. The camera kept restarting.. until I manually turned it off and back on.. when I checked the video. There ware chunks of footage missing. At the time I didn’t bother to check how long or how often exactly.
I don’t live somewhere where it gets nearly as hot but wouldn’t a good enough solution be an aluminium foil windscreen shield, inside or outside, with a hole just large enough so that it doesn’t block the lens or cause any vignetting? I use such a shield inside on by windscreen and plan to cut such a hole once I get a dashcam. If this would solve the problem (and as a bonus it could make the dashcam less conspicuous) it could make my decision whether to get the 900s much easier.
Philipz, A standard car shade like this, will reflect heat and can fit over the mirror but behind the dashcam without modification, I have a similar one albeit not for that purpose (just to keep the car cooler):

The only thing that might help a good amount would be the 3M clear ceramic film. But at least around me.. is 250 bucks... I might still do it.. but not yet.
The only thing that might help a good amount would be the 3M clear ceramic film. But at least around me.. is 250 bucks... I might still do it.. but not yet.

you might not like it if you do, have found that film to not be great when it gets hot, not something you can see but it does impact the recordings
that type will reflect heat back into the camera

That’s similar to the type I have. It goes between the windscreen and the mirror (or on the windscreen if installed on the outside) so I guess it should be possible to install the dashcam so that I can use the shield between windscreen and camera and only have a small hole for the camera lens. That way most of the heat would be reflected away from the camera.
you might not like it if you do, have found that film to not be great when it gets hot, not something you can see but it does impact the recordings

Yeah.. that’s what I was wonderin
you might not like it if you do, have found that film to not be great when it gets hot, not something you can see but it does impact the recordings

Yeah. I was wondering how it would affect the field of view of the dash cam. Supposedly the film will filter out most of the heat that comes from the windshield.. but I was warned that if I use glasses or contacts.. I would see or notice brighter/bigger halos at night with the outside lights... so I thought it might also affect the camera lens not only at night but also in day time driving.
I’m still researching it.. So we’ll see.. when I feel like dropping 250 bucks .... lol
it won't change the filed of view, we have found that it is not 100% optically stable though, as it gets hotter you'll find your image will soften
it won't change the filed of view, we have found that it is not 100% optically stable though, as it gets hotter you'll find your image will soften

That should be ok.. if it keeps the heat out.. for the cam to continue working. In reality I just need it to be on.. and catch the plate of some one hits my truck. Don’t really need 100 % sharp image. Just enough to see the plates. Better than having the camera off because is overheating.
That should be ok.. if it keeps the heat out.. for the cam to continue working. In reality I just need it to be on.. and catch the plate of some one hits my truck. Don’t really need 100 % sharp image. Just enough to see the plates. Better than having the camera off because is overheating.

have seen some tests on different films and most just slow down how long it takes to get hot, they still end up at almost identical temps, that can still be beneficial but the difference is not huge
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have seen some tests on different films and most just slow down how long it takes to get hot, they still end up and almost identical temps, that can still be beneficial but the difference is not huge


Window film is pretty much all marketing BS. I like having tinted windows for privacy and aesthetics, but they do little to actually keep your interior cool.

Vehicles are basically ovens, and the heat comes in through ALL areas, not just windows. A huge amount of heat comes in through the metal roofs of vehicles.

Window film marketers use heat lamp box tests and similar gimmicks to show how many BTUs/heat/etc, that their film rejects. They NEVER talk about all of the other ways your car gets hot.

I have Toyota high solar energy absorbing (HSEA) glass & Madico WINCOS film, and my vehicle was literally 180F on the inside today. I tested this with a digital thermometer. The outside temperature was 92F at the time. FYI my vehicle was in direct sunlight.
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that type will reflect heat back into the camera

Only for the portion directly behind the camera although I couldn't comment on how hot it gets between the shield and the screen. Can't say I notice any difference when I remove mine as they're not tight fitting anyway. That said, if you believe it's going to be an issue, just cut a square hole in front of the camera - personally I'd use a large square hole as cutting a pinhole is ok, but it then means you're going to have to precisely align it every time you use it, and if the shield slips a little, you'll record nothing but the back of the shield.
I did have a customer that melted a camera once using one of those

Yeah I'm not saying it's not possible. Just that it isn't a parabolic reflector so it's not concentrating all the heat into the area of the camera. If someone lives in a hot climate and is worried then the answer is definitely to mount it behind the shield. However, personally I think cutting a lens sized hole would be a mistake as most of these simply rest on the dashboard and so are never in the same place twice making alignment nigh on impossible. Even one with suckers could be difficult to align, and then if a sucker dries out and lets go, the view is again blocked.
Personally I think the sun shields that are commonly used help a lot. At least I feel the difference when I forget to use it at work if I end up having to park facing the sun.
I no longer use it since I started using the dash cams. They just make it worse for the cam.
My whole point is. If a sunshield can make that much difference in the overall temp inside the vehicle. And a film can do the same or near the same. I think it would help with the cams temp. Since is not lining behind the cam like a regular sunshield does.. been held by the mirror.
I've been using my friend's 750S for the past week and there have been zero shutdowns due to overheating. It was in the parking area and weather as when I used the 900S and where the 900S shut down every 2-3 hours. Night time parking recording is literally night and day as well. The only downside is that its a pretty big picture quality difference between 1080p and 4k.
I've been using my friend's 750S for the past week and there have been zero shutdowns due to overheating. It was in the parking area and weather as when I used the 900S and where the 900S shut down every 2-3 hours. Night time parking recording is literally night and day as well. The only downside is that its a pretty big picture quality difference between 1080p and 4k.

I don’t really appreciate the 4K difference they advertise. Yes the picture looks prettier... lol..
But when you need to get into detail.. there isn’t really that much difference.. I don’t even think the images are 4K.. my tv doesn’t think so. 4K at night or in the dark is no good. But a software update could enhance the night time recording. Even if it meant doing it without the 4K...
but than again.... is a numbers thing....