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Texas was actually its own country for a short time before joining the US. And there are some now who want to secede and become a separate nation again.


If Alaska was cut in two Texas would become the third largest state!

Depending on how they cut it up, of course. Maybe make the Alleutians a state of their own. Call it "East Russia". ;)

Well then if Alaska was to divide itself as you suggest AND Texas were to secede from the United States then Texas would complete drop of the charts as far as state size is concerned. Not sure how that would change Trump's plan for a wall....

Well then if Alaska was to divide itself as you suggest AND Texas were to secede from the United States then Texas would complete drop of the charts as far as state size is concerned. Not sure how that would change Trump's plan for a wall....

then there would be more wall up the eastern border of NM, and suddenly a wall in OK and LA as well. so there'd be a lot more wall. He'd still want more wall in CA and AZ - that part wouldn't change.

Course there's also Calexit to think about... and the fact that at one point, the USG was thinking about chopping TX into 5 pieces... i doubt any of that (calexit, texit, AK divide) will ever happen anyway, but it's kind of a fun thought exercise.
then there would be more wall up the eastern border of NM, and suddenly a wall in OK and LA as well. so there'd be a lot more wall. He'd still want more wall in CA and AZ - that part wouldn't change.

Course there's also Calexit to think about... and the fact that at one point, the USG was thinking about chopping TX into 5 pieces... i doubt any of that (calexit, texit, AK divide) will ever happen anyway, but it's kind of a fun thought exercise.

Yes, in addition to the Texans that want to leave there's a group in California that want out as well. Probably fair to say there are people in every state that would prefer to exit the Union for one grievance or another. Not much has changed in 150 years sad to say...

Love it - leave it or change it, pretty much all there is to do.
Being a cog in a larger machine both have its good and bad sides., as do being alone in a big world.

EU for instance just put forward new budget, and now that the Brits are out it is going to cost even more, and we Danes sure as hell are going to say bye - bye to the rebates we get ( dont ask me why or how much )
I do have to admit with my down to earth way of thinking, then managing something smaller should cost less and not more.
And personally i feel the mere fact that some member countries get discounts and others dont, that to me sound like a unhealthy organization that is not working, and given a chance like the Brits i would have to say NO too.
But its a NO to what it is now, i am not against the base idea of EU as origination facilitating trade in between its members , but that's only a tiny little bit of what power hungry and sick people have changed EU into.
Our vet calls them an E-collar, short for Elizabethan. Guess they're trying to be fancy-like. They charge $25 each, but since we've fostered so many dogs, and most needed spay/neuter, we now have one of each size, for when they're needed.
Yes, Elizabethan sounds about right as the "proper" name but after the Movie "Up" it's pretty much now known as the cone of shame...

I think Americans even made the shape even more parabolic and then put it in the head of misbehaving kids.
And so really making it a cone of shame.