we have some more capacitor based models we're working on, there will be very few models from us with battery next year

Thanks for that. Will be worth waiting for. Can't see any ventilation holes in the casing though.
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Thanks @niko, these are excellent quality videos, pleasure to watch.
You are welcome.
Videos are as is, some time they are pleasing eyes, some time maybe not, most important is to understand that it's all depends on many things: weather condition, day or night, slow or high speed driving, sun in front or back of the car, dashboard reflection etc. I try to bring all possible scenarios to people, along with raw / original video files download, so they can see a real life result on their own PC / laptop / TV, because YouTube not always a great place to judge a video objectively.
More recent video to come soon.
My dash cam arrived hooray! unfortunately I am away until new year, so can't set it up until then. Couple of questions.

I assume looking at images on this thread it does not come with a manual yet?
Also I could not find online version either.
Can I power it up via say my phone charger to do an initial set up rather than setting it up in the car?
Is the include SD card preformatted?

Looking forward to getting back and setting it up.
Card is preformatted

Defaults are all set, timezone is the only thing you may need to double check

The G-Sensor will want to calibrate on first use, it needs to be mounted in the cradle when you do this

Manual will be finished soon, we had a holdup waiting for some firmware changes that were needed, still some firmware improvements to come also
Thanks jokiin
You are right, at night ( also in the evening or cloudy day ) numberplates are "blown out" in the scenes where cars speed are different. In the scenes where your car speed is close to the front- or side lane moving car speed ( almost synchronised ), or you stopped in traffic, then as you can see from video samples, nubmerplates reading is quite clear. If in front of you- or side lane car speed is different than your car speed, then numberplates are getting "blown out". This rule applies to ALL dashcams.
Also big role plays numberplates light reflection and what type of headlights bulbs are used. You may read here: Reading License Plates at Night. HID / Xenon, standard bulbs
View attachment 10319

Thanks for the comprehensive reply niko, I had imagined some night time footage from other cams was clearer but I've gone back and checked Techmoans night footage and the clear stuff, as you say, was of cars moving in the same direction and speed. It seems on a par with other cams otherwise.

Could you confirm the emerency protection length please? i.e. when you hit the button to protect footage how long before and after does it store and is this customisable by the user? Also would you have any idea at what point you would be shipping units with an instruction manual and non-beta firmware?

Many thanks.
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Thanks for the comprehensive reply niko, I had imagined some night time footage from other cams was clearer but I've gone back and checked Techmoans night footage and the clear stuff, as you say, was of cars moving in the same direction and speed. It seems on a par with other cams otherwise.

Could you confirm the emerency protection length please? i.e. when you hit the button to protect footage how long before and after does it store and is this customisable by the user? Also would you have any idea at what point you would be shipping units with an instruction manual and non-beta firmware?

Many thanks.

Emergency button locks files in 3 different ways: past + present file, only present file, or present + next file, all depend on how many seconds after new file started or how many seconds left till the end of present recording file. Exact values will be able to tell soon. Still some firmware adjustments are ongoing. As soon as all is ready, will be announced here.
28 Dec was exceptionally nice day in Ireland ( Dublin ), so I have recorded some videos in a sunny day.
I have split about 1 hour of driving into 5 different parts.
You will be able to see a different extreme conditions with low direct sun, highway, nice Irish countryside scenes, some villages etc.

Raw / Original files can be downloaded HERE

When watching a YouTube videos, don't forget to select a highest playback resolution from YT menu settings.
Best if you download a raw video files to view them on your home HD TV or PC.

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are there any unboxing/review videos up yet? i havent found any. curious to see the actual unit because all I have seen of it are the promotional photos.
are there any unboxing/review videos up yet? i havent found any. curious to see the actual unit because all I have seen of it are the promotional photos.

If you are looking into box content, then you may find it HERE. Thats the stock I have received for EU market.
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If you are looking into box content, then you may find it HERE. Thats the stock I have received for EU market.
oh sweet looks great. congrats on becoming a retailer.

I haven't followed this camera much, has this form factor been used by other companies before, or is this completely a street guardian design from the ground up? (for example, the street guardian version of the B40/A118 the SG9665GM).
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oh sweet looks great. congrats on becoming a retailer.

I haven't followed this camera much, has this form factor been used by other companies before, or is this completely a street guardian design from the ground up? (for example, the street guardian version of the B40/A118 the SG9665GM).

no the chassis is shared, we have some of our own coming up but it's an expensive process so sometimes we still need to do some hardware sharing
...has this form factor been used by other companies before, or is this completely a street guardian design from the ground up?

The CDV300X sold by FoxOffer looks like the foundation on which this SG is being developed.
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I Street Guardian 7
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