Pics that make you smile

Poor Mexicans getting screwed over left and right, and up and down, not that the politicians here isent thives too, but at least the drug dealers here only make ppls kids sick, and when they go to war they can not hit a barn door from 50 paces.

viva el revolution - viva Zapata
not nice at all, nice that it's genuine though, that's news worth sharing, that's how you get rid of this kind of thing

Yes, I knew how you meant "nice". I was just sort of commenting on the whole thing but I think you said it better.
yeah it's hard to add tone in text

where's that sarcasm font they've been working on when you need it ;)
Looooool :) No **** Sherloc. we actually have open prisons here, no locks on doors no fence, you just cant leave the place.

But in all fairness to law abiding hitchhikers in the area the sign should read " do not pick up naked or Hichikers in orange overalls with numbers on" :p

We might get private prisons here soon, one more thing the goverment can no longet handle them self :oops:
Scary we have become a society where ppl in prison have a better life than a retired person living off pension after a long productive life, and god forbid is sick and need a little help.

Get your priorities straight Denmark :mad:

PS. i wish we had chain gangs here, then we would get a little out of the huge prize it cost to house a criminal in a prison. ( prize for 1 prisoner here is about 8800 dollars a month, adding up to 1.25 billion DKkr every year )

I use to write like that, all capital letters :rolleyes:
I use to write like that, all capital letters :rolleyes:

At least that means you've got a handwriting one can distinguish Capitals from Small Letters... My handwriting on the other hand looks like old-egyptian Hyroglyphs... One of my Highschool-Teachers once said he's not sure if it would not be better to check my Essays for actual Letters than writing-mistakes ;)
A ninety year old tortoise named Mrs. T was given a set of wheels after she lost her front legs in a rat attack while she was hibernating.


"She took to them straight away, but she has had to learn how to turn and stop. She can get a good speed up, much faster than before. Mrs T is still quite young for a tortoise. She could go on for another 50 years – all she needs is a new set of tyres every now and again."
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That video prove that there need to be a limit on how long ppl can work in goverment.
When i was a kid there used to be a market around Melbourne that had a stall with those bikes. It cost a few dollars to have a ride, and if you could make it across to the other side you won something like $50 or $100.

I had a few goes but never made it across.
yeah seem pretty hard, and though i have no problem sitting on the handlebar and cycle backwards on a bicycle i still dont think i could handle one of those bikes.
Freaky how bogged down our brain is, we seem to be living i lie as most out eyes see if just extrapolated on by our brain.
As a child, my parents made me ride a bike which had an additional axis of rotation in the middle... That's when i first broke a finger...

But this "reverse bike" is sure
a) a genius piece of manufacturing (so simple, so effectful)
b) a great thing to prove "knowledge means not understanding" (that's the main message I take out of the vid... That, and that this guy still does not "understand" how to ride a bike ;)

(Funny thing: CDL-Drivers who learn to drive a combination Lorry & center-pivot-plate-trailer (?) have to go through a similar learning process...)
I Think thats the kind of triailer i learned on when i got my C - CE stamp in my driving licence, the front wheels on the trailer can turn which make it not easy to reverse with.
Teacher said when you can master these all other is easy, and i belive him.
Yep, meant these trailers...
Your teacher's right... If you can handle those things, you can handle everything...

...but only if you understand how to drive, not just "know how to" ;-)
I just know how to, since i got the C - CE licence i have never used it, just got it as it was free and i was without a job at the time.
To me there seem to be too much paperwork and restrictions on beeing a trucker.
But if i win the euro lotto today, i will have a use for the C license in some weeks when my new ride arrive from southafrica :D
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