Pics that make you smile

Some "Bugs" do have a stabilizer bar in front. A friend had his break so he removed it, then the car rolled heavily in turns. I was riding in back alone when we nearly rolled over and down a mountain. I leaned over and put all my weight on the 'grab strap' behind the door meant to help you get in and out, and that pulled the high side of the car back down to the road. True story :cool:

Some "Bugs" do have a stabilizer bar in front. A friend had his break so he removed it, then the car rolled heavily in turns. I was riding in back alone when we nearly rolled over and down a mountain. I leaned over and put all my weight on the 'grab strap' behind the door meant to help you get in and out, and that pulled the high side of the car back down to the road. True story :cool:

good thing you didn't put too much weight on the seat cushion and short out the battery. heard of plenty of "hot seats" caused by that... :D a friend's solution to that was to duct tape a piece of 2x4 to the top of the battery so the seat springs couldn't reach the battery terminals.


Checking out Kohler's products (they make kitchen & bathroom fixtures). One product didn't have a picture yet. So, ...

Adjacent posts on my Facebook page. These people do not know each other, and the upper one did not see the lower post.

English are my #2 language in among several #2 languages, so my excuse are valid i think, but i do acknowledge i probably rape the language, or at least put the hurt on people that know English grammar.
But i am sure it would not be as bad as if anyone gave Danish a go, and fair warning google translate to Danish well its not really that good.

I am pretty happy French are not the internet language :giggle: je parle un petit peu francis and thats almost it.
English are my #2 language in among several #2 languages, so my excuse are valid i think, but i do acknowledge i probably rape the language, or at least put the hurt on people that know English grammar.
But i am sure it would not be as bad as if anyone gave Danish a go, and fair warning google translate to Danish well its not really that good.
English is a horrible language. We can have one house or 2 houses. We can have one mouse but 2 mice. It makes no sense. Modern English is the result of cramming together multiple incompatible languages. It is only natural that English is very difficult to master for those who were not brought up speaking it..

I have seen many language translation mistakes from people who obviously are smart enough to speak at least one language more than I do. I never take offense from this. If someone was trying to learn or improve their English and I thought it would help I would correct them at appropriate times. Posting online is not using the appropriate place or time to correct these simple mistakes in translation going from one language to another when we know what was meant.

P.S. I speak 2 languages. English and bad English. Some day I may go for slang in an effort to become trilingual.
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At the private school I went to in Mississippi (which has a reputation for horrible public schools), French was mandatory beginning in 1st grade. So even though I don't remember most of the French I learned back in the 80s, I definitely have a different kind of respect for people who are truly multi-lingual. Especially languages that area so similar, like French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. I failed Spanish pretty badly in high school because I kept mixing it up with French.
I get things mixed up too as i am self taught in all the languages,,, well me and TV.

Norwegian and Swedish i some times mix, Spanish and Italian too.
The main reason i think are i don't really use those languages much, and Spanish and Italian, well saying i speak those might be stretching the truth a little.
But i would have no problem at all functioning in Norway / Sweden / Germany and any English speaking country, some countries i would be totally lost in, even with the flair for languages my brain seem to have.

Of course i am not 100% in any of those languages, but its so good that if i miss or don't understand a word now and then, i can deduce from the context what is meant.

German and English was mandatory in school back then, but as i already spoke it better or as good as the teachers then paying attention in those classes did not really work for me, so i spent many of those outside the door or at the principals office.