Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.04 (Power Control Calibrated/Measured Values raised, Increased Stability)

Turned into a card thread again .....

Another lock up this morning. Trying to isolate it as this is the 2nd lockup in 2 days (day 4 of beta testing) - the first 2 days were OK.
I think its down to the voltage cutoff rather than the switch from parked more to drive mode. It seems the power down is functioning correctly, but when starting the ignition (straight, no wait) the unit remains unresponsive until the ignition is turned off and on again.
My voltage is set to 12.4V.

I'm yet to be convinced it is a card issue, but if it is, whats the procedure from converting to previously recommended 300x TLC to newly recommended MLC equivalent?
Well my voltage cutoff is set to off and I've not had a single issue so far. In fact, as I've already mentioned, the switch from Parking to drive mode has been quicker in this new firmware
Can others confirm that the rear camera is working in parking mode? I installed the FW and in parking mode when the front is recording, the rear does nothing. Drive mode, both cameras work as expected.
Can others confirm that the rear camera is working in parking mode? I installed the FW and in parking mode when the front is recording, the rear does nothing. Drive mode, both cameras work as expected.
Parking mode for rear camera has not been fixed.
I got another lockup today and it definitely wasn't down to voltage as I'd just completed an hour long journey and was only out of the car for 5 mins. On ignition restart, nothing. Black screen for the whole of the rest of the journey.
Parking mode for rear camera has not been fixed.

I'm still reminding the engineers to look into this after TLC/MLC is confirmed.

Motion will still cause rear camera to record. Just to help me push ergency on looking into g-sensor behavior, can you help describe a scenario where a G-sensor event would not already be activated by the Motion detection? (or do you want motion detection off, and only have g-sensor save files?) We need to give a detailed case example on how/why X2 parking mode motion/g-s-sensor should behave and then I'll keep trying to find out what is possible.

I got another lockup today and it definitely wasn't down to voltage as I'd just completed an hour long journey and was only out of the car for 5 mins. On ignition restart, nothing. Black screen for the whole of the rest of the journey.

It's time more of us try MLC cards, I don't think X2 likes larger Transcend / TLC cards for reasons yet unknown.
Here are the new MLC mircroSD card options I'm looking forward to getting feedback from:
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As an engineer, the absurd MLC vs TLC "issue" that you guys are chatting up is making me laugh.

I tried setting my voltage to 12.4 but my battery was 12.5 and I decided to just leave it at 12.1 to allow 12 hours of parking time.
I had a lockup today after I powered on my car (I have a Start button, so it's straight to ignition), perhaps what's causing the shutdowns is the delay between sensing the drop in voltage during ignition and the switch to driving mode when the power cut off is disabled. It's a much more likely scenario that the delay is not properly set, the ignition causes a temporary voltage drop, the camera senses that before it is able to figure out that ignition/ACC is ON and the switch to driving mode doesn't happen right away, as a result, the power cutoff kicks in and tells the camera to shutdown. Even though the ignition trigger happens, it's too late to prevent the shutdown.
As an engineer, the absurd MLC vs TLC "issue" that you guys are chatting up is making me laugh.

I tried setting my voltage to 12.4 but my battery was 12.5 and I decided to just leave it at 12.1 to allow 12 hours of parking time.
I had a lockup today after I powered on my car (I have a Start button, so it's straight to ignition), perhaps what's causing the shutdowns is the delay between sensing the drop in voltage during ignition and the switch to driving mode when the power cut off is disabled. It's a much more likely scenario that the delay is not properly set, the ignition causes a temporary voltage drop, the camera senses that before it is able to figure out that ignition/ACC is ON and the switch to driving mode doesn't happen right away, as a result, the power cutoff kicks in and tells the camera to shutdown. Even though the ignition trigger happens, it's too late to prevent the shutdown.
We discussed this assumption few month ago and more-less similar thought in same direction of BDP-issue I have just posted in private section. I should copy-paste it here so more "brains" can share their thoughts on this issue solution.
This is my earlier assumption:

Yesterday I had first time a frozen logo with v1.02.04. Did not had it before on this FW version and after that draw and parked car for short period twice, no freeze logo, just this one time after 8 hours of parking. When parked overnight, then I dont have frozen logo in the morning, or I just dont see it, because meanwhile it drain capacitors and completely disappears from LCD screen ?
I still assume it comes from battery discharge prevention device when after BDP kicks-in to turn off unit, after some period car battery starts "recovering" itself and when car battery voltage rises close to BDP selected voltage, then the X2 system is in conflict: it's kinda want to start the unit, but it does not have enough car battery "juice" to start it, so then it throws a freeze logo till supercaps dont drain completely to shot down logo.
It's only my assumptions, I might be wrong, just sharing my first thoughts.

Other than that I dont have any warning messages like "insert memory card", and G-sensor records videos in parking mode for both ( front and rear ) cameras.
I will keep eye on further tests.

BDP was selected to 12.1 V.
I will turn it up to v12.4 to see if it fixes problem.

Yeah Jokiin said the same over in the private forum about the lock ups a while ago - I've not seen any lock ups for a week now.

The biggest problem is Sungmoon can't replicate this problem and he doesn't speak perfect English so hopefully he'll be able to replicate this one soon.

I'm parked in a busy place now so the camera pretty much records all day in parking mode, so I'll see what state its in when I get back to the car.

Niko did you get the grey box / front card missing error as that's usually when I see it after the camera has fully hung?
Yeah Jokiin said the same over in the private forum about the lock ups a while ago - I've not seen any lock ups for a week now.

The biggest problem is Sungmoon can't replicate this problem and he doesn't speak perfect English so hopefully he'll be able to replicate this one soon.

I'm parked in a busy place now so the camera pretty much records all day in parking mode, so I'll see what state its in when I get back to the car.

Niko did you get the grey box / front card missing error as that's usually when I see it after the camera has fully hung?
No grey box at all, just this freeze logo error.
It is a shame we can't get logging. It always seems to be the front channel as we keep seeing so there's either a code or timing difference somewhere.
It is a shame we can't get logging. It always seems to be the front channel as we keep seeing so there's either a code or timing difference somewhere.
It maybe a combination of both that need to be looked into.
No luck for me today. Car battery is too low and always shuts down on half way of recording. Had again few lock-ups. Tried going with BDP from 12.4 to 12.1 to 11.8V, but still not enough "juice". Today is St.Patric's days and my drivings are finished for today. Will try next time.

This is closest I could get today:

The following are not complaints but things I just noticed with this latest FW...

parking mode motion and gsensor counts are separate from front/rear

in park mode, motion triggers cameras to record separately front vs rear, a motion to trigger a record on one camera does not cause the other to also record automatically

in park mode, recording time seems shorter than in past fw, stops recording faster once motion is not detected, I thought in the past, the duration was longer, I could be wrong

Was it like this in previous FWs or am I just noticing these things?
I'm pretty sure the first 2 points were always like this
I'm pretty sure the first 2 points were always like this

Interesting, on point #2, I always recall during park mode, when my front was recording and I switch to the rear, it was also recording. With this latest FW, when I perform the same switch, the rear was not and it caused me to post earlier thinking the rear was not functioning in park mode.
I am not sure if my Transcend cards are getting worn out after about half year of use, or maybe some other issues, but lock-ups happening nearly every day. However today I have set BDP to 11.8V, just to test, - maybe this was too low voltage for present weather conditions ( dont know ).
I have ordered a MLC cards. Will see if it's makes any difference.
