Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.04 (Power Control Calibrated/Measured Values raised, Increased Stability)

One more thing I realized with G-sensor recording activation while parked some time brings to LCD that "emergency icon" with count-down seconds, in most times it records a rear camera footage and some time not. In case where g-sensor recording is activated while parked and there is no "emergency icon"- time countdown, it still shows on display recording video file, but in those cases rear camera is never recorded, only front camera is recorded / saved. I am not sure how it's related to that emergency icon" or to Transcend memory cards or maybe something else. Will see after I get new memory cards.

Does anyone else experienced not to have an "emergency icon with count down timer" while car is parked and g-sensor is activated ?

I've got to admit no lock-ups here yet - it's strange you're getting so many after so long without any issues though on those cards.

A daft question but whenever I've seen that logo freeze in the past it's been there before I started the engine so the camera has sat displaying that for hours - did yours freeze actually on boot up then?
I've got to admit no lock-ups here yet - it's strange you're getting so many after so long without any issues though on those cards.

A daft question but whenever I've seen that logo freeze in the past it's been there before I started the engine so the camera has sat displaying that for hours - did yours freeze actually on boot up then?

Yeah, strange things started happening lately with lock-up screen, however when others were reporting a "grey box" or "insert card", - I did not had them and still no issue with those warnings.
Freeze logo is there while car is parked before turning on an ignition.
It happens within 9 hour period while car is parked. No lock-up overnight, - I assume capacitor drains to zero overnight.
I can not speculate if its BDP or memory cards util I receive my MLC.
Meanwhile I will test v1.02.04 with 32Gb memory cards, will see how it behaves.
BDP is definitely still buggy.

There's another one I've seen which so far only appears to happen to me - if you get the timing right when starting the car and have exactly the right delay between turning ACC on and then actually firing the car up the camera turns off!

For the life of me I can't replicate it but it's happened three times now. Constantly stopping and starting the car is not good for it though so it's not something I've spent too long trying to replicate.

I'm the same as you with the push start and I half wondered if it's Passat specific maybe?
BDP is definitely still buggy.

There's another one I've seen which so far only appears to happen to me - if you get the timing right when starting the car and have exactly the right delay between turning ACC on and then actually firing the car up the camera turns off!

For the life of me I can't replicate it but it's happened three times now. Constantly stopping and starting the car is not good for it though so it's not something I've spent too long trying to replicate.

I'm the same as you with the push start and I half wondered if it's Passat specific maybe?

I wanted to replicate an error startup of X2 with push-start delay of my diesel engine, but within half year I never had issues, even on the coldest days when need about 5-6 sec pres-start delay, even then X2 started fine.
There's another one I've seen which so far only appears to happen to me - if you get the timing right when starting the car and have exactly the right delay between turning ACC on and then actually firing the car up the camera turns off!
interested to know how this compares with the GC when you get it, we changed the startup and shutdown timings for exactly this reason
It's already got a spot reserved thank-you mate, do you ever get that sort of problem with petrol engines or is it usually just diesels and the waiting for the glow plugs to warm up that does it?
I had issues non stop, almost every time i drive my car i had lock up, but since i changed my sd cards its all fine. I have kingston 64gb for the front, i think it is TLC, and sony 32gb for the rear, also TLC. Its been more than a week and everyting is ok.

As @niko said on parking mode, motion off g-sensor on high i dont have the timer count. When put hand infront of the cam i get noting, but when tap on the cam start recording, but no emergency timer count.
Gee this camera is plagued with issues. I'm still sitting pretty on older firmware, purely because I can't be bothered updating on the basis there will be a new issue, or old issues aren't correctly fixed....

I also shouldn't need to buy a specific memory card just to suit its needs!
I loaded up this firmware and all seems okay so far :) My g-sensor was too sensitive on previous firmwares on medium so I'm testing low still. So far so good.
When I used the Samsung Evo cards I'd have issues almost daily with things like the rear channel stopping working - I'm currently running MLC Lexar 633x cards and so far (touch wood) it's been much more stable.

Damnit! I really wish I could go back in time before I bought the Samsung Evo 64GB cards just recently. Unfortunately, I bought them just as this discussion was forming I guess. I bought those to replace some Microcenter cards that work fine with all other devices but were causing issues with the cam.

Ugh. I'm going to have so many SD cards I'm not going to have enough devices for them all by the end of this.
in park mode, motion triggers cameras to record separately front vs rear, a motion to trigger a record on one camera does not cause the other to also record automatically

this has been the case from the second or so firmware version IIRC. always I have less rear files than front.
this has been the case from the second or so firmware version IIRC. always I have less rear files than front.

