Pics that make you smile

Mom have her feet firmly planted on the ground, no need to waste too much memory storage about such silly thing as a gaming console. :D

Just ask anyone heavy into the fruit brand, according to them there are no alternatives to that.
YOU are the one missing the point I made.

If there was a natural change of X, and we made an additional change of 2X, then our effect would be twice as large as nature's, and we would have made a change in the same direction, making it three times as bad as it would have been. That would have been damning.

But instead, you are saying there was a natural change of -X, we made a change of +2X. The result is +1X. i.e. no more significant than the change nature would have made all on it's own.

Get it now?
Yes. No point in arguing, I see that now.
Nature would decrease the CO2, we increase it, but that's ok because altough the sign is different the magnitude is the same.

Back to the funny pics:
Well, gods didn't just snap their fingers you know;)
This was gaming when daddy or grandpa was young.

Pong turn 45 today.
Noooooo ! that's not the normal way to do it.

30 years later most countries have signed up and agreed to do something ... sometime in the future. But now the USA is going backwards...
The American presidency are going backwards on the matter, that's something all together different.

I am catching the next gravitational wave out of here :D

30 years later most countries have signed up and agreed to do something ... sometime in the future. But now the USA is going backwards...

Yes, sadly the USA is going backwards on climate issues; worse actually. Dozens of key environmental regulations are being dismantled under the Trump administration, including rescinding the ban on dumping of coal mining waste into nearby streams and waterways. "Suicide Capitalism."
Yes, sadly the USA is going backwards on climate issues; worse actually. Dozens of key environmental regulations are being dismantled under the Trump administration, including rescinding the ban on dumping of coal mining waste into nearby streams and waterways. "Suicide Capitalism."

Trump seems to want to undo anything Obama did, there must be some some of issue there that is driving this behavior
The American presidency are going backwards on the matter, that's something all together different.

I am catching the next gravitational wave out of here :D
Trying to get my brain around what happens when you catch a gravitational wave...

Since the wave bends space and time, it moves the place you are in so you don't actually move anywhere new, you are still in the same place, all that happens is that you grow, and then shrink again!
Trump seems to want to undo anything Obama did, there must be some some of issue there that is driving this behavior
I might have missed something, but has he actually done anything positive yet?
The wall hasn't been built yet...
I might have missed something, but has he actually done anything positive yet?
The wall hasn't been built yet...

not sure the wall counts as a positive but no, I don't see anything he has done that's positive either, I guess our 'fake news' probably doesn't have access to the info if he has