Set up yesterday, all seemed okay, went for test run today to try it out attached to windscreen, only change I made was for 1 minute clips. Problem it only recorded 1 minute of video then second clip failed and unit seemed to crash, discovered problem when finishing my journey no shut down chimes and unit seemed dead, would not be recognised by PC, only sign of life was red led light on, even when not attached to any power.
Left dash cam for approximately 20 minutes and then reattached to PC, recognised and working again able to view 1 minute clip and showing failed clip but not viewable, changed clips back to 3 minutes and reformatted the card second test worked as expected. I will keep my eye on things over the next few days.
Form factor of unit is excellent, very discreet, video quality looks good, hopefully will have no more issues aware of software updates due very soon.
Yeah best to leave it at defaults for the moment, still working on an update
Still having issues, problem seems to be linked with GSenor settings, I am only getting 1 or 2 files then file gets locked (45 min journey 4 mins of video, clip is set to 3 min segments, and the next one is an invalid file, and system then locking up) so I have disabled GSensor for the time being, , will try again tomorrow after going back to default settings and GSensor off. Frustrating with no user manual available yet!

Quick question what setting for Time zone (uk) currently set at GMT-00
Still having issues, problem seems to be linked with GSenor settings, I am only getting 1 or 2 files then file gets locked (45 min journey 4 mins of video, clip is set to 3 min segments, and the next one is an invalid file, and system then locking up) so I have disabled GSensor for the time being, , will try again tomorrow after going back to default settings and GSensor off. Frustrating with no user manual available yet!

Quick question what setting for Time zone (uk) currently set at GMT-00

You may try to reset to factory default and after that need to calibrate a g-sensor. There is an option in the menu for that.
GMT for UK is same as for Ireland, "0".
You may try to reset to factory default and after that need to calibrate a g-sensor. There is an option in the menu for that.
GMT for UK is same as for Ireland, "0".
I did a factory default this evening and then recalibrated, its now dark and wet hence waiting for tomorrow, 3rd time lucky, just needed confirmation on time zone setting (thanks) will post back tomorrow.
@WillWord, check your email, I just sent messages to all pre-order customers so they can update to the updated late-December firmware.
All shipping models will have this latest firmware. A January one with further improvements is in the works.
New User Manual is coming soon. Thanks for being patient as we ramped up this new product as efficiently as possible through the holidays.
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@WillWord, check your email, I just sent messages to all pre-order customers so they can update to the updated late-December firmware.
All shipping models will have this latest firmware. A January one with further improvements is in the works.
New User Manual is coming soon. Thanks for being patient as we ramped up this new product as efficiently as possible through the holidays.
Thanks will update and report back later.
Updated my Firmware as requested, factory default, plus pin hole reset, then formatted card, kept all default settings other than time zone and Gsensor off. First journey of 20 min slightly better result I had a whole 3 x 3 min clips then invalid file of about 60 secs and frozen unit, with no shutdown chimes.

Obviously not a Gsensor issue,!!! I am a firm believer in the KISS principle, so thinking the supplied memory card may be an issue I replaced it with a Samsung equivalent that I had. Went for another test drive and.......... it worked as promised even with controlled shutdown chimes and all. Quality of video looked even better,(may be card or new firmware) will not get to excited until I have had a few days of no issues, will report back.
let us know how you go with the Samsung card, can you let us know which card you are using also so we can compare?
Okay tested today and I am some what frustrated, started car and get start up chimes and recording, drive for 13 miles (30 mins) I live in the country side plenty of B roads, arrive at destination no shutdown chimes, return to car after 45 mins start car get chimes then straight away get same chimes again, screen stays on constant for the return journey, stop engine screen remains on ( no chimes no shutdown) screen shows red light top left and 0.43 recording time, not one file is viewable just shows 2 created files one for each journey, both invalid/corrupted.

I need to speak to Jon at pier28 (supplier) re options on going forward, am I the only one that had a pre order having an issue?
Are you using the included power supply or third-party mini USB?

Are you using the included memory card or the third-party memory card?
Using all original hardware, other than changing the SD card after 2 days of dashcam completely shutting down, details in above posts. On new firmware, at factory default other than time zone and disabled Gsensor.
I guess I should participate a little. I thought a bunch of people would be giving feedback. :)

The ending clips tend to be corrupt and for me. It might be because I'm pressing the power button to end it before the unit times out and turns off itself, so I'll just let it do it's thing today.

Here's a sample video.. sitting in a parking lot at night for most of it. There are guys talking about ten yards behind the car you can hear at one point. I think it's pretty interesting what the mic pics up and what it doesn't. I have zero experience with other units, but with this unit if you have music playing at all (in my car at least), it sounds extremely loud. The music in the above video was barely audible. The car has headers, no catalytic converters and a bigger camshaft and straight through type mufflers (Borla ProXS). It's not a quiet car, but you can hear the exhaust a little.

I'll try to give more useful information next time with some different video.

Some profanity makes this nsfw, if you care:

I need to speak to Jon at pier28 (supplier) re options on going forward, am I the only one that had a pre order having an issue?

we're working on getting this resolved asap, if it drags on for any length of time we'll make sure we work something out for you, we won't leave you stranded
Tested it this morning, using all supplied hardware, including original SD card, did factory reset and factory default just changed time zone, left Gsensor on, reformatted card, placed in bracket and just left car ticking over on drive, left it for 10 mins.

No joy, it created 3 files first one of 2 seconds (20mb) viewable, second one of 6 seconds (also 20mb) viewable, third one 18 seconds (60mb) invalid.

Hopefully we will get it sorted quickly, thanks to Jon (Pier28), Niko, and jokiin for their help and support.