SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

It seems like the second video, with WDR off, is just a tiny bit 'softer' than the first one. In the first one, the edges of buildings appear to be a bit sharper. Could that be right?
It seems like the second video, with WDR off, is just a tiny bit 'softer' than the first one. In the first one, the edges of buildings appear to be a bit sharper. Could that be right?

side by side video with each setting is really the only way to judge something like that







The new firmware looks really good. I'm mainly wanting it for the better image quality but the speed info does look great, will save having to add subtitles whenever I upload a youtube video :)

I notice though that the speed seems to replace the Car No info though or is that something that can be displayed along with the speed o_O
The new beta is looking good but these videos don't really address the major problem that has been reported which is an inability to properly handle high contrast/high dynamic range scenarios as well as transitions into and out of bright conditions from flatter more balanced lighting.

Also, these sample videos seem rather dark in the foreground, although that might be a matter of adjusting the up/down angle of the camera.
but these videos don't really address the major problem that has been reported which is an inability to properly handle high contrast/high dynamic range
Yes, I also have such an opinion, if you reduce the contrast, the picture should be a little lighter, now on the contrary, darker.
I think in a slightly different direction it was going. But now better (just reduced brightness), the contrast was not adjusted.
Yes, I also have such an opinion, if you reduce the contrast, the picture should be a little lighter, now on the contrary, darker.
I think in a slightly different direction it was going. But now better (just reduced brightness), the contrast was not adjusted.

It will probably require some continued tweaking until the AE issues get fully sorted out but so far I think this is very good progress.
It will probably require some continued tweaking until the AE issues get fully sorted out but so far I think this is very good progress.

contrast and brightness still need to be adjusted, once we get the current bug we have sorted we'll get it out for public beta as I think we really need more sample material and real world feedback to be able to get those settings improved, what looks ok in the lab doesn't always measure up in real situations
I just updated all our test units with Beta 16. (so far so good) Hopefully we can release it for public testing soon. :)

if the GPS bug is sorted will be able to let others have a go, @wozzzzza is a good tester for this as his usage pattern always highlighted the problem so look forward to his results on this version
I don't see it but I'll send you the beta to check if you don't mind having a look
Not necessary. I'm viewing the YouTube video on my 'less than bleeding edge' laptop over a wireless link - lots of opportunity for video to hiccup. I'll look again when I'm near my desktop system that's wired to the 'net and see what that looks like.
Playing the YT clip at 0.25 speed it seem to run allright to me.