Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.04 (Power Control Calibrated/Measured Values raised, Increased Stability)

So, today was full day when testing again v1.01.09 with two different cards.

BDP: 6h cut-off, ( 12.4, 12.1 V )

First half day tested with two 32Gb Lexar 32Gb 633x.

With 12.4V was able to record only 5-6 sec after going from driving to Parking mode, but no lock up or freeze when starting an engine or going from drive to park. My car battery is quite old and probably 12.4V BDP is no good for me, so 5.-6 sec recording in parking mode was expected.

After changed from 12.4v to 12.1 ( 6h ). Was checking up on my parked car every 1 hour and parking recording was working nicely. Every hour started engine for 1 min just to check park to drive to park switching. No freezes, no lock-up, all fine.

Second half of the day I tested with Transcend 64Gb 300x. BDP 12.1 ( 6h ). Same story as earlier: checked every hour status of the unit and all was working fine. Also turning engine on for 1 min, then off to check switching between drive and parking mode.

Parked my car 6.05pm and was checking the status of the unit every now and then, - X2 was nicely working in parking mode. 10 minutes ago I was able to see that X2 is turned-off, what means that 6 hour BDP kicked-in.
I am using previous type of GPS antenna with blue LED, which blinks when X2 is turned ON ( recording, or just in parking mode stand-by, but it shows that unit is active ). I prefer this type of GPS antenna with blue LED to the new ones, because then I can see if X2 works or not, dont need to go all the time inside car to check. Very convenient and it gives additional "fake security system effect". I wish this GPS antenna would be back in production.

The only "issue" with v.1.01.09 is that "beep" of touchscreen can not be turned off. Other than that it was and is working fine, except in parking mode G-sensor still not activating a rear camera recording ( motion detection works fine for front and rear ),- this seems to be a common issue with most firmwares.

P.S ! - those are only first day of tests. It's too early to glorify, but first signs are good. However I would let another 3-4 days of constant testings and monitoring to make more correct conclusions where using a different capacity and brand memory cards.
I also encourage others to roll back to v1.01.09 and see how it works for them.
with 1.02.03 and MLC card..still encounter the famous BDP issue.. maybe i change to 1.01.09
It's good news that the Transcend cards are working better on 1.01.09 - very strange that the MLC cards are way more stable though on 1.02.04 and not getting card missing errors so I wonder what is different in the code? I still didn't see any issues with grey boxes or card missing errors on the Lexar 64GB cards.

Also good news we haven't heard of any more Transcend cards flipping to read only too but from the serial numbers it did look like a particular range had that issue.

Say we don't use voltage control though and the X2 is configured for say 6 hours of parking mode - isn't that really bad news for someone who only does short trips as it would mean that the battery could be getting sucked dry? The X2 would still need a limit in there somewhere otherwise that could cause some proper issues?
I would think if you constantly did short trips that the 6 hour setting wouldn't be practical and a shorter period should be selected
I would think if you constantly did short trips that the 6 hour setting wouldn't be practical and a shorter period should be selected

I agree...... short trips would negate that scenario and should be taken into consideration with the software development.

EDIT........ I'm watching and waiting for the time to grab one of these and am I correct in saying that this kit had the memory cards reduced from 64 to 32gb and if so, why ?
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Yeah I just wanted to make sure just so no one turns off voltage control and uses just the timer if they're doing short trips otherwise the X2 will be getting more grief - ideally even with voltage control turned off the X2 still needs to be cutting off at a threshold just so you can be sure the car will start. If mine made it down to 11.3V yesterday that's lower than I'd have ever liked but it was fine - the battery is an almost year old Yuasa Silver.

OK I gave up and finally took the Lexar cards out the camera as I didn't get any card errors or grey boxes or lockups while driving on 1.02.04 in two weeks with the Lexar and I wanted to see some footage.

Everything looks fine on the front channel - motion has been working etc - in fact it was still running on 12.1V and picked me up walking out of the house so that's 14 hours it lasted since my last trip. Video etc all good.

So the BDP issue is still there but for whatever reason the other issues are not there with the MLC cards - I didn't even need to chkdsk the cards before Windows would recognise them like I had to do with the Samsung cards previously after a few days usage.

Half makes me wonder now if the grey box issue on the older firmwares would also go away with these Lexar 64GB cards. The problem is it takes a week or so for it to pop up so testing that sort of thing really does take some doing.
Havn't heard from SM lately.......... Oh to be a developer.

I'd certainly be bald so where's my beer and back to the cricket.
I spoke to him yesterday - to be honest he's not convinced that the camera locking up in ACC mode is an issue so I'm trying to persuade him it is - after all if he can fix that then that might lead to the problems with BDP elsewhere :)
I spoke to him yesterday - to be honest he's not convinced that the camera locking up in ACC mode is an issue

Let me get this straight...

- Either he doesn't believe its happening or,
- He believes its happening but he thinks its ok ( not an issue )..

Which is it ?

Either way, not good.... not what we want to hear.
Unfortunately I'm beginning to feel I've bought a very expensive duffer that's never going to work as it should. All I hear is
  • It can't be replicated by the developer
  • The developer doesn't see it as an issue
  • It could be your cards

4 releases now and no further forward. Once the X1 comes online the X2 will take a backseat while the flagship issues are ironed out.

The key issues that still need to be addressed:
  • rear camera not working in gsensor park mode
  • exposure settings not able to read detail
  • lockup during driving
  • lockup at ignition startup
He's not convinced the exact error I saw wasn't an issue is all - not the issues you guys have which he is looking into. The language barrier is half the issue of me trying to explain but we are getting there.

Have you tried rolling back to 1.01.09 as that sounds a good option for now for people with Transcend cards?

The X1 is already out there and seems stable so far
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I had my car parked for 7 hours in the office car park yesterday. When I got in at the end of the day I saw about 40 motion and 30 G-sensor.... How is it possible that there are 30 G-sensor files when it's been parked up between the same 2 cars all day?
30 is a lot - have you been through the footage to see what happened?

Is it set to low or medium?
I did a visual check around the car and didn't see anything so didn't bother checking the files. Its set to low
Maybe it's a bird or something - did you check the bonnet for handprints?
I lie....the G-sensor is set to high, it's the motion that's set to low.
I didn't see any marks on the bonnet... My car gets dirty very quickly so would've see something
I was jesting mate - I thought maybe a bird had been bent over on there - might be worth checking the footage!

Ah so high - it could be the wind or rain that triggered it off at that level or even passing cars as that can set it off at that level (it's mega sensitive!!)
I now realise what sort of bird you're referring to Lol. I guess it could've been the wind, but I've never seen that high a figure
Have him look at what the programmer changed. Have him run the unit in his car and he will see how his product works. These public threads are not going to sell units for him. Its like we are throwing darts in the dark with our eyes closed with this firmware updates. It's not clear what you get. I just did 4 updates on my iPhone for the apple watch not even released yet. Every upgraded told me what was fixed, added, or improved. I would feel really bad trying to make a living trying to sell units that is still in beta with issues more and more after every release. Time to sell at a lose and move on I'm thinking at least for me.