Pics that make you smile


Oh, you must mean a dancing fool! :D
This is how our mp-police train every year before summer.
We have only one female mp-cop because at the test police must push his/hers bike 460 meters under 3 minute - why 460 meters why push i don't know.
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mp-police train

Its the same here, the guys on 2 wheels are not as inept as they was when i was young where outrunning them on a tuned moped or a gocart was not the biggest of problems,,,, well at least not on the moped the gocart was harder.

I have single handed pushed my Volvo 121 500 meters in 10 - 15 cm of slushy snow, this was at 2 in the morning and i had to get up at 5 to go to work, so when i got home and the snow plows had piled up at lot of snow in front of our driveway i just floored my volvo thru resulting in me tearing off the plastic front spoiler.
Today in my current condition i would not be able to push my little suzuki 10 meters on a level and dry road :(
Thats batman's brother from another mother,,,, fatman :D

I was on a scale a few days ago, and either there was something wrong with either of the 2 last scales i have been on, or it seem like i have lost weight as i am only 105 kilos now
I assumed you had meant the increase in CO2 down to man was twice the naturally occuring increase. That would have made much more sense as a way of criticising our impact.

We are 200% responsible for the 18Gt/yr increase.
How much clearer do you want it?
I dont have any children so i can pollute as i please :D

/me flexing his irresponsibility or just going with the flow ?
I have single handed pushed my Volvo 121 500 meters in 10 - 15 cm of slushy snow, this was at 2 in the morning and i had to get up at 5 to go to work,
I would just left the car there and walked without it:)
Yes that was a opting for sure as it was only a 2 - 3 Km walk home, and the bus i could take later in the moring to go to work stopped 10 M from my house and 200 M from where i worked.

But i was 19 and it was my first car, so hell or high water i was driving it,,, that is after i pushed it that far and got a running start down the hill at the end cuz the battery in the volvo was dead.
We are 200% responsible for the 18Gt/yr increase.
How much clearer do you want it?
YOU are the one missing the point I made.

If there was a natural change of X, and we made an additional change of 2X, then our effect would be twice as large as nature's, and we would have made a change in the same direction, making it three times as bad as it would have been. That would have been damning.

But instead, you are saying there was a natural change of -X, we made a change of +2X. The result is +1X. i.e. no more significant than the change nature would have made all on it's own.

Get it now?