sg9665gc stops recording randomly


New Member
Oct 2, 2015
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Hi All,

Today I got the SD card out to review the footage and found that some periods are missing. Recording just stops abruptly. I'm 100% sure I didn't touch the power supply cord. Did anyone experience it? I bought the cam in September and haven't updated the firmware yet.

That was happening to me with both the Mini 0805, 0826 and the SG9665GC. Turned out to be the memory cards were crap. Which one are you using?

i just noticed mine not recording mid drive. :(
the rec light isnt flashing. so I hit the middle button, once, and it registered it as an incident; screen came back on, all resumed like normal...
If I didnt pay attention to the camera I would lose the entire trip.
Which memory card are you using?
Do you have motion detection on or off? If it's on, turn it off.
No other reports of this if the above is all good.
(EDIT please confirm serial number/firmware version though)
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the memory card is a sandisk extreme. the motion detection is off. the numbers are sggc-b15430073, sg20160111.v2
but i doubt the problem is with the sandisk. all my cards are sandisk extreme, i buy them at best buy when they are on discount. but i guess i can swap with another one...
the memory card is a sandisk extreme. the motion detection is off. the numbers are sggc-b15430073, sg20160111.v2
but i doubt the problem is with the sandisk. all my cards are sandisk extreme, i buy them at best buy when they are on discount. but i guess i can swap with another one...

try another memory card, Sandisk cards are not supported
that's pretty easy for you to dismiss one of the biggest name in the business.
Sandisk red/grey cards use a proprietary controller that can flip into read only mode over a period of time. Not everyone experiences it but enough to warm against them. Their newer 200GB card seems to work great though for example.
We don't have any feedback on those Samsung cards but I didn't suspect any problems. Transcend, Lexar, or PNY are known good brands.

You'll receive an error message until the card is formatted at least one time.

thanks. so as long as the write speed is above 20MB/s it's good for sg?
Brand name, and where you bought it is most important. no names/fakes that have "specs" that look good on paper are not good enough to be dependable. Stick to Transcend, Lexar, or PNY from a reputable seller. (to avoid fakes) Class 10 and above.