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Map of the world with inverted topography... Though the mid Atlantic ridge seems to be missing

now this is crossing into physics and thats where i can tell you some things.
I'll just leave it at one factual statement.
Human CO2 emissions are double that of the increase in atmospheric CO2.
So without human CO2 emissions, there would be a reduction of atmospheric CO2 the same size as the increase that we do have?
Are you sure you have your facts straight? Details are important.

Here's my view. Earth CO2 has ranged from 180ppm to 7000ppm. We are currently just over 400.
Earth survived having 7000ppm and we're supposed to panic because it's now 400ish??? That's barely more than twice the lowest level ever. The high level was 17 times higher than it is today!

Reconstructions show that concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have varied from as high as 7,000 parts per million (ppm) during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago to as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years

Sure, these are estimates, but anyone who says we MUST make major sacrifices of our quality of life to counter the dire threat is being disingenuous.
So without human CO2 emissions, there would be a reduction of atmospheric CO2 the same size as the increase that we do have?
Are you sure you have your facts straight? Details are important.

Here's my view. Earth CO2 has ranged from 180ppm to 7000ppm. We are currently just over 400.
Earth survived having 7000ppm and we're supposed to panic because it's now 400ish??? That's barely more than twice the lowest level ever. The high level was 17 times higher than it is today!

Sure, these are estimates, but anyone who says we MUST make major sacrifices of our quality of life to counter the dire threat is being disingenuous.

As we near the record for the highest CO2 concentration in human history — 400 parts per million — climate scientists worry about where we were then, and where we're rapidly headed now.

The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist
Earth survived those levels, would we?
Would life on Earth survive us if our population kept growing exponentially?
If climate change reduced how much of Earth humans could live on, it would be for the greater good, and I'd welcome it.

Map of the world with inverted topography... Though the mid Atlantic ridge seems to be missing

I've been trying to find a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson describing that the Earth is so smooth, that if a school globe was to scale, you would barely be able to feel the highest mountains as you ran your fingers over it.

Instead I found this:
Would life on Earth survive us if our population kept growing exponentially?

I have no doubt we don't make any positive impact on the planet and it would be better off without us

If climate change reduced how much of Earth humans could live on, it would be for the greater good, and I'd welcome it.

will be long after we're gone and forgotten about, doesn't however mean we shouldn't try and minimise our impact, even if it's not going to fix things and is only delaying the inevitable (just my opinion though)