Senior citizen seeking advice on purchase

The 'aiming' is not so critical, and you'll get used to positioning the camera by sight.

Another cam to think about is a mobius. It's roughly the size of small matchbox, no screen, about as reliable as a dash cam gets, decent video quality. You can get an add on capacitor for it. I have 3, and threw one in my carry on bag to use on a vacation trip to thailand earlier this year.

I have a mobius that has been running in my tractor trailer 24/7, for most of the last two years.
Second that on the Mobius
A Mobius running 24/7 for most of the past 2 years has really got my attention.

Which model Mobius is it ? and would you recommend one model over another ?

At this stage of the "mind boggling" research into dash cams, I've pretty much
thrown the budget out the window & will pay whatever it takes to get a good quality, reliable &
"highly dependable" dash cam.

I should also mention that my wife & I don't drive a heck of a lot - with 2.5 years on our
SUV it has only travelled about 25,000 kilometres & our car on average only goes about
7 or 8,000 kilometres per year.

PS - I just had a look at a 23 minute review of the Mobius shown in the above picture/post
and it is quite interesting - whilst it doesn't have a "screen", it is very impressive &
seem to be able to last a very reasonable period of time when used outside the vehicle...
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A Mobius running 24/7 for most of the past 2 years has really got my attention.

Which model Mobius is it ? and would you recommend one model over another ?

One of my two Mobius cams is over two years old, & the other isn't much younger. Both faultless.

Choose between Mobius A (standard lens) & C2 (wide angle). Both are good lenses. You mentioned in Post #1 that you don't drive much at night, so you won't benefit from the C2's low light superiority. In which case the Mobius A is possibly the better choice for you.

Ensure you avoid fakes by only buying from a Mobius-approved seller...
whilst it doesn't have a "screen", it is very impressive &
seem to be able to last a very reasonable period of time when used outside the vehicle...
I initially thought that would be a problem. But once I started using it, found that it was not a problem at all. The versatility of this camera is simply amazing.
Gabacho - thanks - I have read 1 to 8 & somewhat beyond - BUT will have to re-read...
I am on information overload at this moment !! but my brain will eventually catch up !!

russ331 - somewhere I read that the "A" has a FOV of 87 degrees while the C2 has a FOV
of 116 degrees - would the C2 not be better or is there a risk of more "fish eye" on the outer edges ?
... would the C2 not be better or is there a risk of more "fish eye" on the outer edges ?

The A makes objects appear closer, so it's preferred for number plate recognition. It's lens is flush within the camera body, so is less vulnerable to accidental damage.

The C2 lens provides more peripheral coverage, so gathers more evidence in the event of a side impact.

Both lenses offer a choice of user-selectable Field of View via the mSetup GUI, so if you choose the C2 & find its standard FOV too wide for your taste, you can select a narrower FOV, which also reduces its fisheye effect.
If you like the size of the Möbius the all new JooVuu-X is looking very promising. It's a similar form factor but it's Super-HD with other bells and whistles. It's a bit away though and not shipping today just yet.
The two year old Mobius I mentioned is a standard, or A model.

I've never used my mobius on the internal battery alone. (Have two other reliable 'action cams')

You could download the configuration software and nose around. Not sure which is the preferred link for the download, but if you google 'mobius configuration software' you will find a handful of sources. msetup is the program.
You guys have renewed my faith in mankind - I'd forgotten how helpful "forum" people can be !!

I will take a look at the SGZC 12 SS - to heck with the budget - but I must say that the Mobius
has really got my attention - especially the fact that one can take it along (while travelling for instance)
& thereby use it as other than a dash cam.

If I might, a few quick questions on the Mobius:

Does the current version come with the standard 520mAh battery ?
One of the recommended sellers (in Canada) is offering the 820mAh battery (as an accessory)
for only $12 Canadian - would it make sense to get that & make the change over ?

Can the Mobius be hard wired as opposed to using the cigarette adapter ?

Do you think that one could use the bike handlebar mount to "attach" that to the rear view
mirror arm & then attach the camera to that ? Seems to me that the other mounting options
place the camera somewhat "below" the rear view mirror, thereby making it more visible...

Thanks again to all for your patience with me.
Gabacho - thanks - I have read 1 to 8 & somewhat beyond - BUT will have to re-read...
I am on information overload at this moment !! but my brain will eventually catch up !!
I hear you, as I have been reading that, and RCGroups since November '14 :eek:
Does the current version come with the standard 520mAh battery ?
One of the recommended sellers (in Canada) is offering the 820mAh battery (as an accessory)
for only $12 Canadian - would it make sense to get that & make the change over ?

Can the Mobius be hard wired as opposed to using the cigarette adapter ?

I thought that the 820mAh battery is now standard. At the manufacturer's official outlet site the spec does include the larger battery ...
Mobius can be hardwired. For mounting solutions, see...
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