SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

I don't see it but I'll send you the beta to check if you don't mind having a look

Not necessary. I'm viewing the YouTube video on my 'less than bleeding edge' laptop over a wireless link - lots of opportunity for video to hiccup. I'll look again when I'm near my desktop system that's wired to the 'net and see what that looks like.
OK, checked video on a different system it looks fine. Sorry for the false alarm.
OK, checked video on a different system it looks fine. Sorry for the false alarm.

no problem at all, the more eyes looking the better, we want to catch as many problems as possible so a second look is always better than not checking
Whats the ETA on the next stable release?
So will this version have the DCIM folder structure? I think I look forward to that more than anything else it might have.
So will this version have the DCIM folder structure? I think I look forward to that more than anything else it might have.

there's a very good chance this won't happen, in a non GPS product we could get this to work quite easily but for what we need I don't think it's going to be possible to support, we're still testing but we haven't found a workaround we can apply
there's a very good chance this won't happen, in a non GPS product we could get this to work quite easily but for what we need I don't think it's going to be possible to support, we're still testing but we haven't found a workaround we can apply

I'm really pretty disappointed to hear this. I've actually been wanting to comment on the DCIM issue in my SG9665GC "discouragements" thread but I've been waiting for some news about the question of whether this anticipated feature would come to fruition. When I get some time over the coming weekend I hope to offer some thoughts and commentary about the DCIM folder structure in general and the SG9665GC in specific.
I'm really pretty disappointed to hear this. I've actually been wanting to comment on the DCIM issue in my SG9665GC "discouragements" thread but I've been waiting for some news about the question of whether this anticipated feature would come to fruition. When I get some time over the coming weekend I hope to offer some thoughts and commentary about the DCIM folder structure in general and the SG9665GC in specific.

disappointing for me as well as I hoped to include it, I can get everything to show up for Apple by putting a dummy file in the right folder, can't get it to happen without that though and it breaks other stuff to do it, still trying to see if we can find a workaround that doesn't break things for the camera, little point supporting Apple if it means no GPS, breaking recycling etc, those are definite dealbreakers, try as we might we can't be all things to all people so if iOS access isn't possible in a non jailbroken device then we just have to live with that

doing some research on this I have found that very few cameras can work within what Apple requires and still offer full functionality, basic cameras like the Mobius are no issue as the file naming structure can work within this spec easily, pretty easy to do in any camera that doesn't have GPS actually
If we can't get it working, this other one works great with or without DCIM folder structure (and costs less than the Apple one too) and also works with both Android and Apple (so one for all)

Thanks @Pier28. I appreciate that there's an aftermarket solution ("work-around") available at extra cost. My comments on this will address a somewhat different concern and perspective.
disappointing for me as well as I hoped to include it, I can get everything to show up for Apple by putting a dummy file in the right folder, can't get it to happen without that though and it breaks other stuff to do it, still trying to see if we can find a workaround that doesn't break things for the camera, little point supporting Apple if it means no GPS, breaking recycling etc, those are definite dealbreakers, try as we might we can't be all things to all people so if iOS access isn't possible in a non jailbroken device then we just have to live with that

doing some research on this I have found that very few cameras can work within what Apple requires and still offer full functionality, basic cameras like the Mobius are no issue as the file naming structure can work within this spec easily, pretty easy to do in any camera that doesn't have GPS actually

We can only try, I agree that working GPS and working recycling, and working with RegistratorViewer trumps DCIM support in the short term.
(until we potentially create a work around)
disappointing for me as well as I hoped to include it, I can get everything to show up for Apple by putting a dummy file in the right folder, can't get it to happen without that though and it breaks other stuff to do it, still trying to see if we can find a workaround that doesn't break things for the camera, little point supporting Apple if it means no GPS, breaking recycling etc, those are definite dealbreakers, try as we might we can't be all things to all people so if iOS access isn't possible in a non jailbroken device then we just have to live with that

doing some research on this I have found that very few cameras can work within what Apple requires and still offer full functionality, basic cameras like the Mobius are no issue as the file naming structure can work within this spec easily, pretty easy to do in any camera that doesn't have GPS actually

I'm somewhat torn between responding here or in the other thread as originally intended but since it's Friday evening at 7PM here I need to go offline and reply at another time in any event. :)
OK guys, here's one point I wish to address. Why is it that the NanoQ which uses the same DSP/sensor combination has had the industry standard DCIM folder structure and GPS/speed imprinting since day one?
OK guys, here's one point I wish to address. Why is it that the NanoQ which uses the same DSP/sensor combination has had the industry standard DCIM folder structure and GPS/speed imprinting since day one?

does it work with iOS?

I'll look at what they're doing if it does
OK guys, here's one point I wish to address. Why is it that the NanoQ which uses the same DSP/sensor combination has had the industry standard DCIM folder structure and GPS/speed imprinting since day one?

That's a good suggestion, we can look to see how they are doing it.
That's a good suggestion, we can look to see how they are doing it.

if someone out there has it working we can look at how they're doing it and work it out, as you know from our tests it's not just about folder structure, need to find someone that has an 0903 and an Apple card reader to see if it actually works though before getting too excited