SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

yeah we just changed that from 8 to 11 characters, the menu setup etc is still the same as previous

Something has changed jokiin as I've never had a problem viewing these before? As stated though, I managed to get it setup.

actually the request for more characters came from Russia, we only had 8 and they needed 9, I told our engineer we needed 10 and he gave me 11
Sure wish my investment returns worked like that. :D
Sure did. It was only a week ago when I installed the replacement firmware you sent to me and the characters were clearly visible. Now it's just a white box until you move to the next field.

Edit: WiFi at work here just crapped out so message was corrupted...
I'm not seeing the white box here.

I'm not seeing the white box here.

That's what mine used to be like. Instead of the blue box, mine is now white. I'll have a play with it during lunch. Maybe was just a one off.
Okay, just checked and it's back to blue. Maybe I was just blind last night when setting it up, it was late and pouring with rain.
Okay, just checked and it's back to blue. Maybe I was just blind last night when setting it up, it was late and pouring with rain.

no problem, anything you notice that seems not right is still worth looking into
Just reading the releasenotes:

why MP/H and not MPH?

What do you think the P stands for? ;)