Pics that make you smile

I'm still not to that point that I can shrug my shoulders at stupidity.
But I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying real hard.
There is a back-story to this. This guy couldn't get enough donations to finish his rocket at first. Then he said the purpose was to prove a flat earth, and those who believe in that began donating their cash. This achieved two purposes in getting the rocket finished and in reducing the resources of the even more stupid ones at the same time ;)

At least he will get to try his dream of flying in his own rocket now with other people paying for that so he can't be too stupid himself :cool:

He's not really trying to prove that. It was just a way to separate fools from their money. I can't fault his determination- when you want to do something badly enough you will find some way to do it which is what he's done (y) On determination look up Walter Swan of Bisbee AZ USA- another old-timer who found a way to make his dream happen :cool:

There is a back-story to this. This guy couldn't get enough donations to finish his rocket at first. Then he said the purpose was to prove a flat earth, and those who believe in that began donating their cash. This achieved two purposes in getting the rocket finished and in reducing the resources of the even more stupid ones at the same time ;)

At least he will get to try his dream of flying in his own rocket now with other people paying for that so he can't be too stupid himself :cool:


He does appear to be a wanna be Evel Knievel who may well be exploiting the conspiracy theorists but could you provide a link to the backstory? So far he's primarily on record as a hard core flat earther.

I won the parking game
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Hats off to the guy who did successful do EKs snake river canyon jump, using the drawings and so on EK used.

The Dane that wanted to launch himself into space on a DIY rocket, well after some trial and error

Then apparently decided give in to his death fetish ( according to material on his computer ) and then kill a Swedish woman on his DIY submarine and cut her up and drop the pieces and then sink the sub.

Some times it do make me laugh what people think they can get away with :rolleyes:
woman on his DIY submarine
He should know that women on a sub are bad luck, there was also one on board the lost atgentinian one last week.

(My wife builds them btw)
Got it off Google News yesterday- not sure I can find it again but I'll try.


Here we go:

deeper in the article it says he made a claim of being converted to Flat Earth ideology after previous funding attempts failed which I find hard to believe although it could be possible- just very unlikely IMHO :whistle:

Well, in the article he does say, "And I’m a believer in the flat Earth,” so one has to read between the lines to conclude his motives but I take your point. The whole story is pretty whacky no matter how you look at it.

I like the part about his next phase of exploration which will involve floating in a balloon up to 20,000 feet above the ground, then rocket-packing himself into space in a “Rockoon,” which is a rocket that, rather than being immediately ignited while on the ground, is carried into the atmosphere by a gas-filled balloon, then separated from the balloon and lit.

"I don’t believe in science," Hughes said. "I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction." :confused:
I won the parking game

Un freaking believable people cant park such small cars in a parking bay, its the same up here not least where i shop, they even park on the little "sidwwalks" so people are forced to walk where cars drive and just adding to my frustration.
Only 1800 feet? Hot air balloons can go higher than that, can't they? Much safer, and cheaper.

Or go sign up for flight classes (or pay for a ride in a helicopter or plane) at your local private airport... Even those little Cessnas can go way higher than 2000 ft.

The more I think about it, it does sound like a scam, but considering who he's scamming, I'm ok with that. :p
I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air

Me too, ever since i threw my first rock :D
BUT as we found out getting creative with ESTES roclets and engines from new year rockets, its not as simple as it look :)
Me too, ever since i threw my first rock :D
BUT as we found out getting creative with ESTES roclets and engines from new year rockets, its not as simple as it look :)

I built a homemade gasoline powered flame thrower as a kid. Just glad my parents didn't see what happened out in the back yard. Glad I survived it too! :D
Thugh then the top gear guys launched that reliant robin and it tracked so perfect off the launch pad, that's probably one of the coolest thing i have seen on TV lately.

Not least factoring in the success or lack thereof with their other experiments.

FF to 8:00 if you like.

Immensely sad they dident get separation on the shuttle.