Shadow GT680W

awesome. I do need to run a VM first before I can use this. none for Mac?
One of my GT680Ws threw a massive strop earlier and went into a continuous reboot loop for about 30 mins.

It eventually settled down and carried on as normal - took the card out to check some footage though and noticed filesystem errors.

Not sure if these were as a result of the continuous rebooting or whether these were the cause of it - fingers crossed it's the latter.

I assume everyone is used to running their SD cards every so often with chkdsk on Windows but if not here's a sample of what was wrong with the card:

C:\Users\rev>chkdsk f: /f
The type of the file system is FAT32.

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process.  Chkdsk may run if this volume is dismounted first.
Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N) y
Volume dismounted.  All opened handles to this volume are now invalid.
Volume A118 created 16/08/2014 23:47
Volume Serial Number is 11E2-3736
Windows is verifying files and folders...
The size of the \CARDV\MOVIE\2014_0830_145053_001.MOV entry is not valid.
File and folder verification is complete.

Windows has made corrections to the file system.
No further action is required.
   62,336,096 KB total disk space.
          288 KB in 6 hidden files.
          512 KB in 16 folders.
   61,960,928 KB in 367 files.
      374,336 KB are available.

       32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
    1,948,003 total allocation units on disk.
       11,698 allocation units available on disk.
I think it's time to format the card as I had a look through the latest footage and chunks are missing from the datastream.

The only reference I've read about a reboot loop lately was due to the GPS connector - anyone else had a similar problem?
I certainly hope reformatting is the fix-it.

While the corruption may well have been caused by repeated re-boots, have you considered that the problem may have come from outerspace?!:eek:

I'm not kidding! What if it was caused by Cosmic Rays? :confused:

There is even a theory that Toyota's unexplained sudden acceleration recall might have been caused by Cosmic Rays.

It's just always something with these pesky dash cams.....:)
Hello guys, I am going to buy this camera.
Can you tell me what is the last hardware build? I know newer one is complete black without silver round of the lens. Also GPS was upgraded (in software?).
Price 120 EUR :)
there are multiple versions of this same camera, there doesn't seem to be much difference between them but the firmware is specific to each version and whichever GPS used (there are 5 different variants of the GPS), that in itself is not such an issue but the firmware versions don't follow any logical pattern with the version numbers, just stick to buying from a seller that will support the camera and you should be ok
this model is a bit of problem in as much as what colour it is, who bought it and when has as much influence on firmware version as anything else, they don't always rename their firmwares and there's versions getting about with the same number but for different hardware, you can't just put another GT680 firmware on, particularly if you're using GPS as there's a lot of variety, if the seller is ok then no problem but you'll need to go back to the seller for any firmware related issues
I received camera. All black, software is v.3 - everything seems to be OK, I use 4 GB II class SD card, waiting for smth better. It records smoothly. I want to do timelapse later :)

Question - why sometimes it records 10 seconds and then next file of 5 minutes (which I set)? It happens usually when I get back to car.
I enabled motion detection too :)
Yes, ty. Are there any explanations of icons on the screen?
I turned motion detection off and it doesn't give any sigh of recording, ie. there is no red blinking dot. Does it mean I must always turn it manually? I thought it does automatically after ignition of the car.
I would find this in manual but Shadow doesn't give any specific and my own explains only what is where, how to connect ect.
I posted a couple times here about 6 months ago. Love the cam - runs like a champ, never a hiccup. Do wish the battery was a bit stronger for unconnected viewing.

My question - I still don't feel that I am getting the quality of video that I see others posting. It is not the camera - I believe I am either converting files or reducing size to upload and losing resolution.

Would someone please give me a brief synopsis of how you handle files.
- What is the standard file type pulled directly off the card - my two computers seem to want to open them with different programs. (Am on windows pc, not mac)
- Do you compress or convert?
- Is pulling files by usb to computer inferior to using card reader?
- Any advice to uploading to youtube? Vimeo?

I have beautiful vids just playing them via usb to computer but my uploaded videos are not so good.

Appreciate your thoughts and how you achieve some of the great vids at the beginning of the thread.
Checked my recordings just now and found out that the recording speed was like x2 or x3 everything plays very fast but if I check the time line it's normal. Also there's no audio. What the hell happened
JayChua - I suspect you are inadvertantly playing the video at 2x. I suggest a different player.

As far as the GT680W, I suggest a reset to default settings.
i did try playing it using the dash cam player, vlc, quicktime player. they all played at fast forward speed.
Ok I fixed it. I didn't reset the dashcam I noticed that the motion detection is on and set to 5fps. I turned that off and I reviewed the videos later. All of those new recording after the change returned to normal speed with sound. That's weird. I thought motion detection is only going to work if you are parked. Anyways. I think the firmwares needs to be updated to fix this bug.
Guys, sometimes I see artifacts on video. Bitrate is 15 Mbit so it is quite high. What can cause this?
What sort of artifacts are you seeing?

Maybe it's longer exposures causing blur?