Pics that make you smile

Why did you try to push fake global warming politics down our throats?
Fake global warming? Really?

The supporters like the idea of someone willing to stand against the establishment.
I find it remarkable that this is apparently more important than actually improving the lives of the people.
We have one of these populist 'rebels' in our politics as well.
Mostly voted for by people that blaim immigrants and moslims for their problems. They believe nationalism will solve that. Shortsighted of course. Not sure if this is the same in the US but I could well imagine it is.
Ain't been nothing here to smile over in days :(
Except the thought of Bungus singing :ROFLMAO:
He can't be worse than me :rolleyes:


And that was my point a few posts back -- the trolls that have a congenital need to post political nonsense do so for many reasons but at the top is the desire to piss people off. The mindset is like the guy that has to fart but holds it in until he can get into a crowded elevator with the doors closed. Many tend to be at the sociopathic end of the personality spectrum. And again, we are now several days into this and with no end in sight. This is a goal of the trolls -- to hijack every conversation to spew there hate.

I just rejoined this topic but why is politics now off limits? What state are we in if you cant make fun of politicians anymore?
I just rejoined this topic but why is politics now off limits? What state are we in if you cant make fun of politicians anymore?

Politics is not off limits and neither is satire or humor. The issue here is intentionally inflammatory material that is neither humorous or something to make one smile such as the graphic claiming that a 100 year old woman's health care organization is murdering people because a small percentage of their activities revolves around abortion. Then it becomes trolling, especially when the member is still rubbing everyone's nose in it and being provocative literally two weeks after first posting the item.
I just rejoined this topic but why is politics now off limits? What state are we in if you cant make fun of politicians anymore?
White talibans accepts only one truth:censored:
the trolls that have a congenital need to post political nonsense do so for many reasons but at the top is the desire to piss people off.

trolling only works when someone responds, it's the back and forth that makes it possible, don't engage in it and it dies a natural death, having to have the last word is the issue, best to just let it go and don't worry about it and it soon ends of it's own accord
Politics is not off limits and neither is satire or humor. The issue here is intentionally inflammatory material that is neither humorous or something to make one smile such as the graphic claiming that a 100 year old woman's health care organization is murdering people because a small percentage of their activities revolves around abortion. Then it becomes trolling, especially when the member is still rubbing everyone's nose in it and being provocative literally two weeks after first posting the item.
I assume you are referring to me. I had forgotten about posting that pic until you brought it up multiple times.
Dashmallow is the one who needs to let things go. Why Dashmallow keeps bringing this up is beyond my understanding. Especially after posting 3 political pictures in a row.

P.S. No I am not convinced that man is responsible for climate change. In California there are ruins about 15 feet under water from about 8,000 years ago. The climate always changes. It has in the past and will in the future. We did not cause the water to rise that much over 8,000 years. It is a natural long term process.
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trolling only works when someone responds, it's the back and forth that makes it possible, don't engage in it and it dies a natural death, having to have the last word is the issue, best to just let it go and don't worry about it and it soon ends of it's own accord

That solution only works with someone who is not a serial troll such as we have here.
I assume you are referring to me. I had forgotten about posting that pic until you brought it up multiple times.
Dashmallow is the one who needs to let things go. Why Dashmallow keeps bringing this up is beyond my understanding. Especially after posting 3 political pictures in a row.

P.S. No I am not convinced that man is responsible fro climate change. In California there are ruins about 15 feet under water from about 8,000 years ago. The climate always changes. It has in the past and will in the future. We did not cause the water to rise that much over 8,000 years. It is a natural long term process.

My god! You're still at this?

Dashmallow was pushing a political agenda here.
Why did you try to push fake global warming politics down our throats?
These pics and posts did not make me smile.

"Down our throats"? A cartoon is satire my friend, not the trolling you engage in, nor are the "political" as you claim. Climate change is a scientific issue, not a political one. It has only become a "political agenda" thanks to right wing apparachicks with financial ties to the fossil fuel industry and to low information voters who parrot the talking points that have been fed to them on places like Fox News.