Pics that make you smile

Tech writer accidentally orders an XBox from Amazon while doing a demo of the new Apple Watch. :D

I've read that the new Apple Watch can automatically tell you what time it is when you just look down at your wrist. :p
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haha his big dream is to become Mcdonalds fries, and now he is just about there.

Maybe Disney will make a spinn off soon :D Pete the happy potato.
Sadly i dident manage to save her, but some time ago while pulling ever so slowly out of the back yard where my car is parked.
A most lovely looking young zombie allmost walked into my car while fingering her smartphone, what i was thinking did make me feel ashamed as she was young enuff to be a grandchild to me :oops:
But i always comfort myself with " boys will be boys" in those situations. :D
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We don't, not since 1776. ;)

woa wow unbelievable....and I m not joking.

I don't think I m "thick" but cant believe I have had so little interest in America and despite attending one of the 10 best private schools in the UK, was never taught anything about it in history !!!

I just didn't realise American history went back that far and thought the native population still roamed the plains pre genocide in 1776...
woa wow unbelievable....and I m not joking.

I don't think I m "thick" but cant believe I have had so little interest in America and despite attending one of the 10 best private schools in the UK, was never taught anything about it in history !!!

I just didn't realise American history went back that far and thought the native population still roamed the plains pre genocide in 1776...

What a response! :rolleyes: Try your best to get a grip on yourself old fella' and see if you can't get some kind of treatment for that humor impairment of yours.
what humour impairment ?

Is it so difficult to believe in the 1970s we were taught nothing of American history and on asking my partner 13 years younger , she wasn't taught anything either ... my son is 14 and just asked him and he knows nothing either !

Now curious ,, I will make a point of asking what others know !
I wish we would dispence of our royal family here, they played ther part and there is no need for them in the future of Denmark.

But i fear will be will keep our most expensive welfare family for nostalgic reasons, which to me is like saying now and for all time personal transportation vehicles will run on fossil fuels cuz thats how it have allways been :oops:
what humour impairment ?

Is it so difficult to believe in the 1970s we were taught nothing of American history and on asking my partner 13 years younger , she wasn't taught anything either ... my son is 14 and just asked him and he knows nothing either !

Now curious ,, I will make a point of asking what others know !

So let's see; I post a humorous photo of an apparently smiling reptile along with a tongue in cheek reference to an absolutely outlandish conspiracy theory regarding the British Royals.

You post what I took to be a stab at a sarcastic reply questioning the notion of US Royals and I responded with a retort (with wink emoticon) referencing American Independence from British rule.

And NOW you're writhing with conniptions because you somehow believe I think you don't know the history of our respective nations and you are deeply offended. WOW!

This is just getting sillier by the moment. :rolleyes:
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I m not offended by anything and I realise when reading posts or texts its easy to take away an entirely different meaning to that intended and am guilty of that frequently myself !

Nothing wrong with anything in small doses... even being silly !!!
You can learn far more from the internet than school just google British America Wikipedia .......The Boston tea party.....was certainly no party and no tea was drunk o_O.....Ipol.......I know I was there....well at least I feel that old euro_vs_america.jpgThe image is meant to be tongue in cheek.....No offence intended
HA ha ipol.
Most Mcdonalds & burger king here do ther best to sell a big meal, but i have yet to see the supersize meals i have heard about from TV.
I just wish those 2 would pay tax here :eek:

Now that you mention it dashmellow, i seem to recall seeing somthing about the british royal beeing reptiles, but then again on the internet who isent reptiles these days. :D

Some times i take a UFO / conspiracy tour on the youtube, allways give me a good laugh, if not then my own comments do :)

Now get back in line you rebellious subjects. :p

Awwww prarie****,,,, everybody. :D thats the spirit.

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A most lovely looking young zombie allmost walked into my car while fingering her smartphone...
That's one of the reasons I decided to get a dashcam. I was driving through a shopping area and a young woman stepped off the sidewalk almost directly into the side of my car while doing the same thing.
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