Pics that make you smile

hope these come out ok many thanks to jokiin for his message of concern this morning
if at first you dont succeed try try again Ipol well that didnt seem to work either
Its not good when you get a image like that in the home marked.

But the Bavarian factory is damm hard to take out, they seem to withstand just about everything the world can throw at them.
America is in serious trouble. No victory. The dream is dead.:mad:

Pay back from Mexico, now there gonna send there best people.:(
Ay dios mio. :D
I don't envie politicians in this day and age, and that in turn make me wonder how they can remain in office for decades when truth be told a good politician would last a decade at best.
Must be 1 or 2 things of 2 things failing

1. the media
2. the ppl
Audi, Range Rover and Mercedes (just to name a few) also have that, but Mercedes goes a step further, handing its Guide On How To Never Indicate, Never Stop At Stop Signs And Always Drive In Two Lanes At The Same Time to new owners. Fortunately, not all Mercedes drivers read that guide, yet they're still just a (very) small minority. :rolleyes:
(Yeah, DCT members who own Mercedes, I'm talking about you. :D )
Audi, Range Rover and Mercedes (just to name a few) also have that, but Mercedes goes a step further, handing its Guide On How To Never Indicate, Never Stop At Stop Signs And Always Drive In Two Lanes At The Same Time to new owners. Fortunately, not all Mercedes drivers read that guide, yet they're still just a (very) small minority. :rolleyes:
(Yeah, DCT members who own Mercedes, I'm talking about you. :D )
Errr what o_O:confused:
Is it a DUI test in England to say
I bet that name must have been made in a pub, over many pint of beer.:)
