Pics that make you smile

Might need to work on the 'stealth' factor a bit before it becomes accepted as a dash cam. ;)

It'll be built on back of smart phones.:sick: Lots of space for multiple lens there.
The new Samsung A9 phone come with a quad camera on the back, and the A line are no longer a that cheap model.
This may be the future for cameras and dash cams. Who says only one lens is needed?

"You can adjust up to 5X optical zoom but the resolution drops to 13MP."
Errr... OK.

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That multi-lens Light L16 camera is kind of interesting and it appears they already have a rear-view mirror style dash cam in the works as well as a dome style surveillance camera.


The concept of a multi-lens high data rate camera rang a bell when I first heard about it as it may be a very distant consumer level "cousin" of the ARGUS-IS Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). ARGUS-IS is an advanced camera system that uses hundreds of cellphone cameras in a mosaic to capture every moving object within a 36 square mile area from a drone platform. Each sensor uses four lenses and 368 cell phone cameras, 5 megapixels each to record to a 1.8 Gigapixel video system. While it is difficult to really compare these two camera systems, they do share the unique concept of a software based multi-lens, multi sensor camera system.

Interestingly, like Boston Dynamics mentioned above by @Gibson99, the Light Camera is also funded in part by Softbank.
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I remember that DARPA project with all those cameras, pretty simple really ( like when Ford came to Le mans in the mid 60ties with the GT40, bringing a sledgehammer to the problem )
i'm not holding my breath, but i am hopeful. i am actually qualified for the position i applied for, so it's not a stretch. i'd have to move if i'm hired (it would still be in texas, but it's about 3 hours from here so can't commute), and that makes me more nervous than the job itself!

i'm not holding my breath, but i am hopeful. i am actually qualified for the position i applied for, so it's not a stretch. i'd have to move if i'm hired (it would still be in texas, but it's about 3 hours from here so can't commute), and that makes me more nervous than the job itself!

View attachment 42470

Good luck!!:)
Put a phone book in there, crank it up with some bass and drum,,,, and you have a loud confetti cannon. :giggle:
I will apply to space X as the comic relief, in the movies thats often the first one to go.
It's an optical illusion.
Proof out eye / brain symbiosis are screwed, if you close eye it dont move.
At least it dont for me, and better not wink.