Today I have learned another new acronym @IIRC ( had to Google to understand what its means ) ;)
Also found acronyms "dictionary".
A lot of fun and interesting expressions there. Need to start leaning them in order to stay up to date with outside world.
One more thing I realized with G-sensor recording activation while parked some time brings to LCD that "emergency icon" with count-down seconds, in most times it records a rear camera footage and some time not. In case where g-sensor recording is activated while parked and there is no "emergency icon"- time countdown, it still shows on display recording video file, but in those cases rear camera is never recorded, only front camera is recorded / saved. I am not sure how it's related to that emergency icon" or to Transcend memory cards or maybe something else. Will see after I get new memory cards.

Does anyone else experienced not to have an "emergency icon with count down timer" while car is parked and g-sensor is activated ?

Niko, i experience the same thing. When on parking mode i tap on the cam and it starts to record and save files, only on the front sd card, and there is no emergency icon count down. When i tap really hard goes to emergency icon count down and still only front records. When put my hand in front of the rear cam starts to record. It seams that the rear cam records only with motion detection. I think it should record with both cams front and rear when g sensor is triggered. Am i corect?
Niko, i experience the same thing. When on parking mode i tap on the cam and it starts to record and save files, only on the front sd card, and there is no emergency icon count down. When i tap really hard goes to emergency icon count down and still only front records. When put my hand in front of the rear cam starts to record. It seams that the rear cam records only with motion detection. I think it should record with both cams front and rear when g sensor is triggered. Am i corect?

For my parking mode g-sensor tests I have disabled a motion detection in order to avoid false recordings from motion detection, but after I have experienced more lock ups with my "old" Transcend cards, I dont see rear camera recordings any more lately, then later I discovered this non-consistent of "emergency count down icon" vs non-icon and thought it might be a reason, but today test ( and yours as well ) proved that there is something wrong with how g-sensor is giving command for rear camera recording while parked and g-sensor activated.
Today I have learned another new acronym @IIRC ( had to Google to understand what its means ) ;)
Also found acronyms "dictionary".
A lot of fun and interesting expressions there. Need to start leaning them in order to stay up to date with outside world.

My go-to acronym site is They break down into categories so it's more relevant per context used.
but today test ( and yours as well ) proved that there is something wrong with how g-sensor is giving command for rear camera recording while parked and g-sensor activated.
I've been saying this since I purchased my unit at the end of January, as its my number one gripe. At least you are all coming on board now :)
Yesterday I had first time a frozen logo with v1.02.04. Did not had it before on this FW version...

My X2 has exhibited lockups since receiving it. But, with 1.02.04, the problem seems more severe. Not only does it lock up on the logo, it also locks up during operation, blanks the screen, and the touch screen stops working. Only re-powering the X2 'fixes' it.

I don't think the cause is the BDP or 64GB, or larger, memory cards. My X2 uses the 32GB memory cards that came with the camera. I have tried the 12.1 and 12.4V settings, and the X2 has locked up on both. Haven't tried disabling the BDP yet. The X2 is installed in my Nissan LEAF, and the 12V battery charge is maintained by the 480 V motive battery. It is highly unlikely that the battery voltage dipped below 12.1 V. My guess is that the problem is something esoteric, like a processor interrupt not being handled properly (or, to that effect). These kinds of software problems are extremely difficult to track down which may be the reason for the delay in resolving the issue.
I've been saying this since I purchased my unit at the end of January, as its my number one gripe. At least you are all coming on board now :)
My X2 has exhibited lockups since receiving it. But, with 1.02.04, the problem seems more severe. Not only does it lock up on the logo, it also locks up during operation, blanks the screen, and the touch screen stops working. Only re-powering the X2 'fixes' it.

I don't think the cause is the BDP or 64GB, or larger, memory cards. My X2 uses the 32GB memory cards that came with the camera. I have tried the 12.1 and 12.4V settings, and the X2 has locked up on both. Haven't tried disabling the BDP yet. The X2 is installed in my Nissan LEAF, and the 12V battery charge is maintained by the 480 V motive battery. It is highly unlikely that the battery voltage dipped below 12.1 V. My guess is that the problem is something esoteric, like a processor interrupt not being handled properly (or, to that effect). These kinds of software problems are extremely difficult to track down which may be the reason for the delay in resolving the issue.

Before that I did not experience major issues like now.
I had another logo freeze yesterday morning but strangely it wast there after overnight parking, which was not there before at any overnight parking case.
It was with 64Gb Transcend memory cards, so then I went to Toshiba 32Gb memory cards, but still had one luck-up during day ( not logo freeze, but locked up black screen ).
I might go back to 1.02.03 and test first with 32Gb then with 64gb again.

If the camera displayed a slightly different logo for boot up and shut down it would make life much easier knowing which one has the problem :)

Even if it was just text saying "Starting up" / "Shutting down due to voltage" / "Shutting down due to time limit" etc it would make things easier for Sungmoon in the lack of a log file.