Pics that make you smile

If a picture made me smile but you cringe at seeing it...

I still smiled about that picture.
Made me smile too as i can relate to it on a higher level, and now i better stop typing or my lacking / doubtful patriotism will be set off again and i end up ranting.
Sounds like this is getting personal. It does not need a subliminal analysis.

Let's still to the topic and stop the innuendo. It was a funny picture which also made me smile.

Innuendo? Subliminal analysis? :rolleyes:

A "funny" picture is one thing but to not bother to consider who is behind the material or what their political agenda may be is to allow yourself to be a victim of social engineering, especially if you should decide to redistribute their "funny" politically slanted image and commentary. Political advocacy groups such as Turning Point USA are counting on "your" tendency not to use critical thinking.

In any event, I state again that I don't think this thread should be a place to post political propaganda of any persuasion regardless of how funny or amusing anyone may think it to be.
If I were to look at the person or group that created a meme and research them before posting a picture I would no longer be smiling.

I do not care where it comes from. I care about if I like the message I see or not.
To require political correctness be applied to every picture is saying pictures can not be appreciated for their obvious attributes.
If I were to look at the person or group that created a meme and research them before posting a picture I would no longer be smiling.

I do not care where it comes from. I care about if I like the message I see or not.
To require political correctness be applied to every picture is saying pictures can not be appreciated for their obvious attributes.

You certainly sound rather disingenuous as your regular posting of this kind of political material always has a provocative agenda behind it. Another member accurately characterized it as "trolling".

Let me be very clear. I'm not talking about being politically correct, I'm suggesting that highly partisan politically motivated BS simply not be permitted here. Many forums ban political posts of this nature for the very reasons we are discussing it, as it never leads to much of anything but friction between members.
Please define "highly partisan politically motivated BS" as I have never been partisan.
I voted for over 30 years without any party affiliation.
Please define "highly partisan politically motivated BS" as I have never been partisan.
I voted for over 30 years without any party affiliation.

Who are you kidding? This whole argument started with your provocative posting of a graphic distributed by the right wing pro-life conservative activist Rey Flores that features a large semi-automatic handgun stating that Planned Parenthood kills people.

Aside from the obvious anti-abortion agenda of your post, that was hardly an image to make anyone "smile".

This is exactly the kind of material that doesn't belong here on DCT.
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I still have no idea who Ray Flores is and do not care. I came across the picture on an unrelated facebook page.
The picture made me smile because it pointed out what I found to be an amusing contradiction. Irony makes me smile.
Who are you kidding? This whole argument started with your provocative posting of a graphic distributed by the right wing pro-life conservative activist Ray Flores that features a large semi-automatic handgun stating that Planned Parenthood kills people.
I still have no idea who Ray Flores is and do not care. I came across the picture on an unrelated facebook page.
The picture made me smile because it pointed out what I found to be an amusing contradiction. Irony makes me smile.

No idea who Rey Flores is? Well, I shouldn't be surprised at this point but you should pay closer attention to what you are posting as the fellow's handle is prominently featured on the image you posted. Obviously, you are mindlessly being socially engineered to re-distribute this particular agenda, but willingly and happily I think. And BTW, you should try to do your best to study and learn that actual meaning of irony. Again, your answer here seems highly disingenuous. Seems to be your "thing".

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Had I edited out his name would that have been better?
He is not one of my local politicians. Why would I look him up?

I find truth is truth no matter its source.
No idea who Rey Flores is? Well, I shouldn't be surprised at this point but you should pay closer attention to what you are posting as the fellow's handle is prominently featured on the image you posted. Obviously, you are mindlessly being socially engineered to re-distribute this particular agenda, but willingly and happily I think. And BTW, you should try to do your best to study and learn that actual meaning of irony. Again, your answer here seems highly disingenuous. Seems to be your "thing".

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Wow, hasn't this got out of hand. One posted a funny picture in the Pics that make you smile thread and the other is teaching us about the political agenda of some person with his name on it. I don't know how you sleep at night with analytics like that. Let it go, so everybody else can laugh at some funny pictures.
I do follow DM as knowing "too much" or having a personal interest in something make it hard to not step back and let things slide under the radar.
I also often fall or jump in both feet first if its something relating to my home country, like the text in that picture.
So i have to bite my tongue and not go off and tell yet again how you can be a freeloader all your life in Danish society, and how i dislike that.
I prefer the episode where Stevie and his GF think up evil deeds for each other to do
Not least since ii think the people over there do need a tidal wave sized enema


And never forget we have ready to go online.
I never liked her.

Put a a roof rack and a few scale items on my truck today.


Not fun but it make my truck look better and that in turn make me smile.
Close to subject, sometimes i wonder if i want to make a fully realistic scale car out of metal that acts just like a real car in some kind of accident how thin that metal should be and is it even possible to make a car from such thin metal that is close to tin foil, or should it be steel foil...(n)
What is scale of your car, if i think average car side metal thickness is maybe about 1 mm but underbody is thicker maybe from 2-3mm depending so the scale measures should then be??
I believe you would drive your scale car much more carefully if it would take damage like real cars do:p
the scale most used for these little offroad cars are 1/10, but there are also some 1/18 sized cars, smallest wheels are 1.55 inch diameter, i run 1.9 inch diameter and above that you have 2.2 inch wheel diameter.

Tire diameter range from around 80 mm and up, the tires on mine are 4.19 inch / 107 mm that's the max for Class 1 cars, most here run tires around 5 inch or 120 - 130 mm but i feel that's too large, at least not something you would see on Danish streets.
And you can get even larger tires and if you move up in the even larger wheel size you enter monster truck tires.

There are one American guy that male metal panels in thin metal so it get dented up real good, but most bodies are vacuum molded lexan and then the higher detailed cars like my chevy K5 body are ABS plastic also called hard bodies.

Some people also build their own bodies in a range of more or less soft materials but most often plastic are used.

That facebook link was awesome, i like those cars(y)