Pics that make you smile

Run Forrest run ! :)

It aint pretty when a bear ( black or grizzly ) have been chewing on a person.

I dont like you get a can of mace instead of a 44 when you go fishing in Alaska.
For good reasons i am not a crack pistol shot, but i would prefer both mace and 44 if i was to go fishing up there, and i would not complain over a M134 in the middle of camp as a run to safty :D
Captured another nice ride, that put a smile on my face.
I even tried to speak to the guy, but it seemed like he had the world on ignore :rolleyes:

Like the car is on the original old white on black licenceplates, and eyeballing it up close it looked to be 100% restored :cool: looked like it just came of the assembly line at porsche.

I am not a porsche fan myself, but i acknowledge their history, and if i should have one it would be somthing like this little white thing.
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Yeah getting hard to tell make / models apart from a distance.
The new LED lights on cars have made it a bit more easy, but i hate those LED lights, a major turn off for me.

The paintjob on the porsche was pretty poor in my eyes, but i have seen the same "poor" paint on other high end sports cars costing millions of DKkr.
I would have insisted on a proper paint job which would have taken 2 x longer to make.
Viva el vegetables :p
As a former skin basher this video put a big smile on my face, and the urge to bash some skins again.

Will have to build a studio too if i win the 600 millions in the lotto tomorrow :D keeping 2 bass drums going and all the rest was a good way to work up a sweat in the good old days. :cool:

DIY is not for everyone :p

I will let you know, when I need a plumber.I see clearly you skill is in top.
But if you get near my car, it will be the last thing you do.