Pics that make you smile

So without human CO2 emissions, there would be a reduction of atmospheric CO2 the same size as the increase that we do have?

Are you sure you have your facts straight? Details are important.

Quite positive, thank you.
World emissions: 36061710000000 kg = 36 GigaTon's_atmosphere
Atmospheric CO2 increases by about 2 ppm, which is 0,5% of the current level of ~400ppm
There is about 3600 Gigaton of CO2 in the atmosphere so 0.5% is 18 Gigaton.

36Gt is twice the atmospheric increase of 18Gt.
Weed grower or Bitcoin miner? :smuggrin:
View attachment 34742
That looks suspiciously like a Dutch neighbourhood.
Googling for that image gave me confirmation, as those are dutch plates:
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So, without mankind, Earth would be facing an equally severe change, but in the opposite direction!!!
I assumed you had meant the increase in CO2 down to man was twice the naturally occuring increase. That would have made much more sense as a way of criticising our impact.

Personally, I prefer global warming to global cooling. But that's because I'm in a colder country.
Well at one time earth dident have oxygen at all, and the liquid we had was acid pools or seas, but enter geological time and something to fart oxygen and hey presto here we are.
Along the ride we had ups and downs like the Siberian traps and what not kicking the clock back, and when Yosemite go off again i am sure out American friends will be saddened.
And So will we Euro boys then the Italian copy of Yosemite go off.
We just have to do what we do best, die or adapt and overcome, both in a fashion we now have a high degree of say on, so we can be smart on the matter or ignorant and chance it.
Well at one time earth dident have oxygen at all, and the liquid we had was acid pools or seas, but enter geological time and something to fart oxygen and hey presto here we are.
Along the ride we had ups and downs like the Siberian traps and what not kicking the clock back, and when Yosemite go off again i am sure out American friends will be saddened.
And So will we Euro boys then the Italian copy of Yosemite go off.
We just have to do what we do best, die or adapt and overcome, both in a fashion we now have a high degree of say on, so we can be smart on the matter or ignorant and chance it.
With our global economy (including food), it'll be a lot more than just the US and Canada that are hurting when Yosemite blows again.

and here's the requisite George Carlin on Global Warming (or more accurately, man's impact on Earth)

do i need to put a language warning for dear old George? ;)

my favorite part is "the Earth plus plastic". :D
Map of the world with inverted topography... Though the mid Atlantic ridge seems to be missing

The mid "Atlantic" ridge is very visible!

It runs up the centre of the American ocean ;)
The Man(y)
(I know it's not true but what can you do with a pic like that)
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I think the biggest mistake made was by whoever came up with the phrase 'global warming'

I couldn't agree with you more. The planet is warming but it is far more complex than that and "global warming" is a somewhat of a misnomer. It's climate change.

As we near the record for the highest CO2 concentration in human history — 400 parts per million, one of the most significant effects is Ocean Acidification. This is the one the climate deniers have the most difficulty with because it is not speculation, it is shown to be happening now. The demonstrably increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are causing the oceans to become demonstrably more acidic. Think club soda, aka: carbonated water. The carbon dioxide absorbed from the air creates carbonic acid. These increasing acid levels in ocean waters attack and dissolve calcium. Thus, it is negatively impacting and harming anything in the ocean made of calcium such as the shells of mollusks and crustaceans such as krill, shrimp, clams, coral etc. These creatures are ultimately the key to the food chain.

If you don't know about Ocean Acidification or are in denial about excess CO2 in the atmosphere and believe "climate change" or "global warming" is a hoax, because that's what Fox News along with politicians and operatives of the fossil fuel industry tell you, then do your home work.


Also, 97 percent of the world's scientists have reached the consensus that climate change is real and that it is primarily caused by human activity since the beginning of the industrial revolution and the widespread use of fossil fuels.'_views_on_climate_change


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I couldn't agree with you more. The planet is warming but it is far more complex than that and "global warming" is a somewhat of a misnomer. It's climate change.

climate change is what it should have been called all along, lost count of the times I've heard people say stuff like "global warming, yeah bring it on, I hate the cold weather"

you really have to wonder sometimes
Here's the problem:


And until we change the enemy will remain the same!

I think the biggest mistake made was by whoever came up with the phrase 'global warming'
The 1970's had the claim of global cooling which was debunked.
Global warming being the opposite of cooling was naturally used.