Pics that make you smile

This is also neat... A couple of birds are building themselves quite the nest above my front door. First pic was last Saturday, second was tonight. So in a week they've built a bowl shaped ledge, attached to the brick. The brick only stuck out about 1cm and now the nest hangs out at least 10cm.



I wish my phone camera could capture the color of them. Rich deep iridescent blue on the wings and tail, and orange on the chest. Their tails are V-shaped, pretty neat to see them. And they didn't seem to be bothered when 6 very loud kids ranging in age from 9 to 1 all stormed out the door tonight.
And a few cameras.
This is also neat... A couple of birds are building themselves quite the nest above my front door. First pic was last Saturday, second was tonight. So in a week they've built a bowl shaped ledge, attached to the brick. The brick only stuck out about 1cm and now the nest hangs out at least 10cm.

View attachment 37472

View attachment 37473

I wish my phone camera could capture the color of them. Rich deep iridescent blue on the wings and tail, and orange on the chest. Their tails are V-shaped, pretty neat to see them. And they didn't seem to be bothered when 6 very loud kids ranging in age from 9 to 1 all stormed out the door tonight.

I doubt very seriously if an architect could have done better, you have to really know what you are doing when cantilevering is involved:):cool:. On second thought, an architect couldn't have done it!
I wish my phone camera could capture the color of them. Rich deep iridescent blue on the wings and tail, and orange on the chest. Their tails are V-shaped, pretty neat to see them. And they didn't seem to be bothered when 6 very loud kids ranging in age from 9 to 1 all stormed out the door tonight.

Those are Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). Amazing to watch these gorgeous birds gracefully swooping through the air while feeding on insects.

Our swallows are not that colorful, pretty bleak to be honest, only matching in flying skill.

Landsvale. (Hirundo rustica)

Bysvale. ( Delichon urbicum )

The two most common swallows here.
The one in your picture had much lighter coloring, but the one at the top of the Audubon site looks almost exactly like the ones nesting here. Thanks for the info!

Edit: @kamkar1 the first one you posted is the same species name and appearance as what I have living by my door.

Birds seem to like us. Last house we had some killdees nesting in the back yard for a couple years. Since they nest on the ground, I stuck some sticks in the ground so I wouldn't accidentally run over their nest with the lawn mower. At the house before that, some doves had a nest in a bush next to our back door for a couple years. And they didn't mind us taking close up pictures or just looking at them and their babies.
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Yeah i noticed the Latin name are the same, probably one of those euro Shakespeare birds imported to the US in days gone bye.
Our one just seen less colorfull, maby ours are non HDR birds.
I know many US airgunners like to shoot those pest birds as some of them are problems in the US fauna

The two i posted are called ( translated ) Rural swallow and Town swallow.
We have a third one here, which i think are called a dike swallow ( translated )

Best looking bird here in color are the kingfisher / Isfugl ( Alcedo atthis )
Hard to get photos off they say.
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Yeah i noticed the Latin name are the same, probably one of those euro Shakespeare birds imported to the US in days gone bye.
Our one just seen less colorfull, maby ours are non HDR birds.
I know many US airgunners like to shoot those pest birds as some of them are problems in the US fauna

The two i posted are called ( translated ) Rural swallow and Town swallow.
We have a third one here, which i think are called a dike swallow ( translated )

Best looking bird here in color are the kingfisher / Isfugl ( Alcedo atthis )
Hard to get photos off they say.

Where do you get this stuff? :confused:

The Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica ) is by far the most widespread and abundant of the 90 species in its family. It nests across North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. In the winter, it heads south, taking up residence throughout South America, Africa, and southern Asia, all the way to northern Australia.

They were not imported to the US nor are they generally considered pests or problem birds. In fact, since they almost exclusively eat insects they are a key species in keeping a lid on populations of actual pests. Since swallows are a migratory bird, they are protected by US federal and state law. It is illegal to kill or hurt swallows in any way. Swallows are only a problem if they nest in places where they are unwanted and there are professionals available who specialize in wildlife removal for that but most people enjoy and welcome them, like @Gibson99 and his family.
yeah there are a lot of sup species on all continents of the swallows.

By the Shakespeare birds i mean, some Shakespeare lover named Eugene Schieffelin released birds mentioned by Shakespeare in the US, but upon reading up on this nugget my brain had stored it seem only the starlings and sparrows succeeded in populating the US to a degree its now considered a pest,,, by some at least.
He also imported and released bullfinches, chaffinches, nightingales and skylarks.

I apologize for my selective and solo operating brain, i have little control over what it choose to store, hence my fragmented knowledge of many things i really dont have much interest in personally.

Biggest brid problem here as far as i know are seagulls, that seemingly should now be named landgulls or towngulls instead, they make one hell of a noise and mess too.

I just remembered i think there are also problems with a with squirrel competing with the native American ones, Brown and Grey, cant recall witch belong where.
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yeah there are a lot of sup species on all continents of the swallows.

By the Shakespeare birds i mean, some Shakespeare lover named Eugene Schieffelin released birds mentioned by Shakespeare in the US, but upon reading up on this nugget my brain had stored it seem only the starlings and sparrows succeeded in populating the US to a degree its now considered a pest,,, by some at least.
He also imported and released bullfinches, chaffinches, nightingales and skylarks.

I apologize for my selective and solo operating brain, i have little control over what it choose to store, hence my fragmented knowledge of many things i really dont have much interest in personally.

Biggest brid problem here as far as i know are seagulls, that seemingly should now be named landgulls or towngulls instead, they make one hell of a noise and mess too.

I just remembered i think there are also problems with a with squirrel competing with the native American ones, Brown and Grey, cant recall witch belong where.

OK, THAT guy! Now I know what you meant by "euro Shakespeare birds"! :) Yeah, we have all kinds of invasive plants, animals, especially insects here that don't belong. Just this month we found out that the Emerald ash borer beetle has been found in my state and ash trees are one of the most important tree species in our local forests. We've all been worried about this one for quite a while and have been hoping that the cold winters here would keep them at bay. A lot of species seem to arrive here from Asia these days in shipping containers and packing materials. Thankfully some Shakespeare fanatic wasn't into bugs!

We have a lot of grey and red squirrels here and sometimes I think of them as rats with fluffy tails! :D
I sure dont condone people going out and shooting at everything with a heartbeat, personally i would only shoot at what i would eat, aside for rats, and other people shooting at me first or say they will do that and sound and look all serious about it.
My friend and me will have to whip up some air rifle targets soon, his new place open up so many new things for us in that department, not least "long" range where you really got to have your act together if you want to place 2 shots fairly close to each other.
Should be more fun that just pouring lead thru the same hole the first pellet made.
And that's just one thing wrong with my country :rolleyes::giggle:

Personally and not considering the insane Danish gas prices i would go for the 5 L Pony car with the rag top. :cool:
he is on fiber, probably pay 2 X that google charge for 1 gbit over there. ( 58 USD/mo )
I see a future pole dancer here :giggle: