SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Just another reason to stay away from Apple and their 'walled garden' it seems. I couldn't see what the fuss was about a DCIM folder until I saw it was to fix Apple's problems. My Android plays videos no matter what file structure it finds.
Not caring about Apple apps that require special directories I can only say: give me my new AE table!
Haven't read all about this DCIM issue, but wouldn't it be an idea to create a symlink from the (physically empty) DCIM folder to the folder where the files are saved? I guess this would work on a linux machine, but I'm not sure about Windows or Apple.

I guess it's a work around and nothing more than that, and you would need to recreate that symlink after every time you format the card, but hey... ;)

won't work, we can get it to the right directory no problem, it just won't read the files
Just another reason to stay away from Apple and their 'walled garden' it seems. I couldn't see what the fuss was about a DCIM folder until I saw it was to fix Apple's problems. My Android plays videos no matter what file structure it finds.

actually it's only a problem with their own card reader, the 3rd party ones work now
I'm happy to report that the file structure in the beta firmware works with the iReader card reader in my iPhone 5 and iPad Air. There is no audio but I agree with jokiin that's likely a codec issue with the iDiskk app (the iOS utility which supports the iReader). The files also work fine with Registrator Viewer and Dashcam Viewer.

Thanks for the opportunity to check this out with the beta firmware. It's great to be able to easily and quickly check files with my phone and the video is really great on the larger iPad screen. I really hope the new file structure remains when the firmware goes public.
was the question does the camera have a DCIM folder or does it work with the Apple camera connection kit? Just having the folder there doesn't make it work with Apple, I haven't checked their product but the screenshots Sunny posted suggests it won't work for Apple either

I asked Rayman whether the NanoQ uses the standard DCIM folder structure in the directory and whether the Nano can imprint GPS data directly into the videos. I didn't have any reason to believe it wouldn't otherwise function.

Previously, if the Apple device sees a DCIM folder it will proceed to load thumbnails for import, even from cameras with GPS. Apparently, Apple has introduced changes for security purposes. I would be curious to know if Apple devices can import files from a DCIM folder that does not contain embedded GPS data?

The NanoQ implementation of a DCIM file folder structure doesn't work, same problem. (Nothing to import) just because the DCIM\100MEDIA folder is there isn't enough for Apple to recognize it for some reason. It works fine in the 3rd party iReader device though I'm told.


It is a bummer that this isn't working. Looking into this a bit I think I may have come up with an explanation. The Apple device does appear to be seeing a DCIM folder but it is not showing any of the files within the folder. It seems there is a good chance that the files are not showing up in the DCIM folder due to some security measures Apple introduced because of exploits that were discovered where an attacker with physical access to a stolen phone or tablet could use the USB/lightning port to bypass the usual password/log-in procedure. It may be that when the device sees GPS data along with standard .MOV files, it won't allow import. Just a theory at this point. There is also an apparent issue using public USB charging stations (5/31/16) at cafes, airports, etc., where a malicious third-party app can be installed onto a phone via a USB cable so the Apple device will also try to protect itself from this form of hacking via USB in such a scenario.

The iReader seems to have come up with a workaround but we could eventually end up hearing about it being used for nefarious purposes.
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Just another reason to stay away from Apple and their 'walled garden' it seems. I couldn't see what the fuss was about a DCIM folder until I saw it was to fix Apple's problems. My Android plays videos no matter what file structure it finds.

The DCIM folder directory structure is the de facto industry standard that has been in use for decades on virtually ALL digital cameras. It is not an "Apple" thing. The fact that "Android plays videos no matter what file structure it finds" leaves your device more vulnerable to malicious exploits.
The DCIM folder directory structure is the de facto industry standard that has been in use for decades on virtually ALL digital cameras. It is not an "Apple" thing. The fact that "Android plays videos no matter what file structure it finds" leaves your device more vulnerable to malicious exploits.

The folder structure of a memory card will have no bearing on the reading device's vulnerability to exploits. If an exploit can be used reading a specific file from a memory card, then it can be done from a DCIM folder.

This is just Apple being Apple and why I stay away from their products. I'm not about to get in to an argument over it though, everyone has a right to choose what is right for them, or it would be a boring world.

At least you are able to use a 3rd party adapter to successfully view the files, usually you are tied to only being able to use apple products with other apple products.
The folder structure of a memory card will have no bearing on the reading device's vulnerability to exploits. If an exploit can be used reading a specific file from a memory card, then it can be done from a DCIM folder.

This is just Apple being Apple and why I stay away from their products. I'm not about to get in to an argument over it though, everyone has a right to choose what is right for them, or it would be a boring world.

At least you are able to use a 3rd party adapter to successfully view the files, usually you are tied to only being able to use apple products with other apple products.

I'm just saying the DCIM folder is not an Apple thing. It's been around as an industry standard for a very long time. Apple's implementation just makes it harder to hack.
Man i am so happy i never fell for the fruit company stuff, and same with all the ppl i have to be tech support for :)

PPl must have high expectations about me, my little sister once called me for relationship advise, me the guy that at the time hadn't had a relation in 25 years or so :rolleyes:
I'm happy to report that the file structure in the beta firmware works with the iReader card reader in my iPhone 5 and iPad Air. There is no audio but I agree with jokiin that's likely a codec issue with the iDiskk app (the iOS utility which supports the iReader). The files also work fine with Registrator Viewer and Dashcam Viewer.

Thanks for the opportunity to check this out with the beta firmware. It's great to be able to easily and quickly check files with my phone and the video is really great on the larger iPad screen. I really hope the new file structure remains when the firmware goes public.

Here's the app, looks like they are constantly improving the app. (Notice something about audio being fixed recently) Maybe we should send them a sample mov file and ask their dev to try and get the audio working for us.

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I asked Rayman whether the NanoQ uses the standard DCIM folder structure in the directory and whether the Nano can imprint GPS data directly into the videos. I didn't have any reason to believe it wouldn't otherwise function.

Previously, if the Apple device sees a DCIM folder it will proceed to load thumbnails for import, even from cameras with GPS. Apparently, Apple has introduced changes for security purposes. I would be curious to know if Apple devices can import files from a DCIM folder that does not contain embedded GPS data?

yeah just the file structure is not enough, Apple will only show the files it allows so if there's a mix of files within the folder you are only presented with what Apple allows, perhaps they restricted that due to the way some exploits have run in the past like the PDF exploits for jailbreaking as some way to control what can get on the phone and what can't, as you'd know they're pretty tight about disk access and what programs can access what and there's often a restriction of managing files through iTunes, we know the phones play the files no problem so it's not some sort of compatibility issue, at the end of the day though it's their product so it's their way, they have the right to do that, I guess we're at least fortunate that it works with the non Apple readers so it's not totally blocked, not at this stage at least, never know with Apple what may change in a forced iOS update
Here's the app, looks like they are constantly improving the app. (Notice something about audio being fixed recently) Maybe we should send them a sample mov file and ask their dev to try and get the audio working for us.

yeah might be worth contacting them
so can anybody tell me when the next firmware will be released?
We just tested 4 betas in a row this latest might be ready for public shortly after a few more internal team test confirmations
so can anybody tell me when the next firmware will be released?

when it's ready ;)

there's still a couple of bugs in the current beta, not major stuff so we should get them sorted next week, so far what we have seems stable, we will want to get the beta out to a wider audience shortly as it can help get feedback in case there's something else we still haven't found