Pics that make you smile

Information that made me smile.

I did not know Chicago was a jacked up town. :p
Litteraly jacked up on jackscrews, and as they was allready jacking up buildings they allso moved some around the city :D
And this was back in 1850ties :eek: thats before the Americans started to shoot at each other for 4 years (1861 - 1865 )
The prize was a nice clean city with a sewerage system.

A little more info to store in that dark web that is my memory :D
Offensive post removed by poster :oops:
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Protecting the most important parts

I did not know the Americans now send sick and old ppl wearing tactical adult diapers out fighting :p

Exactly what makes this photograph about "Americans"?
They are the only ones crazy enuff to wear combat diapers :D Russians would have a bulletproof canteen filled with Vodka.

And thats okay ;) i wish i had diapers like that myself.

2 smile moments i had the day before yesterday.

Ill take that Charger any day :cool: if my knowlege of American cars is not off i think the one in front is a Buick Reviera from erly 60ties.
The eageleyed ones will maybe recognise the house on the Left, Graceland is not only in Memphis Tennessee.

2 nice cars on the left, the rear one beeing a little too old for my liking, but still a damm nice ride.
Not sure what the front one is, but i will venture a guess on a 1940ties Chevy fleetmaster which i allso think is a nice ride :cool:

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They are the only ones crazy enuff to wear combat diapers :D Russians would have a bulletproof canteen filled with Vodka.

You know, this ongoing stereotyping, insulting swipes and bashing of Americans, Russians, Chinese, Muslims, Mexicans or any other nation or peoples for that matter really needs to come to a stop here on DashCamTalk. This is an international forum primarily for discussing all things Dash Cam, so regardless of how you may feel everyone should keep it to themselves or take it elsewhere.
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So much has changed in Randers since I lived there.
Dashmellow i agree with you, streotyping is a comfortable way for many ppl to handle things.
But i still think its damm funny that the guy have taken on a frag vest upside down, and how much that look like a diaper then.
I could allso have used other ppl than Americans as you guys are not the only ones that are so lucky to have a choice to protect yourself with arms, but its allways you guys that pup up in that matter.
And i envie you guys for that whole other take on things compared to where i live, surely both systems are not perfect, but living in this one i much more prefer your setup.

I would never argue against your gun laws, i think they are okay, and anyway i am all the way over here only knowing ever so little about American soociety, and so i dont have the right to point fingers
If i was a American i would need several gun safes to house my collection, at least thats my estimate knowing myself and my liking for mecanics of all kinds, allso the ones that could kille ppl if used wrong.

I allso kinda get your feeling as i am sure when ppl take a piss on Denmark it make me angry, problem is its myself that do that and so i make myself angry, angry on the system here, and not least angry on myself for having made so many bad choises in life when truth be told i should have manned up decades ago and gotten the hell out of Dodge ( like it seem Viking have )

As you guys so rightfully say " love it or leave it" but America is only my distant lover with whom i have a slightly wierd relationship as long distance relationships all get. :(

I am sorry i have offended you, and so i will face the consequences of that and take down the picture, i am not here to offend ppl.
It seems as membership to the site grows, there is more "country bashing" happening. Before it gets out of control, I have decided to add a new rule:

8. Since this an international forum, "bashing" of any nation, people, individuals, ethnic groups, race or minorities is prohibited (even your own country). This includes any insulting imagery of any people(s) or nation.

See here for the full list of rules:

I actually find it amazing that people from all over the world can help each other on this forum and have been very friendly and courteous overall. Please report any infractions using the "Report" button for an offending post.
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As long as we face issues in a orderly manner, but some times it is hard to remember things are not the same the world over.
As ppl may know Danes have no issues what so ever joking about any religion,or anything for that matter.
And as i undestand it thats not the case in America where ppl show more restraint in regard to religion.
Here we can get really nasty about our fellow countrymen, there is parts of Denmark that take the blunt of jokes, for instance my old home town Aarhus which ppl from Copenhagen like to make jokes about, and we all agree on a joke level that the ppl living on Mols/ Djursland is really stupid.

If i step on some toes ppl just need to PM me, allready i have posted things in this thread that was too much and have been deleted by admins, and for that i am sorry :oops:
But i am sure ppl know this, i have often before stood up in defence of some of our friends in here when some other users have gone too far.

I can do self censorship though its not a favorite thing of any Dane, but i will rather do that, than hurt the feelings of some one, especially when that was not the meaning.
It seems as membership to the site grows, there is more "country bashing" happening. Before it gets out of control, I have decided to add a new rule:

See here for the full list of rules:

I actually find it amazing that people from all over the world can help each other on this forum and have been very friendly and courteous overall. Please report any infractions using the "Report" button for an offending post.
What about Jedi's? They suck :cool:
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First lighten up, to discover enlightenment one must. Yesss

My response was meant as a light remark friend, but you are starting to seem more like your interest is to provoke and make jokes about the subject of prejudice and nation bashing.
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This seems to have gone in a different direction to my intentions. Sometimes a joke can inject some light heartedness into a situation and allow things to return to normality. I don't even like Star Wars :D

Let's just draw a line under this as we seem to be approaching the situation from different angles

Respect to you my friend, no offence intended, we just seem to have misunderstood each other
This seems to have gone in a different direction to my intentions. Sometimes a joke can inject some light heartedness into a situation and allow things to return to normality. I don't even like Star Wars :D

Let's just draw a line under this as we seem to be approaching the situation from different angles

Respect to you my friend, no offence intended, we just seem to have misunderstood each other

Fair enough. My feeling was that when the owner of a web site posts a new forum wide rule forbidding members from posting prejudiced or insulting remarks and images about other nations, ethnic groups or individuals, it struck me as inappropriate and perhaps even adolescent to immediately make jokes about the subject. I tried to find a humorous and "light" way to make that point in a way that related to your joke and so was a bit taken aback by the "lighten up" reply. I appreciate the tone of your follow-up. Thank you.
(wow - whats wrong with DC-Talk, hard to reach the page, AND what happened here??)

..... time for vacation:

Who's up for Tatooine? ;)
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