SG9665GC firmware update

I'm about to do the F/W update on my 2 GC's today but don't understand the need for this step. What issues will there be if the card is not formatted after acquiring a GPS signal?

A secondary question: Since the A118-C works correctly with the SG GPS antenna attached is the reverse true as well? I ask because I would rather do the F/W update in the house vs car and happen to have an unused A118-C GPS unit awaiting delivery of the camera and using that would be easier than taking one out of a vehicle and putting in back afterwards.

you may have some file sorting issues if you don't do the format, best if you have stuff you want to archive just copy that off first and start with clean cards, formatting after you have signal is just so the clock is updated and the file name convention is correct before you start using the camera

you can use the GPS from the A118 when doing the update no problem, we do use a different GPS but the data format is the same and it won't cause any problems
Thanks for the quick reply. Love the 10 minute support from half way around the world. :):):)
you may have some file sorting issues if you don't do the format, best if you have stuff you want to archive just copy that off first and start with clean cards, formatting after you have signal is just so the clock is updated and the file name convention is correct before you start using the camera

you can use the GPS from the A118 when doing the update no problem, we do use a different GPS but the data format is the same and it won't cause any problems
Updated both cameras - no problems.

The YYYY/MM/DDDD date format problem I previously reported with the original F/W has been corrected. I'll find out tonight if the 'crossing midnight in a -x time zone' issue is fixed.

I like that the LED is off when not recording. Something to think about for future updates (if any) would be: OFF = Not Recording, ON = Recording, BLINKING = Error - this seems to me to be a bit more intuitive and also consistent with the way the AUDIO LED functions.

Can also confirm that the SG and A118 GPS antennas are, in fact, cross compatible with each other. Good to know there are multiple sources should that become necessary.

As an aside I did not format the SD card after the update and my file sequences/names are OK. I did the update using a separate card from the ones being recorded on. I've not used either camera since yesterday so that may play into things as well. (Note: I'm a bit of a "devil's advocate" and just wanted to see what would happen if I didn't reformat. There was really nothing worthwhile on the cards.)
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Is this the official release, or is it still considered beta?
Got my cam today and looks like I am running the newest version. No issues so far. Don't have it fully set up yet but pretty close.

Would be nice to have an option to turn the flashing rec light and power light to something dimmer or off. In the US if you have it on drivers side the rec light is kinda right there. I may just find some sort of tape to dim it.
in most vehicles once installed you find the angle of those lights from the drivers seat should be barely noticeable
It's the release candidate, and so far so good. I have quite a few customers running this now. I'm satisfied it's ready for prime time.

I'll wail till it gets its final coat of polish before installing ... Thanks for the reply.
in most vehicles once installed you find the angle of those lights from the drivers seat should be barely noticeable

Yah, not as bad as I expected after a day. I do kinda of have it peeking out from the mirror but may end up moving the whole setup a couple inches toward the middle. Have it where it is now so I get a bit of an idea of what it is doing.

I assume the yellow yield symbol I got a couple times while setting it up was telling me I jarred the cam enough that it thought I was in an accident and it saved off a file? I just did a format and it went away.
Have pulled this firmware for the moment, there's a file handling bug that we're working on fixing, if you have the 0526 version please roll back to the release version until we get the fix tested and available
...there's a file handling bug that we're working on fixing, if you have the 0526 version please roll back to the release version until we get the fix tested and available
Can you elaborate on what the issue is? I've not noticed any problems with either of my GCs and would like to understand the risks if I choose to stay with this version.
Can you elaborate on what the issue is? I've not noticed any problems with either of my GCs and would like to understand the risks if I choose to stay with this version.

you can get a lockup on startup where the video will freeze and audio continues, only happens on first segment after power on if it's going to happen and some brands of memory cards seem more likely than others to have this occur, we're testing a fix now
you can get a lockup on startup where the video will freeze and audio continues, only happens on first segment after power on if it's going to happen and some brands of memory cards seem more likely than others to have this occur, we're testing a fix now
Thanks for the information. Can't be happening very often or there would have been more talk about it.
Had 3 reports of it and we were able to reproduce it so the issue is definitely there
I assume the problem was introduced in the latest (0526) F/W version and it's not present in the 0305 version.
I assume the problem was introduced in the latest (0526) F/W version and it's not present in the 0305 version.

yeah never had any reports of it in 0305, new version we're testing now seems to have sorted it but needs more testing before we can say for sure, have only been testing for about a week so far
Have pulled this firmware for the moment, there's a file handling bug that we're working on fixing, if you have the 0526 version please roll back to the release version until we get the fix tested and available
I just saw this and attempted to revert to old firmware. My first try worked ok, but on second GC seems I had an issue, the SD card seems to have been clobbered. I couldn't read it through my computer so i placed it back in the GC and got an error, couldn't even get into the menu. Don't know how long i've been driving with it like that since i don't check it on a regular basis. Don't even know if it was the firmware or just a card that went bad.
