
yes I understand that, at the same resolutions the DR750S is going to give better results as they are the native resolution of the sensors it uses, so it's not the equivalent, the DR750S would be superior
The point I was trying to make (saracastically) is that the 900 is a waste of money. I think we are on the same page here.
The point I was trying to make (saracastically) is that the 900 is a waste of money. I think we are on the same page here.

yeah unfortunately it's one of those products that get released so the company can have bragging rights, 4K dual, first to market etc etc, being first at something doesn't always pay dividends
yeah unfortunately it's one of those products that get released so the company can have bragging rights, 4K dual, first to market etc etc, being first at something doesn't always pay dividends
Agreed 100%
yeah unfortunately it's one of those products that get released so the company can have bragging rights, 4K dual, first to market etc etc, being first at something doesn't always pay dividends

It's paying dividends for BlackVue.
Update - I changed back to 264 still with max resolution and zero overheating issues. Not ideal but way way better than before. Vehicle was outside for 6 hours on a day when temp reached 100 F.

I did the same and not having overheating issues. Got to 102F here in South Texas.
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Nice fuel economy on that truck.. :eek:
For those experiencing persistent thermal/shutdown issues, even after switching to H.264/ Endurance type SD card w frequent formatting/ Time Lapse Parking Mode/ etc, have you tried removing the housing end cap (WiFi LED end)?

The DR900S's housing does not appear to be particularly well ventilated, especially with the miniscule vent holes on the dorsal/ventral housing surface. Not the most cosmetically ideal of solutions (then again, only you the driver may notice it), but removing the WiFi end cap piece creates a larger rectangular vent at the end approx 2cm x 1.5cm, while still preserving motion/touch sensor and WiFi LED functions. While shaking my housing vigorously sans end cap, no contents spill out, but I do appreciate a rattle, which I will remedy with some acoustic foam. I just recvd my DR900S, and will leave the end cap off as thermal shutdown prophylaxis.

Video below is instructive on both end cap removal, and rattle resolution:

In addition, for those running the cam in a parked car under severe sun without overlying protection from sun shades/visors/tints, perhaps some heat reflective tape such as what we use on the race track - silver Aerolite Plus - may help. This is shown to be superior to the more common "gold" foil tape:
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Ah.. no. With as much money as I put into the thing. I’ve gone as far as I will. And that was giving the company a little time to fix the issue. And it seems like they have.
With 100F and some times above temps.. the cam has been behaving so far.
Ah.. no. With as much money as I put into the thing. I’ve gone as far as I will. And that was giving the company a little time to fix the issue. And it seems like they have.
With 100F and some times above temps.. the cam has been behaving so far.

Happy for you.

Others may not be so lucky.
Ah.. no. With as much money as I put into the thing. I’ve gone as far as I will. And that was giving the company a little time to fix the issue. And it seems like they have.
With 100F and some times above temps.. the cam has been behaving so far.

And just to confirm you're solution is to set the resolution to FHD 60 / FHD 30, H.264 and not using 4K?
Why wouldn’t they?... is a brand new camera..
They do have the choise of returning or exchanging it.
I had my complains about the 900 2ch cam.. and here in this group.. I said they would fix it. ... some one replied... yeah.. with a new model. ... well... they have fixed it. ...
when you buy this new.. you have 2 options..
trust the brand... or return it.
Same thing happened with my 2017 Toyota Tacoma... guess what?.... they fixed it.
Blackvue has done... just that.
And just to confirm you're solution is to set the resolution to FHD 60 / FHD 30, H.264 and not using 4K?

... no. Actually I’ve been using 4K... with 264. For a few days.. weeks.. I don’t know.. lol. And had no problems. I believe yesterday I changed it to 265. .. but I doubt is going to get as hot as it did.. we’ll just have to wait till next summer. But at least for now. Is running on the setting that it was made to be running on. And with the new parking lapse thing... this cam is it.
... no. Actually I’ve been using 4K... with 264. For a few days.. weeks.. I don’t know.. lol. And had no problems. I believe yesterday I changed it to 265. .. but I doubt is going to get as hot as it did.. we’ll just have to wait till next summer. But at least for now. Is running on the setting that it was made to be running on. And with the new parking lapse thing... this cam is it.

Ah, so time lapse parking mode was what did the trick for you? I'm running 4K, extreme, 264, and motion/impact detection. At work I park under a car port so even when it's 100+, the camera runs just fine. But the few times I've left it out for about an hour in direct sunlight during mid-day, the camera's locked up. I've gone to the movies in the mornings, parked outside, and had no issues leaving around 1 pm.

This is in Texas weather.
When you say direct sun light.. is that the windshield facing the sun? And even than.. I’ve left mine facing 103F... outside. And didn’t act up that bad.. maybe is your unit. Have you tried exchanging it? They did for me..?
The times it happened it was facing south, midday and more recently west, 2pm. I'm going to try a 128 GB BV OEM SD card. It came with my 750S but it started acting up. Not sure if it was the SD card or the ill-fated 1.007 firmware.

I'm currently running a 128 GB Samsung Pro Endurance.

I've not thought it about getting an exchange yet and the temperatures are dropping so that it's probably not really going to matter.
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Why wouldn’t they?... is a brand new camera.. Member Hulk just posted persistent issues with possible thermal induced shutdown. There may likely be others here in this very forum, as well as out in the real world, in more heat intensive climates, who do not post here, yet have related issues. My original post clearly identified its intended audience in the first sentence. Since your unit is 'behaving', then my post obviously does not apply to you.
They do have the choise of returning or exchanging it.
I had my complains about the 900 2ch cam.. and here in this group.. I said they would fix it. ... some one replied... yeah.. with a new model. ... well... they have fixed it. ... Just because your workarounds with altered settings and updated firmware work for you, does not mean you speak for everyone else.
when you buy this new.. you have 2 options..
trust the brand... or return it. No. You have a 3rd option: try and improve/hack the design. Excessive heat buildup, as you may well know, is a critical player in the accelerated degradation of components - especially the sensitive electronics inherent to this unit. Additionally, Blackvue itself identified this particular model as having a lower thermal threshold compared to previous models. Improving the housing ventilation as previously mentioned may further help. How much is uncertain. More data/testing required.
Same thing happened with my 2017 Toyota Tacoma... guess what?.... they fixed it. Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody cares about your Tacoma.
Blackvue has done... just that. Time and greater sample size post-'fix' will tell.
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Thank you. For making my point.