
- what DB range is the hdr capable of?
- why cannot manufacturers specify the exact gain of the HDR/WDR of their sensor, as it applies to their camera? Rather than leave the potential customer google the sensor & hopefully arrive at the right answer? As it appears that the recorded movie, is not only dependent on the sensor, BUT more? importantly on the Firmware & associated Hardware's ability to produce the desired result. If this was done, then a manufacturer could reliably show that their particular implementation of this Hardware combination produces better movies than others.
- In this modern IT driven environment why isn't an OS of Mac or other supported?
- why is the limit on card size 32gb, rather than something larger?
- When will the gps data be able to be displayed embeded in the movie?
- Other than 1080p30 what other resolutions & frame rates & bit rates is it capable of?
- IF a user can select Exposure compensation: menu selectable -2.0 to 2.0. Why cannot this be done automatically to ensure optimal recording performance? NB This also applies to other dashcams. As I suspect that some do this already.
- Is the angle of the lens in relation to the body, changable? & if so over what range? Whilst the photos suggest this is possible, the specs don't mention it.
- what duration is each movie it creates?
- will a CPL filter & lens cap be available?

The HDR gain or range is hard to specify, you can look at the hardware specs but there are too many variables for numbers to have any real world relevance I think

Mac is supported, I haven't tested the updated Mac version of Registrator Viewer as I don't have a Mac but we're listed as a supported model already, they worked for a few months already to support us in the Windows version so I take it the Mac version will be sorted

64GB 'can' work but is not officially supported, we know 32gGB works fine and that's what we supply with the camera, and recommend

don't have plans to embed the GPS data in the video, not at this stage anyway

1080p30 only, other resolutions suck so we removed them, bit rate is 15mbit/sec

EV is automatic, the adjustments just allow you to add or remove some bias, it's not a manual setting

lens angle is adjustable up and down about 70 degrees (I haven't measured it, this is just by eye), seems to be plenty for everything we've tried

1, 3 or 5 minute selectable, default is 3 minutes

no CPL, the design is not suitable, lens is too close to the window for it to be practical, no lens cap either but we supply a microfibre carry bag with all our cameras
we just go into greater detail to make sure the info is available and check it for accuracy, majority just take whatever is printed on a box as being correct unfortunately
so this camera is not as good as the guardtrak right? how does quality rate between this street guardian one and the panorama G? panorama would have to be better wouldn't it? and about the same as guardtrak one when its done??
either way I have had another set back, aircon in the car is not working, $2500 to repair.:confused::mad::(:eek:
the aircon evaporator is leaking, dash needs to be removed to fix.
so I thought stuff it, im a mechanic, well used to be a while ago, I rang around and got some prices, aftermarket parts $300, $150 to gas it after wards. I was quoted genuine parts $1500, $1000 to do the job in labour. up here in the far north, after market stuff is not available so they say. so I called a mate in Adelaide where I used to work and got new after market bits for the $300 price tag, in a couple of weeks I will fix it saving me $2000. why are people up far north such a ripoff??
Daytime not a lot between them, night time though the more expensive cameras are better, particularly if it's very low light stuff
Hi Pier28, looking at purchasing this for delivery in UK, had been waiting for jokiins GT2S but that seems history now, thinking of this until GT7S is up and running, then put the 9965 on the rear window. Does the 9965 allow you to switch off the display? cant see it mentioned anywhere, I assume no issues shipping to the UK.
Regards Kevin
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jokiin, how does this cam compare to the GS1000?? or whatever it was you were selling before you sold to my mate in Adelaide? is it overall better day and night or not quite or about the same?
Similar day, bit better at night, more features in our old camera but we're still working on this one, also have some hardware changes we're working on for some future variants of this model, more about that when the time is right
I'm very tempted to get a couple of these.

How does this compare to VV Marcus 3?
I have one and so far like it, very content with it. It is bulkier, but would I gain any advantages in video quality with the SG9665?
I haven't looked at the Marcus, I would expect it should be better based on hardware spec, assuming the firmware is sorted
I'm gonna buy one of these and get it shipped over to the UK (just until the guardtrak is realised). I have a Marcus 3 so will do a direct comparison and put it up on here
I'm gonna buy one of these and get it shipped over to the UK (just until the guardtrak is realised). I have a Marcus 3 so will do a direct comparison and put it up on here

I await your IMMEDIATE comparison :p
Jokiin, I'm a little confused. I discovered the "B49/A118" before discovering the Street Guardian...

So how exactly do these "generics" come into being?

- are your chassis manufacturers selling the design to others? (legally?)
- did you "authorize" it for the "generic market" out of smart economics?
- how different are the internals?

I was already interested the A118 but now that I see it's just a generic copy of YOURS (the maker of the fated GT2S) I would GLADLY pay more for the real version.
GuardTrak are ours from start to finish, with the Street Guardian product we've diversified a bit and have worked with some other developers to take what we felt were good designs, or good starting points at least, and then tailor them to our market needs, in some cases you'll see plain versions of the cameras we're doing that may share some of what we're using, in other cases they'll be totally different underneath, there will also be some unique Street Guardian models that you won't find other versions of, all takes time and we're only announcing once they're ready to go, as much as I'd like to talk more about other models sometimes things get delayed beyond our control (read GT2S) and it's frustrating enough to deal with already without fielding questions daily about what's happening
Is there a list of fixes and enhancements that the Street Guardian firmware has over the standard Tiesfong B40 (A118) firmware? From what I have read I believe the Street Guardian hardware to be identical to the B40 hardware.

Is there a list of fixes and enhancements that the Street Guardian firmware has over the standard Tiesfong B40 (A118) firmware? From what I have read I believe the Street Guardian hardware to be identical to the B40 hardware.


to be honest the fixes that have already happened in the generic version are only because we were fixing stuff and it would end up in the default firmware build, don't want to offend anyone but I won't list what we've changed only because we've put in 5 months of work on it and it's unreasonable I think for some seller that has done none of the work to then just know what to ask for and request things we've had done and take a free ride off of our effort, we're doing hardware changes at the moment (just got the engineering samples today of the new version) which will mean what we're doing on update versions wouldn't work for them anyway, I was initially going to wait for the new hardware to be done before we started fixing things but it just wasn't possible, there were too many things that had to be fixed, it wasn't stable enough as is and I don't like knowing something is broken and not fixing it, just not the way we do things

we still have more changes getting done, some of that might end up in the generic version, might not, they won't get everything we had done but they've already had a lot of benefit anyway so are in a much better place than they were when we started
Thanks for the reply......The issue I see is that you want to attract buyers to your version of the B40 and are asking them to pay a premium for features and enhancements but you are not willing to state what those features and enhancements are. In order to evaluate whether one camera is a better buy than another a prospective purchaser will be looking for the unique selling points. Not many buyers will buy a camera that is outwardly identical to another but more expensive.