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I see a bit but not much, there may come a point where it needs a lot more of it was what I meant people should prepare for

I know on another forum I'm on the site owner was moaning that since the advent (and popularity) of Tapatalk revenue dropped significantly as the ads all get bypassed
I need to ring my broker for shares in Visitorsworth.......... And DCT ;)
I too was going through DCT withdrawals this morning for a few hours. (-08 PST)
It seems that auto site ripping IP blocker went hog wild or other server issue.
I'm glad to see things are back on track.

I'm amazed at the percentage of productive time I spend on my iPhone these days (love tapatalk) I can even ship part of our orders from my iPhone as well now.
I've always admired Simon Wrights handling of his whirlpool site which includes subtle advertising.
I've always admired Simon Wrights handling of his whirlpool site which includes subtle advertising.

the thing with Whirlpool is the ads only show up for people that aren't logged in, it gets a ton of traffic outside of the 700,000 registered users and they also get free hosting from Bulletproof so their actual costs are not too high, excepting time spent of course, rather major feat that the site is all hand coded by Simon so he has invested quite a lot of his own time in it over the years, sat next to him at a dinner function a few years back, very quiet unassuming guy, interesting though
Yup........ I've always been interested in web site coding, until I researched his employment history skills.

I can just imagine him being unassuming, and lonely for the most part because that's how dedicated he is.
Just to provide an update. Server bandwidth, disk space and memory is fine, just there have been high load spikes a few times over the last few days. Trying to figure out the root cause with the hosting provider. Upgraded to Xenforo 1.5 just over a week ago. Could be that or something else.

I have tried to keep the advertising to a minimum (2 ads on the first page, 1 ad on other pages, 0 ads on the forum if you are logged in, 0 ads with the comparison tool) so I am surprised to hear that this is considered a lot.

Take a look at how many ads come up when you search for "dash cam" on google. Even the content looks like an ad!

dash cam ads.jpg
so I am surprised to hear that this is considered a lot.

I think the advertising on the site is very minimal, was just eluding to the fact that there may come a point in time where it needs to be increased if costs get out of hand (as sometimes happens with forums when they grow) and for people not to get upset if that 'needs' to happen, completely understand that the forum needs to pay its own way, they don't exist for free

the recent problems may well have something to do with the recent upgrade though, about the time it started getting fussy, for me at least
I expect I will eventually need to upgrade the server but since bandwidth, disk space and memory are fine, getting something with a more powerful CPU should not be an outrageous incremental cost. Should be doable without putting more ads in. Also while many forums have "paid sponsors", we have no plans on doing that here as well.
Just to provide an update. Server bandwidth, disk space and memory is fine, just there have been high load spikes a few times over the last few days. Trying to figure out the root cause with the hosting provider. Upgraded to Xenforo 1.5 just over a week ago. Could be that or something else.

I have tried to keep the advertising to a minimum (2 ads on the first page, 1 ad on other pages, 0 ads on the forum if you are logged in, 0 ads with the comparison tool) so I am surprised to hear that this is considered a lot.

Take a look at how many ads come up when you search for "dash cam" on google. Even the content looks like an ad!

I have a built in aversion to web ads and the creepy behavioral tracking that is associated with them these days, so any number on DCT seems like a lot to me and they somehow seem more intrusive the way they present on my iPad mini but really, it's not that bad. I've actually designed and created many web based ads and banners in my career, so I'm on both sides of this equation.
...Also while many forums have "paid sponsors", we have no plans on doing that here as well.
I'm glad to hear that. When a site is 'sponsored' it puts a cloud over the objectivity of the content. I've seen sponsored sites where the forum content was 'censored' to a degree - not much but enough that you're never sure you're getting the entire story.
I have not noticed advertisement at all or at least so few that it doesn't register to mind.
It seems the server/data base crashed for a few hours. I noticed the last post is from this past Wednesday. Did we lose a few days of content or will they be restored from a backup? (curious if a few things need to be re-posted, or to just wait a bit)
looks like a few days worth missing at the moment, have to wait and see if they can be recovered I guess
I have not noticed advertisement at all or at least so few that it doesn't register to mind.

Neither do I with a decent adblocker........... Get that database sorted with a decent backup and all is good.
Dang, I don't remember all posts to repost for the last 3 days.
I got database and internal errors at night but didn't realize it was this serious.
The database ended up crashing last night. The host recreated the database using an older backup from Wednesday night. I still have the original database so there might be a way to recover the posts between Wed and Sat. I will need to investigate. Sorry for the issues.
The database ended up crashing last night. The host recreated the database using an older backup from Wednesday night. I still have the original database so there might be a way to recover the posts between Wed and Sat. I will need to investigate. Sorry for the issues.
Not the best way to spend weekend but hopefully, you can recover everything.