Pics that make you smile

Who was being seriously political here? I see 3 posts in a row from Dashmallow that were designed as an attack on Trump trying to upset Trump supporters. Dashmallow has attacked several members on multiple occasions which required admin attention. Apparently someone believes the same rules do not apply to all of us.

Those are the first 3 pictures posted on page 426 by Dashmallow.

Each of these posts you refer to were specifically as quoted responses to your posts. How convenient for you to ignore the context!
TOS violation again...

If we are supposed to look deeply into an agenda behind each picture posted shouldn't we also look for and see that agenda in your pictures?

Whether you are idiotic or not remains in question but I was referring to your goofy post that was indeed idiotic.
I assume you are referring to me. I had forgotten about posting that pic until you brought it up multiple times.
Dashmallow is the one who needs to let things go. Why Dashmallow keeps bringing this up is beyond my understanding. Especially after posting 3 political pictures in a row.

P.S. No I am not convinced that man is responsible for climate change. In California there are ruins about 15 feet under water from about 8,000 years ago. The climate always changes. It has in the past and will in the future. We did not cause the water to rise that much over 8,000 years. It is a natural long term process.

You've obviously been trying to pick a fight with me so, you'll get one. This is what trolls do, unfortunately.
That solution only works with someone who is not a serial troll such as we have here.

if someone posts inappropriate stuff over and over and there's no response they'll end up getting bored or banned, if you engage them and start arguing back and forth you'll keep them entertained and really have little reason to be able to report them if you're being part of the problem, I'm not pointing fingers or saying who is right or wrong, this is the same on any forum or social media platform, it's just common sense

you have a fight with the school bully, you both end up getting expelled
Each of these posts you refer to were specifically as quoted responses to your posts. How convenient for you to ignore the context!
How convenient of you to immediately attack the president 3 times over when you responded to a simple meme.

P.S. What is context?
trolling only works when someone responds, it's the back and forth that makes it possible, don't engage in it and it dies a natural death, having to have the last word is the issue, best to just let it go and don't worry about it and it soon ends of it's own accord

The troll wins either way. If no one responds there message is left unchallenged, if you do respond they win by baiting you into it. The paid trolling done by the IRA and other similar state funded disinformation outlets pay there trolls not only for the original post that projects the scripted message but also for the back and forth the furthers the agenda by turning folks against each other. Trolling is cancer!

That pic is NSFPWV
(Not suitable for people with vertigo) :ROFLMAO:

No I am not convinced that man is responsible for climate change.
now this is crossing into physics and thats where i can tell you some things.
I'll just leave it at one factual statement.
Human CO2 emissions are double that of the increase in atmospheric CO2.
Human CO2 emissions are double that of the increase in atmospheric CO2.

I'm no scientist but my take on it, yes the climate does go through cycles of change whether we were here or not, but our presence hasn't done anything positive for the climate and would only serve to accelerate any changes, and not for the better I would think
Thats about the only conclusion that you would be able to draw from that fact.
I therefor have great difficulty understanding "climate denialists"
Let's wait 200 years and then we can say who was right, no need to argue today
61 seems a bit old for a Darwin award
Hehe yeah :D still you have to tip your hat to him for doing it this way and not just launch a action camera on a helium balloon.