Pics that make you smile

Yes the real life dents are cool, but some also weather over the counter bodies to look pretty banged up.
A good place to source parts for your build are RC4WD, they have most a wanna be mini offroader can ask for

But be warned you easy end up sinking + 500 dollars in a little RC car, and some even double that with little effort.
I make the same mistake visiting the other nordic countries, clearly they do not understand Danish as good as i understand Swedish or Norwegian.
But generally if you talk slowly we "skandis" understand each other just fine.

The key here is "IF", try talking to a young girl in the USA on a phone, they can recite the phone book in 30 seconds:confused:o_O:D.

As a side note; my bank hired a young girl as the one you spoke to when you had a problem with your account, she had a very heavy foreign accent, after 15 minutes trying to figure out what she was saying I gave up! Went to the bank and gave them an ultimatum that if she was on the phone the next morning I was cancelling my account! I'm not against hiring foreigners but one has to use a little common sense on what position you put one in if they have speech problems with the english language :eek::ROFLMAO::D
Wow, hasn't this got out of hand. One posted a funny picture in the Pics that make you smile thread and the other is teaching us about the political agenda of some person with his name on it. I don't know how you sleep at night with analytics like that. Let it go, so everybody else can laugh at some funny pictures.

Well, some people blithely accept whatever crap is shoved under their nose as long as it's good for a laugh without regard to the message being conveyed to them, who has authored it or what their agenda may be.

And some people find it worthwhile to employ some critical thinking when evaluating the media they encounter on the internet, especially these days.

And some people may find a picture of a semi-automatic handgun coupled with a statement claiming that a 96 year old family planning organization murders people to be hilarious and some people don't.
Had I edited out his name would that have been better?
He is not one of my local politicians. Why would I look him up?

I find truth is truth no matter its source.

Erasing the name of the author is hardly being "truthful" as if editing out the name somehow changes the message. People look up the names of people or organizations on materiel they are about to post so they know the source rather than blindly allowing themselves to be a cog in someone else's agenda. Well, as least thinking people usually do that.

What you find to be "truthful" here, is nothing more than political trolling directed at anyone who doesn't happen to share your particular version of the "truth".
To be honest I'm not sure what the intended message is with that picture, are they having a go at planned parenthood, or at the gun problem?
It's the abortion "thing" with Planned Parenthood, not guns.

from the follow up conversation that ensued I had a feeling it might have been created by someone that has some sort of political agenda against planned parenthood but wasn't really sure, when I look at it to me it looks like it was created by someone in denial about the gun issue and just trying to divert attention away from that
from the follow up conversation that ensued I had a feeling it might have been created by someone that has some sort of political agenda against planned parenthood but wasn't really sure, when I look at it to me it looks like it was created by someone in denial about the gun issue and just trying to divert attention away from that

The author of that graphic is a hard core conservative anti-abortion activist with an agenda against Planned Parenthood. The gun on the image is simply intended to make the statement about PP more provocative. Strangely, abortion counseling and abortions are such a small percentage of what PP has been doing for the last 96 years yet the religious right has made it their sole focus.
Wow, hasn't this got out of hand. One posted a funny picture in the Pics that make you smile thread and the other is teaching us about the political agenda of some person with his name on it. I don't know how you sleep at night with analytics like that. Let it go, so everybody else can laugh at some funny pictures.

And that's the point -- someone finds a pic with a political motive that appeals to their inclinations and then feels that everyone else should either enjoy it or suffer the insufferable nonsense behind it. We've spent how many posts on this single issue and clearly the intent at annoyance has paid off. Trolling is getting out of hand and we need to stop this sh!t. There are a few folks the post liberal based trolling nonsense, but far and away the vast majority of this nonsense is from the right. This isn't new, I've been the recipient of trolling emails going back to the 90's but this modern era of social media has allowed professional trolls to have an impact far greater than ever before. country_hick maybe the biggest offender but he is not alone and as best I can tell it is all right wing nonsense. BTW, I'm neither a liberal nor a Democrat and have not voted for a Democrat for president since the 80's. All over YouTube I see professional trolling and much of it being instigated by paid Russian trolls who's goal is to divide the west. It is ironic to a high degree that some of the most compliant "useful fools" that retweet and resend there hateful bile are the very folks that can hardly mention a Democrat without adding something about communism.

This sure looks like a liberal leaning picture.
How am I supposed to smile about a picture declaring there are that many dead and injured?

Did you not pay attention to the message on the post your personally posted???

Should I get extremely angry over Dashmallows post and declare it has a hidden agenda?
This sure looks like a liberal leaning picture.
How am I supposed to smile about a picture declaring there are that many dead and injured?

Did you not pay attention to the message on the post your personally posted???

Should I get extremely angry over Dashmallows post and declare it has a hidden agenda?

Apparently, you are still trolling. And you sound idiotic.
And that's the point -- someone finds a pic with a political motive that appeals to their inclinations and then feels that everyone else should either enjoy it or suffer the insufferable nonsense behind it.

assuming the person sharing it has some sort of political agenda that aligns with their thinking, I'm sure with pics like that there would be some people that fall into that category but there's also people that would share it because they find it stupid or confronting or whatever without buying into the political aspect of it, I expect whoever authored the pic doesn't really care either way, they'd be happy to see their message get out there for whatever reason and that's the way social media works, stuff gets spread around for right and wrong reasons, the type of argument it created here would probably please the author no end, I do feel it's quite ridiculous to assume that by sharing it you automatically agree with the underlying point the author was trying to make

when I saw the pic (to me) it just looked like whoever created it is in denial about the gun problem which makes me think the author of the pic is an idiot, but that's just my take on it and I can make that assumption without having to brand whoever shared it as some sort of lunatic or whatever, had it been posted along with some sort of commentary about the personal views of what they felt it meant to them and why they shared it then I might interpret it differently, telling someone what they must have meant or what they must be implying is not something I have the right to do, I'm certainly not going to get all worked up thinking about what their hidden agenda might be, life's too short to waste worrying about it
Who was being seriously political here? I see 3 posts in a row from Dashmallow that were designed as an attack on Trump trying to upset Trump supporters. Dashmallow has attacked several members on multiple occasions which required admin attention. Apparently someone believes the same rules do not apply to all of us.

Those are the first 3 pictures posted on page 426 by Dashmallow.
Apparently, you are still trolling. And you sound idiotic.
TOS violation again...

If we are supposed to look deeply into an agenda behind each picture posted shouldn't we also look for and see that agenda in your pictures?
Dashmallow was pushing a political agenda here.
Why did you try to push fake global warming politics down our throats?
These pics and posts did not make me smile.

Oh, it's a global warning, all right.

The problem isn't "warming", it's CO2. Some places will get colder while the oceans get warmer and more acidic.
The oceans are getting dramatically more acidic because of increased carbon dioxide in the air.
Club soda (carbonated water) is acidic because it's full of carbon dioxide bubbles.

View attachment 33205
Are you serious?
And really, are there still Trump supporters? I mean really?!?
There are still many Trump supporters. There are also many detractors.
The supporters like the idea of someone willing to stand against the establishment.
Ain't been nothing here to smile over in days :(
Except the thought of Bungus singing :ROFLMAO:
He can't be worse than me :rolleyes:
