Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.04 (Power Control Calibrated/Measured Values raised, Increased Stability)

There you go . Attached
That's pretty normal as it's getting the reflection of your lights hitting the sensor.

I run my X2 in low brightness and it handles that sort of thing better than any other dashcam I've tried, if you're in slow traffic when you get up close it will then drop the exposure down so you can read the details, but that's only any good when you're actually stopped.

In my car I nearly have to touch the car in front to get it to do it and it does really seem to only work with white and silver cars for me!
That's pretty normal as it's getting the reflection of your lights hitting the sensor.

I run my X2 in low brightness and it handles that sort of thing better than any other dashcam I've tried

You haven't tried a Cammsys CL-100B . Never had this issue. It also used a Sony EXMOR sensor and it handled this sort of thing really well.

Overall, the CL-100B was crap, but i'll give it credit for its ability to handle low light conditions.
I can't really find much in the way of that other than a couple of short Youtube videos - the interface on it looks nice on it though even now!
Yeah... it had so much potential but the manufacturer didn't care too much for the english market. Updates were very rare.
So many issues that needed to be resolved, and in the end ( 9 months after purchase ) i was offered a refund by the seller.

I've just installed my second X2 in my wifes car. So far, the one in my work car is performing great.

I can confirm tho, that the rear camera does not get recorded with Shock sensor. That has to be rectified for sure...
Yeah... it had so much potential but the manufacturer didn't care too much for the english market. Updates were very rare.
So many issues that needed to be resolved, and in the end ( 9 months after purchase ) i was offered a refund by the seller.

I've just installed my second X2 in my wifes car. So far, the one in my work car is performing great.

I can confirm tho, that the rear camera does not get recorded with Shock sensor. That has to be rectified for sure...

Just a small note: Rear camera does not record G-sensor while in Parking mode. When driving and G-sensor activated or by pressing an emergency button ( icon ), then rear and front camera recording both.
Continuing testing v1.01.09

Analyzed parking 26 to 27 March night.

BDP 12.1V / 12 hours

Parked car at 6.05pm.

Next day checked footage.

Front camera motion detection last recording 00.20.55 at night.

Rear camera motion detection last recording 01.20.50 at night

Early morning around 7.30am I was able to start car with no problem.

This test proves that BDP voltage cut-off works fine and my earlier test wiht 6h timer cut-off also was positive. So both BDP cut-off ( timer and voltage ) works fine on v1.01.09.

2015-03-27 08.33.48.jpg

2015-03-27 08.33.59.jpg
Last edited:
Continuing testing v1.01.09

Analyzed parking from 27 to 28 March night.

BDP 12.1V / 12 hours

Parked car at 17.53 ( 27 March )

Today analized recordings.

Front adn Rear camera motion detection last recording 02.27 at night.

Today at mid-day I started car with no problem. X2

This again proves that v1.01.09 works fine, no freeze, no black szreen or "grey box" errors for past 4-5 days since I started testing it again.
BDP voltage and timer cut-off works also fine at settings mentioned above.

The only thing left to test is overwriting files in Normal and Parking folders which will take some time.
Just a small note: Rear camera does not record G-sensor while in Parking mode. When driving and G-sensor activated or by pressing an emergency button ( icon ), then rear and front camera recording both.
I feel this is a key omission. If gsensor is activated, I'd like both cameras to record as the rear one could show vital info!
I feel this is a key omission. If gsensor is activated, I'd like both cameras to record as the rear one could show vital info!

Yes, rear camera g-sensor not-recording issue while parked is known and I am also would like to see it working, but meanwhile ( when firmware developers working on it ) I was thinking realistically. If there is any action behind car, - motion detection would do exactly the same ( if not better ) job as g-sensor. The thing is, that if it is complete dark and somebody hit your car from rear, it should activate recording by g-sensor, but CMOS sensor sensitivity of X2 is so high, that it will activate recording by motion in very dark scenario ( not complete pitch black, but just a little light source would be enough to trigger a motion rec. )
Motion sensor is no good for any of my circumstances and should not be seen as a replacement. Who's going to wade through hundreds of files to find the incident. The manual and the original expectation of the developer originally stated it should work as described. Its only latterly that there has been a backtrack.
I think they need to move parking Gsensor files to the event folder..... Its only logical and I'm surprised they didn't do this from the off
Motion sensor is no good for any of my circumstances and should not be seen as a replacement. Who's going to wade through hundreds of files to find the incident. The manual and the original expectation of the developer originally stated it should work as described. Its only latterly that there has been a backtrack.

I am also expecting all to work " as originally stated ", no doubt here. I am just sharing my long tests, experiences and analyse, as mentioned earlier ( @ meanwhile "when they are sorting out this issue" ), motion detection will help in those situations where we would expect rear camera recording triggered by g-sensor, - motion detection would do the job. Of course, as you mentioned it is hassle to go through dozens/ hundreds of files, but at least temporary this solution ( motion detection ) would sort out this issue.
Unfortunately I have not seen any dashcam systems to work "as described on the paper" ( this includes high-end / high priced systems, which cost way much more than X2 ), even Apple with its billions of dollars cannot produce a problem-free FW, but of course it's not an excuse for all developers. Not always FW changes are what we expect and some time maybe there is a language or other barriers, but at least we have a constant feedback from developer and active forum members who participate in this, trying to find alternative solutions, share ideas etc.
I agree @niko, but I think we need a bit more transparency about what the developers are working on fixing at the moment and what features and suggestions they are taking forward. We are essentially beta testers and I think we all deserve that higher level of communication with Sungmoon considering how much money we've paid for the X2
The communication is quite fractured when dealing with devs, I understand what a challenge it is for Jon and co working on this project
I got my 2x Lexar 64gb MLC cars on Wednesday. Took a few tries for them to format in the camera. So far I've had one freeze and one failure to start after a BDP-induced shutdown. Not sure how much testing I'm gonna bother doing, since my LK-290 order arrived today. I'm probably just gonna downgrade to 1.01.09 and let the Lukas device do its thing for BDP.
I'm getting rather annoyed with this camera now. I checked the rear parking files last night and found that it's not recorded anything for 8 days now! Should I be downgrading to 1.01.09?
If you're on the Transcend cards then I'd say definitely downgrade back to 1.01.09 for now while SM and co try and work it out.